
Add LoadPath "./cook-levin/coq-library-undecidability/theories/" as Undecidability.

Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
Require Import Vector List.

Unset Implicit Arguments.


  • Asperti & Ricciotti's "A formalization of multi-tape Turing machines" (2015)
  • https://uds-psl.github.io/cook-levin/
  • https://github.com/bmsherman/finite/blob/master/Iso.v


  • Last time, we saw the simplest abstraction machine: the DFA.
  • We also saw that DFAs recognized regular languages and that non-regular languages exist.
  • This begs the question: what would a more powerful machine look like?
  • Today, we'll see that this more powerful, and in fact, universal machine is the Turing machine.

Goal for today

  • We'll introduce Turing machines (TMs) and give big-step semantics.
  • We'll show that this notion of computation is robust.
  • We'll introduce the Universal Turing Machine (UTM) + Church-Turing Thesis.
  • We'll introduce the proof techniques of diagonalization and reduction.

Machine vs. Language

  • Machine view:
    • deterministic finite automata (DFA)
    • non-deterministic finite automata (NFA)
    • epsilon non-deterministic finite automata (eNFA)
  • Language view:
    • regular expressions (REs)
  • The machine (or language) recognize subsets of words from an alphabet Σ.
  • That is, they compute functions f: Σ^* -> {true, false}

Why all these machines?

|----> RE -----| (structural induction on RE, epsilon useful for * and concat) | | | v | NFA <-> eNFA (embed/epsilon-closure) | ^ | | (embed/powerset) | v |--->DFA
  • RE -> eNFA (structural induction on RE, epsilon useful for * and concat)
  • NFA <-> eNFA * NFA -> eNFA: embed * eNFA -> NFA: epsilon-closure
  • NFA <-> DFA * DFA -> NFA: embed * NFA -> DFA: powerset
  • DFA -> RE * Challenge: we didn't cover this in lecture. * What would you induct on?

Why finite automata?

  • Good first setting to look into computation where everything is finite.
  • As a reminder, both RE and DFA/NFA compute f: Σ^* -> {true, false}.
  • We identified the languages recognized by RE/DFA/NFA as the regular languages.
  • In our formalization we defined a regular language as those for which a DFA recognizes a word in that language.
  • Based on our characterization, a language is regular iff it is recognized by a RE, hence the name regular language.
  • As we saw with the *pumping lemma*, there are non-regular languages.

Where to next?

  • Today, we'll expand our notion of computation by introducing a new machine, the Turing Machine (TM).
  • We'll see that TMs compute functions f: Σ^* -> Option {true, false}.
  • As with RE/DFA, we might wonder: * What languages are recognized by TMs? These will be called decidable. * Following up, are there things TMs cannot do? Yes, we will see that a TM cannot decide the halting problem. We will need to introduce a diagonlization technique to prove this. It is essentially the infinite version of the pigeon-hole principle. * How large is the set of problems that a TM cannot solve? It turns out there are an (uncountably) infinite number of them. * Can we weaken the notion of decidability? Yes, we can go with semi-decidable languages. These are functions f: Σ^* -> Option {true}. (For those of you interested in topology, Option {true} is the Sierpinski space.)

Turing Machines

What was missing from a DFA?

  • A DFA could only read from state.
  • We now need to create a machine that can write to state.

Scratchpads, aka, Tapes

Formalizing "writing" to a scratchpad

  • How would we formalize writing to a scratchpad for the purposes of proving stuff about it?
  • Strategy we will take: make it as simple and primitive as possible.
  • Why? Simplicity means less cases to prove.
  • The downside: to actually use the scratchpad will take a lot of work.

Tapes and Heads: a formal scratchpad

  • Imagine you have a list of cells called a *tape* and a pointer to the current location called a *head*
  tape  |_|_|_|_|...
  The tape + head will be our scratchpad.

Record ScratchPad :=
    sp_tape: list bool;
    sp_head: nat;


  • For the purposes of paper-pencil proofs, this is fine.
  • But for proving stuff formally, we have a lot of invariants to take care of.
  • Can read, but we are not always guaranteed to get a symbol out.
  • How will we implement write?
  • Suppose we want to write to a place that doesn't exist?
  • Then we need to extend the list.

Tapes and Heads: take two

  • From Asperti & Ricciotti's "A formalization of multi-tape Turing machines" (2015) and the accompanying Matita code.


