

  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/Tactics.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/Logic.html


  • Last time, we got a crash course in functional programming in Coq.
  • This enables us to define data-structures and write computations on them.
  • Today, we'll look more into the language of propositions Prop in Coq and how to prove theorems via forward and/or backward reasoning.
  • We'll take a closer look at constructive logic vs. classical logic.

Goal for today

  • Look at forward and/or backward reasoning.
  • Introduce the language of Prop.
  • Introduce constructive logic vs. classical logic.

Propositions in Coq

  • The type of logical claims in Coq is Prop.

Check (0 = 0).

Check (forall n m: nat, n + m = m + n).

  • Any term with the type Prop is a syntactically well-formed proposition.
  • But note that the proposition may not be provable.

Check (1 = 2).

Check (forall n: nat, n + n = 0).

  • We use the proof environment to try to prove that propositions are true.

Check (2 + 2 = 4).

Theorem thm_2_plus_2_eq_4 :
  2 + 2 = 4.

  • Here's a hint ahead to the Curry-Howard isomorphism.
  • Recall that every term in Coq has a type.
  • What's the type of thm_2_plus_2_eq_4?

Check thm_2_plus_2_eq_4.
Print thm_2_plus_2_eq_4.

Check (2 + 2 = 4).

Definition prop_2_plus_2_eq_4: Prop := 2 + 2 = 4.

Check prop_2_plus_2_eq_4.

Theorem thm_2_plus_2_eq_4': prop_2_plus_2_eq_4.

Check thm_2_plus_2_eq_4.

  • We can define functions in Coq that return propositions.

Definition is_two (n: nat): Prop :=
  n = 2.

Check is_two.

  • We can even define recursive functions in Coq that return propositions.
  • We'll talk more about this later.

Fixpoint is_even (n: nat): Prop :=
  match n with
  | O => True
  | S O => False
  | S (S n') => is_even n'

  • You might be wondering what the difference between Prop and boolean is.
  • We'll get to this later.

Fixpoint is_evenb (n: nat): bool :=
  match n with
  | O => true
  | S O => false
  | S (S n') => is_evenb n'

Forwards and Backwards Reasoning


    - HA   -------- H1
    A       A -> B
    ---------------- apply H1    -------- H2
           B                      B -> C
    ---------------------------------------- apply H2


Theorem backwards_ex:
  forall (A B C: Prop),
    (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> (A -> C).
  intros A B C.
  intros H1.
  intros H2.
  intros HA. (* question: is the type of HA Prop or A? *)
  apply H2. (* notice how we apply matches the goal and replaces
                 it with the hypothesis *)

  apply H1. (* same *)
  apply HA. (* same, but not hypothesis so we're done *)


  • Show that C holds whenever A, A -> B, and B -> C hold (for any A, B, C).
  • Because B -> C, it suffices to show that B holds. (apply H2)
  • Because A -> B, it suffices to show that A holds. (apply H1)
  • We have that A holds by assumption and so we are done. (apply HA)


    --- HA   -------- H1
     A        A -> B
   -------------------- apply H1 in HA in HB    --------- H2
             B                                    B -> C
   ---------------------------------------------------------- apply H2 in HB as HC

Theorem forwards_ex:
  forall (A B C: Prop),
    (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> (A -> C).
  intros A B C H1 H2.
  intros HA.
  apply H1 in HA as HB. (* supply HA to H1 *)
  apply H2 in HB as HC. (* supply HB with H2 *)
  apply HC. (* supply HC to the goal *)

Print forwards_ex.


  • Show that C holds whenever A, A -> B, and B -> C hold (for any A, B, C).
  • Because we have A and A -> B by assumption, we can derive that B holds.
  • Combining this with B -> C, we can derive that C holds, which is what we wanted to show.
  • Backwards reasoning is more common in Coq.
  • But it's important to keep in mind that both are valid forms of reasoning.
  • Discussion point for class: which style of reasoning do you find more natural, forwards or backwards?
  • Key takeaway: apply is the tactic that lets you go forwards/backwards.

Theorem forwards_and_backwards:
  forall (A B C: Prop),
    (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> (A -> C).
  intros A B C H1 H2.
  intros HA.
  apply H2. (* backwards *)
  apply H1 in HA as HB. (* forwards *)
  assumption. (* another tactic assumption, which proves the
                             goal if an assumption matches the goal. *)


Reasoning about data constructors

  • We've seen several examples of inductive data-types: bools, natural numbers, pairs, and lists.
  • We also saw that every inductive data-type had an induction principle.
  • This induction principle enables us to prove properties

Print bool_ind.
Check nat_ind.
Print prod_ind.
Check list_ind.

