
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
Import Nat.
Require Import Maps.
From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith.
From Coq Require Import Arith.PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.

Require Import lec_11_stlc.


  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/MoreStlc.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/Typechecking.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/References.html


  • Last time, we introduced STLC which took the Lambda calculus and layered a type-system on top.
  • The advantage was that we could get rid of stuck terms.
  • The disadvantage was that we lost expressive power.
  • Today, we'll introduce more types and also look into how to make type-systems practical by introducing algorithmic versions a la type-checking and type-inference.

Goal for today

  • Introduce more simple types: let, unit, products/sums, and records.
  • Introduce reference types.
  • Introduce more type system extensions: parameteric polymorphism and subtyping.
  • Give type-checking and type-inference algorithms.

More Simple Types


Print tm.


    t ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | fix t          (fix-points)



  • Nothing changes


  • Nothing changes

Operational Semantics


   same operational rules and ...

  ---------------------------------------------- ST_fix
    fix (\x: T, t) --> x := fix (\x: T, t) t


Typing Rules


   same typing rules and ...

    Γ ⊢ t : T -> T
  ------------------ T_fix
    Γ ⊢ fix t : T


Example 1: Factorial


 Γ ⊢ (\f: nat -> nat, \n: nat, if n == 0 then 0 else f (n-1)) : (nat -> nat) -> (nat -> nat)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T_fix
     Γ ⊢ fix (\f: nat -> nat, \n: nat, if n == 0 then 0 else f (n-1)) : nat -> nat


Example 2: Non-termination


     Γ ⊢ (\f: nat -> nat, \n: nat, f n) : (nat -> nat) -> (nat -> nat)
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T_fix
          Γ ⊢ fix (\f: nat -> nat, \n: nat, f n) : nat -> nat




    t ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | let x=t in t   (let bindings)



  • Nothing changes

Definition let_ex1: nat :=
  let x: nat := 1 in
  x + 1.

Eval compute in let_ex1.

Definition let_ex2: nat :=
  let x: bool := true in
  (let y: nat := if x then 1 else 2 in

Eval compute in let_ex2.

Definition let_ex3: bool :=
  let x: nat := 1 in
  let x: bool := true in (* shadowing *)

Eval compute in let_ex3.


  • Nothing changes

Operational Semantics


   same operational rules and ...

                   t1 --> t1'
   ------------------------------------------ ST_Let1
     let x = t1 in t2 --> let x = t1' in t2 

                   value v1
   ------------------------------------------ ST_LetValue
        let x = t1 in t2 --> x:= v1 t2


Typing Rules


   same typing rules and ...

     Γ ⊢ t1 : T1  Γ, x : T1 ⊢ t2 : T2
  ------------------------------------- T_Let
        Γ ⊢ let x = t1 in t2 : T2




    t ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | ()             (unit)




    T ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | unit           (unit type)

Print unit.
Definition unit: unit := tt.


    v ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | ()             (unit)

Operational semantics

  • nothing changes

Typing rules


   same typing rules and ...

  ------------------------------ T_Unit
             Γ ⊢ () : unit




    t ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | (t, t)         (pair)
        | fst t          (first projection)
        | snd t          (second projection)




    T ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | T * T          (product type)

Definition prod1 : nat * bool := (1, true).

Definition prod2 : ((nat * bool) * nat) := ((1, true), 2).


    v ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | (v, v)         (pair)


Operational semantics


   same operational rules and ...

            t1 --> t1'
   --------------------------- ST_Pair1
     (t1, t2) --> (t1', t2)

       value v1   t2 --> t2'
   --------------------------- ST_Pair2
     (v1, t2) --> (v1, t2')

             t --> t'
   --------------------------- ST_Fst1
         fst t --> fst t'

       value v1    value v2
   --------------------------- ST_FstPair
       fst (v1, v2) --> v1

             t --> t'
   --------------------------- ST_Snd1
         snd t --> snd t'

       value v1    value v2
   --------------------------- ST_SndPair
       snd (v1, v2) --> v1


Typing rules


   same typing rules and ...