  (* The alphabet type *)
  Variable Σ : Type.


Tapes are either
  • empty (niltape),
  • non-empty with the head to the left of the content (leftof),
  • non-empty with the head to the right of the content (rightof),
  • or non-empty with the head on the content (midtape).
  • Blank symbols need to be part of the alphabet.
  • This enables a unique representation of the tape.

  Inductive tape : Type :=
  | niltape : tape
  | leftof : Σ -> list Σ -> tape
  | rightof : Σ -> list Σ -> tape
  | midtape : list Σ -> Σ -> list Σ -> tape.


  • The current function returns the current symbol, if there is one.
  • If None is returned, this means that the head is on a part of the tape which has never been written before. Remember, blank symbols are part of the alphabet.
  Definition current (t : tape) : option Σ :=
    match t with
    | midtape _ a _ => Some a
    | _ => None


  • Can move left, right, or do nothing.

  Inductive move : Type :=
  | Lmove : move
  | Rmove : move
  | Nmove : move.

  Definition mv (m : move) (t : tape) :=
    match m, t with
    | Lmove, rightof l ls => midtape ls l nil
    | Lmove, midtape nil m rs => leftof m rs
    | Lmove, midtape (l :: ls) m rs => midtape ls l (m :: rs)
    | Rmove, leftof r rs => midtape nil r rs
    | Rmove, midtape ls m nil => rightof m ls
    | Rmove, midtape ls m (r :: rs) => midtape (m :: ls) r rs
    | _, _ => t


  • Optionally write s to the tape t.
  • We need an option because we might want to write nothing to the tape.

  Definition wr (s : option Σ) (t : tape) : tape :=
    match s, t with
    | None, t => t
    | Some a, niltape => midtape nil a nil
    | Some a, leftof r rs => midtape nil a (r :: rs)
    | Some a, midtape ls b rs => midtape ls a rs
    | Some a, rightof l ls => midtape (l :: ls) a nil

Difference in formalization from pencil-paper 1:

  • Moving to the right of the rightof tape is identity.
  • Traditionally we would have an empty cell that would have a blank symbol written to it.

  Lemma right_right_identity:
    forall (x: Σ) (ls: list Σ),
      mv Rmove (rightof x ls) = rightof x ls.

Difference in formalization from pencil-paper 2:

  • Moving to the left and then moving to the right is not the same syntactically.
  • But is semantically in the sense that we the same "contents" on the tape.

  Lemma left_then_right_not_same:
    forall (x: Σ) (ls: list Σ),
    exists t,
      mv Rmove (mv Lmove t) <> t.
    exists (leftof x ls).
    unfold not.
    inversion H.

Difference in formalization from pencil-paper 2:

  • Moving to the left and then moving to the right is not the same syntactically.
  • But is semantically in the sense that we the same "contents" on the tape.


  • We are still talking about scratchpads.
  • But constructing everything so that the induction works out formally requires us to be extremely careful with defining: empty cells and blank symbols.


Arguments niltape _, {_}.
Arguments leftof _ _ _, {_} _ _.
Arguments rightof _ _ _, {_} _ _.
Arguments midtape _ _ _ _, {_} _ _ _.
Arguments current {_} _.
Arguments wr {_} _ _.
Arguments mv {_} _.

Machine Execution


  • The alphabet is assumed to be finite
  Variable Σ : finType.

  • The number of tapes.
  • Keep this thought for now: does it matter if n = 0, n = 1, or n > 1?
  Variable n : nat.

  • Vector is just an array that knows how many elements it has.
  Print Vector.t.

  • Definition of multi-tape Turing machines
  • Remember we are doing this for any n
  Record TM : Type :=
         - type of states of the TM: 
         - Note: it is finite!

      state : finType;
      (* transition function: *)
      trans : state * (Vector.t (option Σ) n) -> state * (Vector.t ((option Σ) * move) n);
      (* start state: *)
      start: state;
      (* set of final states (note we are going into bool): *)
      halt : state -> bool

Evaluation Relation

  • Uses the transition function until a halting state is reached.
  Inductive eval (M : TM) (q : state M) (t : Vector.t (tape Σ) n) : state M -> Vector.t (tape Σ) n -> Prop :=
  | eval_halt :
      halt M q = true ->
      eval M q t q t
  | eval_step q' a q'' t' :
      halt M q = false ->
      trans M (q, Vector.map current t) = (q', a) ->
      eval M q' (Vector.map2 (fun tp '(c,m) => mv m (wr c tp)) t a) q'' t' ->
      eval M q t q'' t'.