  • The next step is to learn about *disjointness* and *injectivity* of inductive datatypes.
  • Disjointness means that distinct cases of an inductive datatype can never be equal. If we ever find ourselves in a situation where this is the case, then we have a contradiction.
  • Injectivity, or one-to-one, means f x = f y -> x = y.
  • Let's start with disjointness.

Theorem discriminate_ex1 :
  false = true ->
  2 + 2 = 5.
  intros Hcontra.

  (* This tactic "enforces" the disjointness of inductive datatypes *)
  discriminate Hcontra.

Theorem discriminate_ex2 :
  forall n: nat,
    S n = O ->
    2 + 2 = 5.
  intros n contra.
  discriminate contra.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Theorem discriminate_ex3 :
  forall (X: Type) (x: X) (xs: list X),
    x :: xs = nil ->
    2 + 2 = 5.
  intros X x xs contra.
  discriminate contra.

  • You may be wondering how Coq deals with False and contradictions.
  • More on this later when we introduce classical vs. constructive logic.
  • For now, back to injectivity.

Theorem S_injective:
  forall (n m : nat),
    S n = S m ->
    n = m.
  intros n m H1.

  • What proof strategy would you use to try to prove this?

  (* Assert enables us to prove a lemma within a lemma. *)
  assert (H2: n = pred (S n)).
  rewrite H2.
  rewrite H1.

  • Can we repeat a similar argument for lists?

Theorem cons_injective:
  forall (X: Type) (xs ys: list X) (x y: X),
    x :: xs = y :: ys ->
    xs = ys.
  intros X xs ys x y H1.
  assert (H2: xs = tail (x :: xs)).
  rewrite H1 in H2.
  rewrite H2.

  • We've proven disjointness and injectivity in Coq.
  • But one thing you may be wondering about, and bothered by, is why is injectivity true?
  • For example, there are many different representations of natural numbers, real numbers, etc, as inductive datatypes.
  • Couldn't it be the case that some representations are redundant and injectivity might fail?
  • The key thing to remember, what we're dealing with here is syntax, i.e., the syntax is unique. The semantics may not be.

Strengthening Inductive Hypothesis

Fixpoint double (n:nat) :=
  match n with
  | O => O
  | S n' => S (S (double n'))

Theorem double_injective_fail:
  forall (n m: nat),
    double n = double m -> n = m.
  induction n.
    simpl in H.
    destruct m.
    - reflexivity.
    - discriminate H.
    (* stuck, we need forall m! *)

Theorem double_injective:
  forall (n m: nat),
    double n = double m -> n = m.
  (* removed intros  *)
  intros n.
  induction n.
    intros m H.
    simpl in H.
    destruct m.
    + simpl.
    + simpl in H.
      discriminate H.
    intros m H.
    destruct m.
    + simpl in H.
      discriminate H.
    + apply f_equal. (* strip away S *)
      apply IHn.
      simpl in H.
      injection H as H2. (* use injectivity *)

  • Question: would this proof change if we defined double to be 2 * n?
  • Why or why not?

Logical connectives in Coq

  • We've seen how to use the keyword Inductive to build up complex data-types.
  • We then defined functions on those data-types and proved properties about them.
  • Now we'll look into how to build up complex propositions with logical connectives.
  • We've already seen an example of a logical connective ->.


Locate "->".

  • So anytime we have seen A -> B we could have replaced it with forall _: A, B.
  • In other words, implication is *syntactic sugar*.
  • Mathematical language: A if B translates to B -> A
  • We'll talk more about -> after we talk about negation.


  • A and B is True if both A is True and B is True.
  • "A and B" is called a *conjunction*.

Print and.

Example and_ex1:
  True /\ True.
  split. (* split takes a conjunction and "breaks" it into the components *)
  - trivial.
  - trivial.

Example and_ex2:
  2 + 2 = 4 /\ 2 * 2 = 4.
  split. (* tactic split takes a conjunction and breaks it into 2 subgoals *)
  - (* 2 + 2 = 4 *)
  - (* 2 * 2 = 4 *)

Lemma and_intro:
  forall A B: Prop,
    A ->
    B ->
    A /\ B.
  intros A B HA HB. (* note that HA: A and not HA: Prop.
                       We'll get to this later. *)

                    (* Similar for HB: B. *)
  - (* A *)
    apply HA.
  - (* B *)
    apply HB.

  • If we think of currying, we might think that and_intro' is also true.
  • Indeed it is, and so maybe and_intro isn't that exciting.