     Γ ⊢ t1 : T1     Γ ⊢ t2 : T2
  --------------------------------- T_Pair
       Γ ⊢ (t1, t2) : T1 * T2

       Γ ⊢ t : T1 * T2
  ------------------------- T_Fst
       Γ ⊢ fst t : T1

       Γ ⊢ t : T1 * T2
  ------------------------- T_Fst
       Γ ⊢ snd t : T2


Eval compute in fst ((1 + 1, true), 2).




    t ::= ...            (same as before and ...)
        | inl T t        (inject left)
        | inr T t        (inject right)
        | case t of
          | inl x => t
          | inr y => t   (case)



T ::= ... (same as before and ...) | T + T (sum type)

Definition sum1 : nat + bool := inl 1.

Definition sum2 : nat + bool := inr true.

Definition sum3 (x: nat + bool) : bool + nat :=
  match x with
  | inl n => inr n
  | inr b => inl b


v ::= ... (same as before and ...) | inl T v (inject left) | inr T v (inject right)

Operational semantics


   same operational rules and ...

             t1 --> t1'
   ---------------------------- ST_Inl
     inl T2 t1 --> inl T2 t1'

             t2 --> t2'
   ---------------------------- ST_Inr
     inr T1 t2 --> inr T1 t2'

                      t0 --> t0'
   ---------------------------------------------- ST_Case
     case t0 of inl x1 => t1 | inr x2 => t2 -->        
      case t0' of inl x1 => t1 | inr x2 => t2        

                                  value v1
   --------------------------------------------------------------------- ST_Case
     case (inl T2 v1) of inl x1 => t1 | inr x2 => t2 --> x1 := v1t1

                                  value v2
   --------------------------------------------------------------------- ST_Case
     case (inr T1 v2) of inl x1 => t1 | inr x2 => t2 --> x2 := v2t2


Typing rules


  same typing rules and ...

              Γ ⊢ t1 : T1
  --------------------------------- T_Inl
       Γ ⊢ inl T2 t1 : T1 + T2

              Γ ⊢ t2 : T2
  --------------------------------- T_Inr
       Γ ⊢ inr T1 t2 : T1 + T2

     Γ ⊢ t0 : T1 + T2   Γ, x1: T1 ⊢ t1 : T3   Γ, x2: T2 ⊢ t3 : T3
  ------------------------------------------------------------------ T_Case
          Γ ⊢ case t0 of inl x1 => t1 | inr x2 => t2 : T3




    t ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | {x=t, ..., x=t}   (record)
        | t.x               (projection)




    T ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | {x: T, ..., x: T} (record type)

Record recTy1 : Set :=
      field1: nat

Definition rec1 : recTy1 :=
    field1 := 1

Record recTy2 : Set :=
      field2: nat;
      field3: bool

Definition rec2 : recTy2 :=
    field2 := 1;
    field3 := true;


    v ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | {x=v, ..., x=v}   (unit)

Operational Semantics


   same operational rules and ...

                   value v_1  ...  value v_{i-1}  t_i --> t_i'
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST_Rec
     {x_1=v_1, ..., x_i=v_{i-1}, x_i=t_i, x_{i+1}=t_{i+1}, ... x_n=t_n} -->
        {x_1=v_1, ..., x_i=v_{i-1}, x_i=t_i', x_{i+1}=t_{i+1}, ... x_n=t_n}

          t --> t'
   -------------------- ST_ProjRec1
       t.x --> t'.x

                   value v_1  ...  value v_n
   ---------------------------------------------------- ST_ProjRec2
     {x_1=v_1, ..., x_i=v_i, ... x_n=v_n}.x_i --> v_i


Typing Rules


   same typing rules and ...

               Γ ⊢ t_1 : T_1  ... Γ ⊢ t_n : T_n  
  --------------------------------------------------------- T_Rec
    Γ ⊢ {x_1=t_1, ..., x_n=t_n} : {x_1:T_1, ..., x_n: T_n}


Reference Types


    t ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | ref t             (create reference)
        | !t                (read reference)
        | t := t            (write reference)




    T ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | Ref t             (reference type)


  • Coq does not have references!
  • We can use a programming model called monads to model state.
  • This is a programming model that is used in Haskell.