Arguments state {_ _} m : rename.
Arguments trans {_ _} m _, {_ _ m} _ : rename.
Arguments start {_ _} m : rename.
Arguments halt {_ _} m _, {_ _ m} _ : rename.
Arguments eval {_ _} _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments Build_TM {_ _ _} _ _ _.


  • Programming TMs is a pain.
  • Here's a challenge: write a machine that does binary addition on 8 bit numbers where the the first 8 cells of the tape contains the first number and the second 8 cells contains the second number.
  • Point: TMs give a good theoretical model for computation but we might want higher-level languages to program them. The downside is that the computational complexity and cost might be abstracted away.

Semantics of Turing Machines?

How do we define the semantics of a TM?

  • We saw with DFA/NFA/eNFA that we could define the language that a DFA/NFA/eNFA recognizes.
  • This was the defined to be the semantics of the machine.
  • In particular, the DFA definition gave us a "small-step semantics" for how the machine transitioned and recognized language gave us the meaning of the machine in terms of the function it computed.
  • We cannot define the function that TMs compute directly in Coq because TMs do not necessarily terminate.
  • We will get around this by defining relations on configurations and defining a "big-step" semantics using partial functions.
  • Thankfully this is already done for us.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.Util.TM_facts.


  • A big-step or large-step semantics of a TM will be given in terms of relations on configurations.
    • We will see that the big-step semantics highlights that TMs define partial computable functions.
    • A configuration stores the state of the TM and the contents of all the tapes.
    • This notion of configuration will also be useful later on when we talk about computation complexity (e.g., in Cook-Levin).

Print mconfig.
Record mconfig (sig state : finType) (n : nat) : Type := mk_mconfig
    cstate : eqType_X state;
    ctapes : tapes sig n 

Initial Configurations

Print initc.
Definition initc: forall (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n),
                  tapes sig n -> mconfig sig (state M) n := 
  fun (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n) (tapes : tapes sig n) =>
    mk_mconfig (start M) tapes     

Halting Configurations

Print haltConf.
Definition haltConf : forall (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n),
                      mconfig sig (state M) n -> bool := 
  fun (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n) (c : mconfig sig (state M) n) =>
    halt (cstate c)


(* One Step

  We need a helper function to go from taking a TM transition to the configuration.

     trans (st1, tp1) = (st2, tp2)
       (st1, tp1) --> (st2, tp2)

Print step.
Definition step : forall (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n),
                  mconfig sig (state M) n -> mconfig sig (state M) n := 
  fun (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n) (c : mconfig sig (state M) n) =>
    let (news, actions) := trans (cstate c, current_chars (ctapes c)) in
    mk_mconfig news (doAct_multi (ctapes c) actions).

Big-Step semantics: while True

  • Remember that Coq only allows terminating functions.
  • How do write while True?
  • We use a common trick: define a loop with a certain amount of "gas".
  • Intuitively, the "gas" counts the number of steps that we take.

     loopM (st1, tp1) n = Some (st2, tp2)
   --------------------------------------- loopM
          (st1, tp1) -->* (st2, tp2)

Print loopM.
Definition loopM : forall (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n),
                   mconfig sig (state M) n -> nat -> option (mconfig sig (state M) n) :== 
  fun (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n) => loop (step (M:=M)) (haltConf (M:=M))
Definition loop : forall A : Type, (A -> A) -> (A -> bool) -> A -> nat -> option A = 
  fun (A : Type) (f : A -> A) (p : A -> bool) =>
    fix loop (a : A) (gas : nat) {struct gas} : option A :=
      if p a 
      then Some a
      else match gas with
           | 0 => None
           | S gas' => loop (f a) gas'

Eval <-> Loop, or small-step semantics and big-step semantics are logically equivalent

  • We need to tie together the eval relation with the loop function.
  • If the computation halts, then there exists some amount of gas for which we could have run the computation with.