Lemma and_intro':
  forall A B: Prop,
    A /\ B ->
    A /\ B.
  intros A B HAB.
  - (* A *)
    destruct HAB as [HA HB].
    apply HA.
  - (* B *)
    destruct HAB as [HA HB].
    apply HB.

Theorem and_assoc:
  forall P Q R : Prop,
  P /\ (Q /\ R) -> (P /\ Q) /\ R.
  destruct H.
  destruct H0.
  - split; assumption.
  - assumption.

  • With conjunction and implication, we can define *logical equivalence* *iff*.

Locate "<->".
Print iff.


Print or.

Example or_ex1:
  True \/ False.
  left. (* left is a tactic that selects the left branch of or *)

Example or_ex2:
  False \/ True.
  right. (* right is similar to left *)

Example or_ex3:
  2 + 2 = 4 \/ 2 * 2 = 5.

  • Let's explore the language of propositions in Coq a bit more.
  • We'll start with the two simplest: True and False.


Lemma True_is_true1:
  trivial. (* For once, trivial is acceptable as a proof step. *)

Print True.

  • Yes, even True is an inductive type in Coq.
  • It has one construct I.
  • By disjointness and injectivity, I is the unique *inhabitant* of the type Prop.

Lemma True_is_true2:
  apply I.


Print False.

  • False is an inductive type in Coq as well.
  • And it has no constructors!
  • This is a good thing: we better not be able to construct False propositions.

Lemma False_implies_anything:
  forall (P: Prop),
    False -> P.
  intros P HFalse.
  destruct HFalse.

  • In Latin, the phrase "ex falso quodlibet" means "from falsehood follows whatever you like".
  • We can now define logical negation in Coq.


Print not.
Locate "~".

Lemma contradiction_implies_anything:
  forall (P: Prop),
    P /\ ~ P -> P.
  unfold not.
  intros P Hcontra.
  destruct Hcontra.

  (* exfalso tactic for changing the goal to False *)

  apply H0.

Theorem double_negation1:
  forall (P: Prop),
    P -> ~ ~ P.
  unfold not.
  apply H0.

  (* apply H works equally well here *)

Theorem double_negation2:
  forall (P: Prop),
    ~ ~ P -> P.
  unfold not.
  apply H.
  apply H.

  (* Hmmm ... *)

Theorem contrapositive:
  forall (P Q: Prop),
    (P -> Q) -> (~Q -> ~P).
  unfold not.
  apply H0.
  apply H.

  • Quick check: did we do forwards or backwards reasoning?
  • Can you do the proof using the other direction?

Existential Quantification

Print is_even.

  • Another way to formalize is_even with existential quantification.
  • We'll use it to make a point later on Propositions vs. booleans.

Print double.

Definition is_even_ex (n: nat): Prop := exists m: nat, double m = n.

Theorem ten_is_even_ex:
  is_even_ex 10.
  unfold is_even_ex.
  exists 5. (* tactic exists requires us to supply a *witness* 5 *)

  • Unlike forall where we could assume an arbitrary x, exists requires us to supply a specific witness.
  • At this point, for those of us who have studied first-order logic or propositional logic, we may wonder if some of the logical connectives are extraneous.
  • For example, do we really need conjunction if we have disjunction and negation? Do we need existential quantification if we have forall and negation?
  • not (A + B) = not A * not B

Theorem demorgan_works:
  forall (A B: Prop),
    ~ (A \/ B) <-> ~A /\ ~B.
  unfold not.
    - intros.
      apply H.
    - intros.
      apply H.
    destruct H.
    destruct H0.
    - apply H.
    - apply H1.

  • not (A * B) = not A + not B
Theorem demorgan_stuck:
  forall (A B: Prop),
    ~ (A /\ B) <-> ~A \/ ~B.
    unfold not.
  (* Stuck, can't get A and B at the same time *)

  • What about forall and exists?
  • Classically, we might expect that ~ forall x, P x <-> exists x, ~ P x.
  • This is not provable in Coq either. Coq is an example of a constructive logic.
  • Before we can talk about the difference between constructive and classical logic, we need to dive more into the difference between booleans and propositions.

Propositions vs. Booleans

Print True.
Print False.
Print bool.

  • At this point, you may be wondering what the difference between Prop and bool is.
  • This is a good thing to be wondering about!
  • If they are indeed the same thing, then we've just duplicated all our work.
  • If they are indeed different, then what exactly is the difference?
  • This is something good to wonder about, and we will need a formalization of an idea called a Turing machine to be able talk about a concept called decidability.
  • For now, we will only be able to talk about decidability informally. In essence, a proposition is decidable if there is an "algorithm" that can determine if the proposition holds or not. Booleans, by contrast, are always produced by computations, and consequently, decidable by construction.
  • It's best to see this difference via an example.