  • A store, or computer memory, is modeled as a list of terms.
  • Each cell can be accessed by referencing it's location.
  • Thus a location can be modeled as a natural number.
  • This should remind of us the identifiers from IMP which were modeled as strings.

    | | | | | | | |



    v ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | loc l             (location)

Operational semantics

  • Just like IMP, we now need to define operational semantics involving transformations on state.
  • With STLC + references, we will also need to involve the term reduction.
  • Thus every operational rule will transform pairs of states and terms to pairs of states and terms.
          (σ, t) --> (σ' ,t')
   -------------------------------- ST_Ref1
      (σ, ref t) --> (σ', ref t')

          value v     σ' = σ ++ v
   ------------------------------------------- ST_Ref2
      (σ, ref v) --> (σ', loc (length σ'))

          (σ, t) --> (σ ,t')
   -------------------------------- ST_Deref1
         (σ, !t) --> (σ, !t')

              l < length σ
   -------------------------------- ST_Deref2
       (σ, !loc l) --> (σ, σl)

           (σ, t1) --> (σ, t1')
   ------------------------------------ ST_Assign1
     (σ, t1 := t2) --> (σ, t1' := t2)

      value v1   (σ, t2) --> (σ, t2')
   ------------------------------------ ST_Assign2
     (σ, v1 := t2) --> (σ, v1 := t2')

       value v2   σ' = update σ l v2
   ------------------------------------ ST_Assign3
         (σ, loc l := v2) --> (σ', ())


Store Typings Wrong

         Γ; σ ⊢ σl : T
   -------------------------- WrongRef
      Γ; σ ⊢ loc l : Ref T

  • Intuitively, we might want to say that the type of a location is the the type of the term stored in that cell.
  • However, this rule fails to deal with cycles.

Infinite Derivation with Cycles

   Suppose σ = \x:unit. !(loc 1), \x:unit. !(loc 0)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------- WrongRef
                    Γ, x: unit, x: unit; σ ⊢ !loc 0 : T3
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- Abs
              Γ, x: unit; σ ⊢ \x:unit. !(loc 0) : unit -> T3
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- WrongRef
                     Γ, x: unit; σ ⊢ !(loc 1) x : T2
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- Abs
                 Γ; σ ⊢ \x:unit. !(loc 1) : unit -> T2 
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- WrongRef
                        Γ; σ ⊢ !(loc 0) : Ref T1

Store Typing

  • We will need to introduce an idea called a *store typing* Σ.
  • A store typing maps each location to a type.
  • This breaks the cyclic self-reference with using a concrete store σ.

         Γ; Σ ⊢ Σl : T
   -------------------------- TLoc
      Γ; Σ ⊢ loc l : Ref T

          Γ; Σ ⊢ t : T
   -------------------------- TRef
      Γ; Σ ⊢ ref t : Ref T

         Γ; Σ ⊢ t : Ref T
   -------------------------- TDeref
          Γ; Σ ⊢ !t : T

        Γ; Σ ⊢ t1 : Ref T    Γ; Σ ⊢ t2 : T
   ------------------------------------------ TAssign
              Γ; Σ ⊢ t1 := t2 : unit

Fixing Infinite Derivations with Store Typings

  • Suppose σ = \x:unit. !(loc 1), \x:unit. !(loc 0)
  • We can use Σ = unit -> unit -> unit, unit -> unit -> unit

                    Γ; Σ ⊢ Σ0 : unit -> unit -> unit
    ------------------------------------------------------------------- WrongRef
             Γ; Σ ⊢ !(loc 0) : Ref (unit -> unit -> unit)


Progress and Preservation?

  • Unlike all the previous extensions, references change our operational semantics and typing relation substantially.
  • Consequently, we might wonder if progress and preservation still hold.
  • First, how do we even state progress and preservation?

Preservation Wrong

  • A first attempt at phrasing preservation might look like the following:
    ∀ Σ T t σ t' σ', empty ; Σ ⊢ t : T -> (σ, t) --> (σ', t') -> empty ; Σ ⊢ t' : T.
  • This isn't quite right because we are not relating the store typing Σ and a concrete store σ.
  • We will need an extra condition that relates the two.