Lemma TM_eval_iff (Σ : finType) n (M : TM Σ n) q t q' t' :
  TM.eval M q t q' t' <-> exists n,
      loopM (M := M) (mk_mconfig q t) n = Some (mk_mconfig q' t').
  - (* (=>) *)
    (* Perform induction on the eval relation *)
    induction 1 as [ | q t q' a q'' t' H0 H1 H2 [m IH]].
    + exists 0. cbn. unfold haltConf. cbn. now rewrite H.
    + exists (S m). cbn. unfold haltConf. cbn. rewrite H0.
      unfold step. cbn. unfold current_chars.
      rewrite H1. erewrite Vector_map2_ext.
      * now rewrite IH.
      * intros [] [[] []]; reflexivity.
  - (* (<=) *)
    intros [k H].

    (* Induction on natural numbers *)
    induction k in q, t, H, q', t' |- *; cbn in H; unfold haltConf in H; cbn in H.
    + destruct halt eqn:E; inv H. now econstructor.
    + destruct halt eqn:E; inv H.
      * now econstructor.
      * unfold step in H1. cbn in H1.
        destruct trans eqn:E2.
        econstructor; [ eassumption .. | ].
        eapply IHk. erewrite Vector_map2_ext.
        -- now rewrite H1.
        -- intros [] [[] []]; reflexivity.

Is this Notion of Computation Robust?

Robust to alphabet?

  • Does changing the alphabet change what we can compute with a TM?
  • No: intuitively we can always encode any finite alphabet in binary.

Robust with respect to number of tapes?

  • A 0 tape TM is a trivial TM so let's ignore that for now.
  • What about changing the number of tapes from 1 to 2? No.
  • What about changing the number of tapes from 2 to n for any n > 2? No.
  • How would we prove this?
    • Encode 2 tapes in 1 tape? Even cells contain contents from tape 1 and odd cells contain contents from tape 2.
    • Encode n tapes in 1 tape? cell (mod n) on tape 1 contains contents from tape n.

How do we encode DFA?

  • Can we simulate a DFA?: Yes: 0 tape TM.

How many TMs do we need?

  • Can a TM simulate a TM? Yes.
  • So we only need to build a *universal Turing machine* (UTM).

Universal Turing Machines (UTM)

UTM: The one TM to rule them all

  • The magical thing about TMs is that we only need to build one TM.
  • How do we do this?
  • The entire description of a TM is finite!
  • So 1. Encode the description of a TM M, written "M", as a string 2. The universal Turing machine's (UTMs) transition function interprets these strings.

Encoding a TM as a string

Require Import Undecidability.TM.Univ.LowLevel.
Print Undecidability.TM.Univ.LowLevel.

TM Transition

  • Encode the graph of the transition function.

Print graph_of_fun.
Definition graph_of_fun : forall (A : finType) (B : Type), (A -> B) -> list (A * B) = 
   fun (A : finType) (B : Type) (f : A -> B) => map (fun x : A => (x, f x)) enum     

Print graph_function.
Definition graph_function : forall (sigM : finType) (M : TM sigM 1),
                            option sigM * state M -> option sigM * move * state M
  fun (sigM : finType) (M : TM sigM 1) '(s, q) =>
    let (q', acts) := trans (q, [ | s | ]) in
    let (w, m) := acts[@Fin0] in (w, m, q')


encode(M(x)) <-> UTM("M" ++ encode(x))
Require Import Undecidability.TM.Univ.Univ.

Check Univ_SpecT.
Lemma Univ_SpecT (M : TM sigM 1) (tp : tape sigM) (q : state M) (k' : nat) :
      (fun tin => exists (q' : state M) (tp' : tape sigM),
           loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tp|]) k' = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tp'|]) /\
           ≃≃([],[|ContainsWorkingTape tp; ContainsTrans M; ContainsState q; Void; Void; Void|]) tin
      (Univ_steps q tp k') Univ
      (fun _ tout =>
         exists (q' : state M) (tp' : tape sigM),
           loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tp|]) k' = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tp'|]) /\
           ≃≃([],[|ContainsWorkingTape tp'; ContainsTrans M; ContainsState q'; Void; Void; Void|]) tout).

Halting Problem

Anything is Possible!?

  • At this point, it might appear that TMs can do everything!
  • However, this is not the case.
  • We will show that a TM cannot solve the **halting problem**.

Halting problem

  • I can tell if I eventually reach a halting state.
  • In other words, I do not go into an infinite loop.
  • Here is the definition for a TM.