Print is_even.

Print is_even_ex.

Print is_evenb.

Theorem ten_thousand_is_even:
  is_even 10000.

Theorem ten_thousand_is_even_ex':
  is_even_ex 10000.
  unfold is_even_ex.
  exists 5000.

Theorem ten_thousand_is_evenb:
  is_evenb 10000 = true.

  • Did you see the difference?
  • The reflexivity in ten_thousand_is_even needed to execute the fixpoint to produce Prop.
  • The reflexivity in ten_thousand_is_even_ex' needed to check eq_refl on 5000.
  • The refelxivity in ten_thousan_is_evenb needed to check eq_refl on true. The fixpiont was run on natural numbers to produce bool.
  • In many practical developments, we may need to pay attention to how we formalize our statements to make sure that our proof checker can check our proofs!
  • There are at least two interesting extensions of this idea.
  • We'll go over one now called proof by computational reflection. (The other one is related and is called translation validation, and we'll go over it if we have time.)

(* helper lemma 1 *)
Theorem even_S :
  forall n : nat,
    is_evenb (S n) = negb (is_evenb n).
  induction n.
  - simpl.
  - rewrite IHn.
    Search negb.
    rewrite Bool.negb_involutive.

(* helper lemma 2 *)
Lemma even_double_conv:
  forall n, exists k,
    n = if is_evenb n then double k else S (double k).
  induction n.
    exists 0.
    rewrite even_S.
    destruct (is_evenb n).
    destruct IHn.
    + exists x.
      rewrite H.
    + simpl.
      destruct IHn.
        exists (S x).
        rewrite H.
        destruct x.
        - simpl.
        - simpl.

(* helper lemma 3 *)
Lemma even_double :
  forall k: nat, is_evenb (double k) = true.
  intros k. induction k as [|k' IHk'].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. apply IHk'.

(* The theorem we actually care about. *)
Theorem even_computational_reflection:
  forall n: nat,
    is_evenb n = true <-> is_even_ex n.
  intros n. split.
  - intros H. destruct (even_double_conv n) as [k Hk].
    rewrite Hk. rewrite H. exists k. reflexivity.
  - unfold is_even_ex.
    intros [k Hk]. rewrite <- Hk. apply even_double.

Constructive Logic vs. Classical Logic

  • Certainly, this must be true ....

Definition excluded_middle :=
  forall (P : Prop),
    P \/ ~ P.

  • This holds in classical logic.
  • Not so in constructive logic.
  • The following restricted form does hold on decidable propositions.

Theorem restricted_excluded_middle :
  forall (P: Prop) (b: bool),
    (P <-> b = true) -> P \/ ~ P.
  intros P [] H.
  - left. rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - right. rewrite H. intros contra. discriminate contra.

  • Logic's that do not assume excluded middle are called constructive logics.
  • The idea is that we actually need to construct a proof or a counterexample.
  • This has implications for proof by contradiction. In particular, we can really only use it when the proposition we're proving is decidable.
  • Law of excluded middle is consistent with Coq's logic so we can add it when necessary.
  • Law of excluded middle is interprovable with double negation elimination.
  • There's obviously a whole lot more that can be said about constructive vs. classical logic, but I hope you're starting to see some of the interconnections between constructive logic and computation!

Functional Extensionality

f(x) = x + 1 g(x) = -1 + x + 1
for any input i give both f and g, it gives me the same outputs
  • Question: how do we define equivialence of functions?
  • It's common to say that f = g if forall x, f x = g x.
  • This principle is called *functional extensionality*.
  • We might wonder if this is true in Coq.
  • The converse is true.

Theorem functional_extensionality_converse:
  forall (X Y: Type) (f g: X -> Y),
    f = g -> (forall (x: X), f x = g x).
  rewrite H.

Theorem functional_extensionality:
  forall (X Y: Type) (f g: X -> Y),
    (forall (x: X), f x = g x) -> f = g.
  (* stuck *)

  • Functional extensionality is not provable in Coq.
  • We can always add it as an axiom, however, because it is known to be consistent with Coq's logic.

Axiom functional_extensionality:
  forall (X Y: Type) (f g: X -> Y),
    (forall (x: X), f x = g x) -> f = g.

Theorem why_isnt_this_provable:
  forall (n: nat),
    (fun m: nat => m + n) = (fun m: nat => n + m).
  apply functional_extensionality.
  Search "_ + _".
  apply PeanoNat.Nat.add_comm.

Print Assumptions why_isnt_this_provable.


  • We saw the language of propositions Prop in Coq.
  • We introduced some differences between constructive logic and classical logic.