Well-Formed Stores

      dom(Σ) = dom(σ)   ∀ l \in dom(σ), empty; Σ ⊢ σl : Σl
                               Σ ⊢ σ

Preservation Wrong 2

  • A second attempt at phrasing preservation might look like the following:
    ∀ Σ T t σ t' σ', Σ ⊢ σ -> empty ; Σ ⊢ t : T -> (σ, t) --> (σ', t') -> empty ; Σ ⊢ t' : T.
  • The reason this is wrong is because ref t creates a larger store.
  • Similar to a "weakening" lemma on contexts, we need to define extensions of store typings.

Preservation Right

  • The correct statement of preservation is given below:
    ∀ Σ T t σ t' σ', Σ ⊢ σ -> empty ; Σ ⊢ t : T -> (σ, t) --> (σ', t') -> ∃ Σ', Σ' ⊢ σ' /\ Σ ⊆ Σ' /\ empty ; Σ ⊢ t' : T.

Complex Types

Parametric Polymorphism


    t ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | ΛX.t              (type abstraction)
        | tT              (type application)



    T ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | ∀X.T              (polymorphic type)

Definition id: forall A: Type, A -> A :=
  fun (A: Type) => fun (x: A) => x.

Definition id' (A: Type) (x: A): A :=

Definition swap: forall A: Type, forall B: Type, A * B -> B * A :=
  fun (A: Type) => fun (B: Type) => fun (p: A * B) => (snd p, fst p).

Definition swap' (A B: Type) (p: A * B): B * A :=
  (snd p, fst p).



    v ::= ...               (same as before and ...)
        | ΛX.t              (type abstraction)

Operational semantics


   same operational rules and ...

   ---------------------------- ST_TypeRed
       (ΛX.t)T --> X:=Tt


Type abstraction contexts

  • Similar to lambda abstractions, we need to ensure that our type variables are well-formed.
  • We do this with type variable contexts Δ, which is a set of type variables in scope.

Typing rules


   similar typing rules where we use Δ and

     Δ, X; Γ ⊢ t : T   fv(T) ⊆ Δ, X
  ------------------------------------ T_TypeAbs
             Δ; Γ ⊢ ΛX.t : ∀X.T

     Δ; Γ ⊢ t : ∀X.T1   fv(T1) ⊆ Δ
  ------------------------------------ T_TypeApp
       Δ; Γ ⊢ tT2 : X := T2T1





         Γ ⊢ t : T1   T1 ≤ T2
  -------------------------------- T_Subsume
             Γ ⊢ t: T2

Subtyping structural rules


  -------------- Refl
      T ≤ T

      T1 ≤ T2    T2 ≤ T3
  ------------------------- Trans
          T1 ≤ T3


Subtyping on Records


                            perm is permutation
  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub_REc
    {x_1=t_1, ..., x_{n+k}=t_{n+k}} ≤ perm({x_1:T_1, ..., x_n: T_n})


Subtyping on Products


       T1 ≤ T1'    T2 ≤ T2'
  ----------------------------- Sub_Prod
      (T1, T2) ≤ (T1', T2')


Subtyping on Functions


       T1' ≤ T1     T2 ≤ T2'
  ----------------------------- Sub_Prod
      T1 -> T2 ≤ T1' -> T2'

  • Contravariant in input type
  • Covariant in return type


  • The typing rules give us a way to separate well-typed terms from stuck terms.
  • But we don't have an algorithm.
  • We now show that we can make this algorithmic by giving a type-checking algorithm

Fixpoint eqb_ty (T1 T2:ty) : bool :=
  match T1,T2 with
  | <{ Bool }> , <{ Bool }> =>
  | <{ T11 -> T12 }>, <{ T21 -> T22 }> =>
      andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
  | _,_ =>

Lemma eqb_ty_refl : forall T,
  eqb_ty T T = true.
  intros T. induction T; simpl.
  rewrite IHT1. rewrite IHT2. reflexivity.

Lemma eqb_ty__eq : forall T1 T2,
  eqb_ty T1 T2 = true -> T1 = T2.
Proof with auto.
  intros T1. induction T1; intros T2 Hbeq; destruct T2; inversion Hbeq.
  - (* T1=Bool *)
  - (* T1 = T1_1->T1_2 *)
    rewrite andb_true_iff in H0.
    inversion H0 as [Hbeq1 Hbeq2].
    apply IHT1_1 in Hbeq1.
    apply IHT1_2 in Hbeq2.

Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
  match t with
  | tm_var x =>
      Gamma x
  | <{\x:T2, t1}> =>
      match type_check (x |-> T2 ; Gamma) t1 with
      | Some T1 => Some <{T2 -> T1}>
      | _ => None
  | <{t1 t2}> =>
      match type_check Gamma t1, type_check Gamma t2 with
      | Some <{T11 -> T12}>, Some T2 =>
          if eqb_ty T11 T2 then Some T12 else None
      | _,_ => None
  | <{true}> =>
      Some <{Bool}>
  | <{false}> =>
      Some <{Bool}>
  | <{if guard then t else f}> =>
      match type_check Gamma guard with
      | Some <{Bool}> =>
          match type_check Gamma t, type_check Gamma f with
          | Some T1, Some T2 =>
              if eqb_ty T1 T2 then Some T1 else None
          | _,_ => None
      | _ => None

Eval compute in type_check empty <{true}>.
(* ==> Some <{ Bool }> *)

Eval compute in type_check empty <{\x: Bool, x}>.
(* ==> Some <{ Bool -> Bool }> *)

Eval compute in type_check empty <{\x: Bool, \x: Bool, x x}>.
(* ==> None *)

Eval compute in type_check empty <{\f: Bool -> Bool, \x: Bool, f x}>.
(* ==> Some <{ (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool }> *)

  • We should check that our algorithm and our typing rules match.
  • We do this by showing that our type-checker is sound for the given typing rules.
Theorem type_checking_sound : forall Gamma t T,
  type_check Gamma t = Some T ->
  Gamma t \in T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros Gamma t.
  generalize dependent Gamma.
  induction t; intros Gamma T Htc; inversion Htc.
    (* var *)
    rename s into x.
    destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H.
    rename t into T'.
    inversion H0; subst.
    inversion H0.
    (* app *)
    remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TO1.
    destruct TO1 as [T1|].
    destruct T1 as [|T11 T12].
    inversion H0.
    remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO2.
    destruct TO2.
    destruct (eqb_ty T11 t) eqn: Heqb.
    apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb; subst.
    inversion H0; subst; eauto.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    (* abs *)
    rename s into x, t into T1.
    remember (x |-> T1 ; Gamma) as G'.
    remember (type_check G' t0) as TO2.
    destruct TO2.
    inversion H0; subst. auto.
    inversion H0.
    (* tru *)
    (* fls *)
    (* test *)
    remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TOc.
    remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO1.
    remember (type_check Gamma t3) as TO2.
    destruct TOc as [Tc|].
    destruct Tc.
    destruct TO1 as [T1|].
    destruct TO2 as [T2|].
    destruct (eqb_ty T1 T2) eqn:Heqb. inversion H0; subst.
    apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb; subst. auto.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.
    inversion H0.

  • We can also show completeness!
  • That is, if there exists a derivation, our type-checker will verify it.
Theorem type_checking_complete : forall Gamma t T,
  Gamma t \in T ->
  type_check Gamma t = Some T.
  intros Gamma t T Hty.
  (* Question: what should we do induction on? *)

  induction Hty; simpl.
    (* T_Var *)
    destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H0; assumption.
    (* T_Abs *)
    rewrite IHHty; auto.
  { (* T_App *)
    rewrite IHHty1.
    rewrite IHHty2.
    rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T2); auto.
    (* T_True *)
    (* T_False *)
    (* T_If *)
    rewrite IHHty1.
    rewrite IHHty2.
    rewrite IHHty3.
    rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T1); auto.


  • The goal of type-inference is to have an algorithm that gives us the types of terms without us having to write them down.
  • We define a new syntax of types that contains guesses.
  • We define a typing relation that generates *constraints* involving guesses.
  • We solve for the constraints using *unification* producing a type substitution.
  • The resulting type substitution gives us the types.

Module TypeInfer.

  Require Import List.
  Require Import Coq.Lists.ListSet.