Definition HaltsTM {Σ: finType} {n: nat} (M : TM Σ n) (t : Vector.t (tape Σ) n) :=
  exists q' t', eval M (start M) t q' t'.
Arguments HaltsTM _ _ _ _, {_ _} _ _.

  • Where did the halting go?
  • Remember, the eval relation had the set of halting states.
  • So if I could build that proof tree, then the TM must have halted.

Definition HaltTM (n : nat) : {Σ : finType & TM Σ n & Vector.t (tape Σ) n} -> Prop :=
  fun '(existT2 _ _ Σ M t) => HaltsTM M t.

  • How might we prove that a TM cannot solve this problem?
  • Enter **diagonalization**.

Diagonalization Technique

  • The diagonalization technique is essentially a **counting** argument that needs to work on infinite sets.
  • As you might already know or suspect, one can't really count with an infinite number of things.
  • So the first thing we need to do is learn how to count with an infinite number of things.

Bijections and Infinite Sets

  • Let's start with the example of natural numbers.
  • "Clearly" every number is even or odd.
  • But are there wice as many even numbers as natural numbers?

Definition Even := {m | exists k, m = 2 * k}.

  • We can map each number to an even number by doubling it.

Definition double (n: nat) : Even.
  exists (2 * n).
  exists n.

  • We can also take each even number and get a natural number from it.

Definition undouble (ev: Even): nat :=
  match ev with
  | exist _ m _ => m / 2

  • These operations are inverses of each other.
Theorem double_undouble :
  forall (n: nat), undouble (double n) = n.
  unfold double.
  unfold undouble.
  rewrite Nat.mul_comm.
  destruct n.
  + simpl.
  + rewrite Nat.div_mul; auto.

Theorem undouble_double :
  forall (ev: Even),
    double (undouble ev) = ev.
  Opaque Nat.div.
  destruct ev.
  destruct e.
  rewrite e.
  assert ((x0 + (x0 + 0))/ 2 = x0). {
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
    assert (x0 + x0 = x0 * 2). lia.
    rewrite H.
    rewrite Nat.div_mul; auto.
  rewrite H.
  unfold double.

  • We have done something called defining a bijection.
  • A *bijection* is a 4-tuple (to, from, to_from, from_to) where * to: A -> B * from: B -> A * to_from and from_to are proofs that we are mutually inverse.

Record bijection (A B: Type) :=
    to: A -> B;
    from: B -> A;
    to_from: forall b, to (from b) = b;
    from_to: forall a, from (to a) = a

  • Here is the bijection for Even numbers and natural numbers.
  • Thus we will use the idea that if we have a bijection between two sets, then they have the same cardinality.
  • This is a generalization of counting for infinite sets.
  • So the question "are there twice as many natural numbers as even numbers"? isn't well formed.
  • But it does make sense to asks "can the evens be put in bijection with the naturals"? The answer is: yes.

Definition even_nat_bijection :=
    to := double;
    from := undouble;
    to_from := undouble_double;
    from_to := double_undouble

Diagonalization via Cantor's Theorem on Naturals

  • If a set can be put in bijection with the natural numbers, we say that it is *countable*.
  • Claim: The set of functions nat -> nat is not countable.


  • Suppose for the sake of contradiction that is is countable.
  • Thus we can put the set of functions nat -> nat in bijection with the natural numbers.
  • Let us list the graph of the function row-by-row.
  • For this piecture, we will write the graph of the function as a sequence.
enumeration of sequences       element of sequence -->
     0   1   2   3  ...

  0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

  1 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 

  2 2,1 2,2 2,2 2,3

  3 3,1 3,2 3,2 3,3 


  • Now let's change the picture by modifying the diagonal so that ?n,n is dfferent from i,n for every i and n, hence the word *diagonalization*
enumeration of sequences       element of sequence -->
     0   1   2   3  ...

  0 ?,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

  1 1,0 ?,1 1,2 1,3 

  2 2,1 2,2 ?,2 2,3

  3 3,1 3,2 3,2 ?,3 


  • What does this accomplish?
  • We have found a new function nat -> nat (technically the graph).
  • Which contradicts the assumption that we have a bijection (we missed exactly 1 sequence).
  • Let's do this in Coq!
  • Courtesy: https://github.com/bmsherman/finite/blob/master/Iso.v

Theorem cantor :
  bijection nat (nat -> nat) ->
  destruct 1 as [seq index ? ?].