Updated Syntax for Types

     T ::= Bool
         | T -> T
         | X                    (* guess *)


  Inductive ty : Type :=
  | Ty_Bool : ty (* for the boolean values *)
  | Ty_Arrow : ty -> ty -> ty (* t1 -> t2, for the abstraction values *)
  | Ty_Var : string -> ty (* guess *)

Types now have free variables

  • We could compute free variables in terms.
  • Now that types have variables, we have a similar notion.

  Fixpoint free_var (t: ty) : set string :=
    match t with
    | Ty_Bool =>
        empty_set string
    | Ty_Arrow t1 t2 =>
        set_union string_dec (free_var t1) (free_var t2)
    | Ty_Var X =>
        set_add string_dec X (empty_set string)

Terms use new Types

     t ::= x
        | t t
        | \x: T. t
        | true
        | false
        | if t t t 


  Inductive tm : Type :=
  | tm_var : string -> tm
  | tm_app : tm -> tm -> tm
  | tm_abs : string -> ty -> tm -> tm (* parameter augmented with type *)
  | tm_true : tm
  | tm_false : tm
  | tm_if : tm -> tm -> tm -> tm

Syntax for constraints


      C ::= T = T    (type equality)


  Inductive constraint : Type :=
  | Ty_eq : ty -> ty -> constraint.

Free variables for constraints

  • We can collect the free variables in the types in a constraint. and lists of constraints.

  Fixpoint free_var_constraint (c: constraint) : set string :=
    match c with
    | Ty_eq t t' => set_union string_dec (free_var t) (free_var t')

  Definition free_var_constraints (cs: list constraint) : set string :=
    List.fold_left (fun acc x => set_union string_dec acc x) (List.map free_var_constraint cs) (empty_set string).

Typing Relation with Constraints


              Γ(x) = T
        -------------------- T_Var
            Γ ⊢ x: T ~> {}

             Γ, x: T2 ⊢ t: T1 ~> C
        ------------------------------- T_Abs
         Γ ⊢ \x: T2, t: T2 -> T1 ~> C

           Γ ⊢ t1: T2 ~> C1    Γ ⊢ t2: T1 ~> C2   X ∉ fv(C1 ∪ C2)
        ----------------------------------------------------------- T_App
                  Γ ⊢ t1 t2: T1 ~> C1 ∪ C2 ∪ {T2 = T1 -> X}

        --------------------------- T_True
            Γ ⊢ true: Bool ~> {}

        --------------------------- T_False
            Γ ⊢ false: Bool ~> {}

           Γ ⊢ t1 : Bool ~> C1    Γ ⊢ t2 : T ~> C2   Γ ⊢ t3 : T ~> C3
        ---------------------------------------------------------------- T_False
                           Γ ⊢ if t1 t2 t3: T ~> C1 ∪ C2 ∪ C3


  Definition context := partial_map ty.

  Inductive has_typeC : context -> tm -> ty -> list constraint -> Prop :=
  | T_Var : forall Gamma a T1,
      Gamma a = Some T1 ->
      has_typeC Gamma (tm_var a) T1 nil
  | T_Abs : forall Gamma x T1 T2 t1 C,
      has_typeC (x |-> T2 ; Gamma) t1 T1 C ->
      has_typeC Gamma (tm_abs x T2 t1) (Ty_Arrow T2 T1) C
  | T_App : forall T1 T2 Gamma t1 t2 C1 C2 X,
      has_typeC Gamma t1 (Ty_Arrow T2 T1) C1 ->
      has_typeC Gamma t2 T2 C2 ->
      set_mem string_dec X (free_var_constraints (C1 ++ C2)) = false ->
      has_typeC Gamma (tm_app t1 t2) T1 (C1 ++ C2 ++ (Ty_eq T2 (Ty_Arrow T1 (Ty_Var X)) :: nil))
  | T_True : forall Gamma,
      has_typeC Gamma tm_true Ty_Bool nil
  | T_False : forall Gamma,
      has_typeC Gamma tm_false Ty_Bool nil
  | T_If : forall t1 t2 t3 T1 Gamma C1 C2 C3,
      has_typeC Gamma t1 Ty_Bool C1 ->
      has_typeC Gamma t2 T1 C2 ->
      has_typeC Gamma t3 T1 C3 ->
      has_typeC Gamma (tm_if t1 t2 t3) T1 (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3).

Interpreting Type Variables

  • Just like we might interpret variables in a term with an environment, we can interpret type variables in a type variable with an environment.

  Definition type_context := partial_map ty.

  Fixpoint type_substitution (ty_ctx: type_context) (t: ty) :=
    match t with
    | Ty_Bool => Ty_Bool
    | Ty_Arrow t1 t2 => Ty_Arrow (type_substitution ty_ctx t1) (type_substitution ty_ctx t2)
    | Ty_Var x =>
        match (ty_ctx x) with
        | Some ty => ty
        | None => Ty_Var x

  Definition type_substitution_constraints (ty_ctx: type_context) (constraints: list constraint) :=
      (fun c =>
         match c with
         | Ty_eq t1 t2 => Ty_eq (type_substitution ty_ctx t1) (type_substitution ty_ctx t2)
         end) constraints.


  • Now we reach the famous Hindley-Milner unification algorithm.
  • If a type substitution exists, then unification finds it, and the term with that type under that type substitution has a typing derivation.
  • If a type substitution does not exist, then unification will return None, and the term does not have a typing derivation.
  • It is a remarkably simple algorithm.
  • Note that it is not easy to show that this algorithm terminates in Coq, so we pass in some fuel.
  Fixpoint unify (n: nat) (constraints: list constraint) (ty_ctx: type_context): option type_context :=
    match n with
    | O => None
    | S n' =>
        match constraints with
        | nil => Some ty_ctx
        | c::constraints' =>
            match c with
            | Ty_eq Ty_Bool Ty_Bool =>
                unify n' constraints' ty_ctx
            | Ty_eq (Ty_Var X) t' =>
                if set_mem string_dec X (free_var t')
                then None
                  let ty_ctx' := X |-> t' ; ty_ctx
                    unify n' (type_substitution_constraints ty_ctx' constraints') ty_ctx'
            | Ty_eq t (Ty_Var X) =>
                if set_mem string_dec X (free_var t)
                then None
                  let ty_ctx' := X |-> t ; ty_ctx
                    unify n' (type_substitution_constraints ty_ctx' constraints') ty_ctx'
            | Ty_eq (Ty_Arrow t1 t2) (Ty_Arrow t1' t2') =>
  • This case increases the constraints lists.
  • Hence we need to do the "fuel" trick.
                unify n' (constraints' ++ (Ty_eq t1 t1'::Ty_eq t2 t2'::nil)) ty_ctx
            | Ty_eq _ _ =>

Example 1: no constraints

  Definition u1 := unify 100 nil empty.
  Eval compute in u1.

Example 2: single constraint

  Definition u2 := unify 100 (Ty_eq (Ty_Var "X") Ty_Bool::nil) empty.

  Eval compute in
    (match u2 with
     | Some ctx => ctx "X"%string
     | None => None

  Eval compute in
    (match u2 with
     | Some ctx => ctx "Y"%string
     | None => None

Example 3: consistent constraints

  Definition constraints3 :=
    Ty_eq (Ty_Var "X") Ty_Bool::
    Ty_eq (Ty_Arrow Ty_Bool Ty_Bool) (Ty_Arrow Ty_Bool (Ty_Var "X"))::

  Definition u3 := unify 100 constraints3 empty.

  Eval compute in
    (match u3 with
     | Some ctx => ctx "X"%string
     | None => None

  Eval compute in
    (match u3 with
     | Some ctx => ctx "Y"%string
     | None => None

Example 4: inconsistent constraints

  Definition constraints4 :=
    Ty_eq (Ty_Var "X") Ty_Bool::
    Ty_eq (Ty_Arrow Ty_Bool Ty_Bool) (Ty_Arrow Ty_Bool (Ty_Arrow Ty_Bool (Ty_Var "X")))::

  Definition u4 := unify 100 constraints4 empty.

  Eval compute in u4.

  • Hindley-Milner type inference has the property that it returns the minimal substitution that makes the term typeable.
  • And, if the term is not typeable, then it returns None.

End TypeInfer.


  • More simple types * FIx * Let / Unit * Products / Sums * Records
  • Reference Types (problem of cycles)
  • Complex extensions * Parametric Polymorphism * Subtyping
  • Type-Checking
  • Type-Inference