  (* define a function which differs from the nth sequence at the nth index *)
  pose (f := fun n => S (seq n n)).

  (* prove f differs from every sequence *)
  assert (forall n, f <> seq n). {
    unfold not; intros.
    assert (f n = seq n n) by congruence.
    subst f; cbn in H0.
    eapply n_Sn; eauto.
  rewrite <- (to_from0 f) in H.
  apply (H (index f)).

Aside: Reals and uncountability


  • Suppose for the sake of contradiction that the reals are countable.
  • Every real number has a binary expansion (module the dyadic rationals).
enumeration of reals       binary expansion -->
     0   1   2   3  ...

  0 ?,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

  1 1,0 ?,1 1,2 1,3 

  2 2,1 2,2 ?,2 2,3

  3 3,1 3,2 3,2 ?,3 


  • Create a binary expansion where we flip the bits on the diagonal.
  • This is a real number that is not in the original sequence.
  • We have just "proven" that real numbers are *uncountable*! (Obviously missing a lot of details but this illustrate the main idea of diagonalization.)
  • In other words, there are multiple infinities!


Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Print Definitions.

Module MY_DEC.

  (* (reflects b P) means that
     provability of the proposition P coincides with b being true *)

  Definition reflects (b : bool) (P : Prop) := P <-> b = true.

  (* (decider f P) means that
   the function f from the domain X of the predicate P to Booleans pointwise reflects P *)

  Definition decider {X} (f : X -> bool) (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    forall x, reflects (f x) (P x).
  (* (decidable P) means that
   there exists a (total, computable, Boolean) decider f of P *)

  Definition decidable {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    exists f : X -> bool, decider f P.


Is Every Language Decidable?

  • Suppose for the sake of contradiction that every language is decidable.
  • We can enumerate the graph of every TM as follows.
enumeration of TMs       all inputs
     x1  x2  x3  x4  ...

 M0 ?,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

 M1 1,0 ?,1 1,2 1,3 

 M2 2,1 2,2 ?,2 2,3

 M3 3,1 3,2 3,2 ?,3 


  - Flip the bits on the diagonal to construct the complement of the language on the
  - No TM can recognize this language!
  - Why? It differs from every TM graph in at least one location.
  - And we claimed that we listed them all, contradiction.
  - This shows us that not every language is decidable.
  - Are there interesting problems that are undecidable? Yes, unfortunately.

Halting is Undecidable


  • A (computable) function f: X -> option {true, false} is **decidable** if f(x) = Some true or f(x) = Some false for every input x.
  • We use None to model non-terminiation.
  • So this definition also requires f to terminate.
  • By eval <-> loopM, we have that each TM maps to some partial f.

Halting is Undecidable

  • Suppose for the sake of contradiction that halt is decidable.
  • That is
    halt(M, x) = true if M halts on x = false if M does not halt on x
  • Recall that every TM has a code-word.
  • Define a function flip s.t.
    flip("M") = negate halt(M, "M")
  • By assumption, halt is a function that decides if M halts on input "M" so that flip also terminates.
  • Now consider
    flip("flip") = negate halt(flip, "flip")
  • We have that
    flip("flip") = false if halt(flip, "flip") = true which implies that flip("flip") halts with true.
  • Moreoever we have that
    flip("flip") = true if halt(flip, "flip") = false which implies that flip("flip") halts with false, a contradiction
  • So halt cannot exist.

Where is the diagonalization?

  • List out TMs on one axis and code-word's on the other axis.
TM       "TM" -->
    "0" "1" "2" "3"  ...

  0 ?,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

  1 1,0 ?,1 1,2 1,3 

  2 2,1 2,2 ?,2 2,3

  3 3,1 3,2 3,2 ?,3 


  • Each entry lists out whether machine n halt's on the corresponding input.

TM       "TM" -->
    "0" "1" "2" "3"  ...

  0 ?,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

  1 1,0 ?,1 1,2 1,3 

  2 2,1 2,2 ?,2 2,3

  3 3,1 3,2 3,2 ?,3 


  • If Machine n halts on input "n" with true, then switch it to false.
  • And if Machine n halts on input "n" with false, then switch it to true.
  • So the diagonal is exactly the graph of flip!
  • Which is a TM that halt cannot decide.
  • How did we formalize this in Coq?
  • We defined it to be undecidable!
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Undecidability.
Print undecidable.

  • We almost have all the pieces to complete the proof.
  • How?
  • Find a bijection between TMs and natural numbers.
  • Find a bijection bewteen encodings of TMs and natural numbers.
  • Use Cantor's diagonalization on natural numbers to show that the graph of the flip TM function does exist.
  • So there is a TM that halt cannot decide.

More definitions

Recursive enumerability

Module MY_ENUM.

  (* (enumerator f P) means that
   the function f is a surjection from the natural numbers to the positive instances of P *)

  Definition enumerator {X} (f : nat -> option X) (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    forall x, P x <-> exists n, f n = Some x.
  (* (enumerable P) means that
   there exists a (onto the positive instances of P) enumerator f of P *)

  Definition enumerable {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    exists f : nat -> option X, enumerator f P.



  • What if we wanted one-sided decidability?
  • This would be known as **semi-decidability**.

  (* (semi_decider f P) means that
    the function f from the domain X of the predicate P to Boolean sequences pointwise reflects P
   with respect to Boolean sequence satisfiability *)

  Definition semi_decider {X} (f : X -> nat -> bool) (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    forall x, P x <-> exists n, f x n = true.

  (* (semi_decidable P) means that
     there exists a (computable, to Boolean sequences) semi-decider f of P *)

  Definition semi_decidable {X} (P : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
    exists f : X -> nat -> bool, semi_decider f P.


Locate decidable.

  • Obviously if p is decidable, it should be semi-decidable.

Lemma decidable_semi_decidable {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
  decidable p -> semi_decidable p.
  intros [f H].
  exists (fun x n => f x).
  intros x.
  unfold decider, reflects in H. (* use the decider! *)
  rewrite H.

  • And if p is decidable, so it it's complement.

Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Print complement.
Definition complement : forall X : Type, (X -> Prop) -> X -> Prop := fun (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop) (x : X) => ~ P x

Lemma decidable_complement_semi_decidable {X} {p : X -> Prop} :
  decidable p -> semi_decidable (complement p).
  intros H.
  now eapply decidable_semi_decidable, dec_compl. (* run the decider on the complement *)

  • And of course, if p is both semi_decidable and it's complement is semi-decidable then it is is decidable. This is hard to prove? given the current formalization.

Proof Technique: Reduction

  • How will we show that other problems are undecidable?
  • The primary technique we will use is **reduction**.
  • This is an important technique, not only for undecidability, but also for complexity.
  • What is the idea of reducability?
  • Suppose p is hard problem.
  • We will solve p by using q.
  • Therefore q is at least as hard as p.
  • And p reduces to q.

Module MY_REDUC.

  (* (reduction f P Q) means that f many-one reduces P to Q, that is
   for the function f from the domain X of P to the domain Y of Q
   P pointwise coincides with Q ∘ f *)

  Definition reduction {X Y} (f : X -> Y) (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :=
    forall x, P x <-> Q (f x).
  (* (reduces P Q) means that
   there exists a (total, computable, many-one) reduction f from P to Q *)

  Definition reduces {X Y} (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :=
    exists f : X -> Y, reduction f P Q.
  Notation "P ⪯ Q" := (reduces P Q) (at level 70).


  • Suppose p is undecidable.
  • We will solve p by using q (i.e., solving p reduces to solving q).
  • Therefore q is also undecidable.

Lemma undecidability_from_reducibility {X} {p : X -> Prop} {Y} {q : Y -> Prop} :
  undecidable p ->
  p q ->
  undecidable q.
  unfold undecidable, decidable, decider, reduces, reduction, reflects.
  intros H [f Hf] [d Hd].
  eapply H.
  exists (fun x => d (f x)).
  intros x.
  rewrite Hf.
  eapply Hd.

  • Many problems can be shown to be undecidable this way.


  • We did a lot today.
    • We learned about TMs and how to formalize partial functions in Coq.
    • Namely we saw that we could give small-step semantics to TMs as well as large-step partial functin semantics to TMs.
    • We finally learned about decidability and its connection with boolean vs. Prop.
    • We learned two important proof techniques: diagonalization and reducibility.
    • The former is a "counting" argument.
    • The latter abstracts away the low-level "counting" argument so that we don't need to think about counting arguments again.