
From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Multi.


  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/Norm.html


  • Last time we finished off our section on types.
  • Today, we'll look into a powerful proof technique called logical relations.

Goal for today

  • Introduce the idea of logical relations, a powerful proof technique that can be used to obtain a stronger induction hypothesis.
    • This technique can be used to show that STLC is strongly normalizing, i.e., that every well-typed STLC term terminates.
    • We will also show how to use this technique to give another proof of type-soundness for STLC.
    • Along the way, we'll encounter many concepts we've seen throughout this class.

STLC Recap


Inductive ty : Type :=
| Ty_Bool : ty (* Bool      *)
| Ty_Arrow : ty -> ty -> ty (* T1 -> T2  *)


Inductive tm : Type :=
(* pure STLC *)
| tm_var : string -> tm (* x             *)
| tm_app : tm -> tm -> tm (* t1 t2         *)
| tm_abs : string -> ty -> tm -> tm (* \x:T1, t      *)
(* booleans *)
| tm_true : tm (* true          *)
| tm_false : tm (* false         *)
| tm_if : tm -> tm -> tm -> tm (* if t1 t2 t3   *)


Declare Custom Entry stlc.
Notation "<{ e }>" := e (e custom stlc at level 99).
Notation "( x )" := x (in custom stlc, x at level 99).
Notation "x" := x (in custom stlc at level 0, x constr at level 0).
Notation "S -> T" := (Ty_Arrow S T) (in custom stlc at level 50, right associativity).
Notation "x y" := (tm_app x y) (in custom stlc at level 1, left associativity).
Notation "\ x : t , y" :=
  (tm_abs x t y) (in custom stlc at level 90, x at level 99,
                     t custom stlc at level 99,
                     y custom stlc at level 99,
                     left associativity).
Coercion tm_var : string >-> tm.
Notation "{ x }" := x (in custom stlc at level 1, x constr).
Notation "'Bool'" := Ty_Bool (in custom stlc at level 0).
Notation "'if' x 'then' y 'else' z" :=
  (tm_if x y z) (in custom stlc at level 89,
                    x custom stlc at level 99,
                    y custom stlc at level 99,
                    z custom stlc at level 99,
                    left associativity).
Notation "'true'" := true (at level 1).
Notation "'true'" := tm_true (in custom stlc at level 0).
Notation "'false'" := false (at level 1).
Notation "'false'" := tm_false (in custom stlc at level 0).


Reserved Notation "'[' x ':=' s ']' t" (in custom stlc at level 20, x constr).
Fixpoint subst (x : string) (s : tm) (t : tm) : tm :=
  match t with
  | tm_var y =>
      if eqb_string x y then s else t
  | <{ \ y : T, t1 }> =>
      if eqb_string x y then t else <{ \y:T, [x:=s] t1 }>
  | <{t1 t2}> =>
      <{ ([x:=s]t1) ([x:=s]t2)}>
  | <{true}> =>
  | <{false}> =>
  | <{if t1 then t2 else t3}> =>
      <{if ([x:=s] t1) then ([x:=s] t2) else ([x:=s] t3)}>
where "'[' x ':=' s ']' t" := (subst x s t) (in custom stlc).


Inductive value : tm -> Prop :=
| v_abs : forall x T2 t1,
    value <{\x:T2, t1}> (* \x:T2, t1  *)
| v_true :
  value <{true}> (* true       *)
| v_false :
  value <{false}> (* false      *)
Hint Constructors value : core.

Small-Step Call-By-Value Semantics

Reserved Notation "t '-->' t'" (at level 40).
Inductive step : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
| ST_AppAbs : forall x T2 t1 v2,
    value v2 ->
    <{(\x:T2, t1) v2}> --> <{ [x:=v2]t1 }>
| ST_App1 : forall t1 t1' t2,
    t1 --> t1' ->
    <{t1 t2}> --> <{t1' t2}>
| ST_App2 : forall v1 t2 t2',
    value v1 ->
    t2 --> t2' ->
    <{v1 t2}> --> <{v1 t2'}>
| ST_IfTrue : forall t1 t2,
    <{if true then t1 else t2}> --> t1
| ST_IfFalse : forall t1 t2,
    <{if false then t1 else t2}> --> t2
| ST_If : forall t1 t1' t2 t3,
    t1 --> t1' ->
    <{if t1 then t2 else t3}> --> <{if t1' then t2 else t3}>

where "t '-->' t'" := (step t t').
Hint Constructors step : core.

Multi-Step Reduction

Notation multistep := (multi step).
Notation "t1 '-->*' t2" := (multistep t1 t2) (at level 40).

Normal Forms

Print normal_form.
Notation step_normal_form := (normal_form step).

  • values cannot be reduced.
Lemma value__normal : forall t,
  value t ->
  step_normal_form t.
  intros t H; induction H; intros [t' ST]; inversion ST; eauto.

Hint Resolve value__normal : core.

Small-step reductoin is deterministic

Definition deterministic {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
  forall x y1 y2 : X,
    R x y1 ->
    R x y2 ->
    y1 = y2.

Lemma step_deterministic :
   deterministic step.
Proof with eauto.
   unfold deterministic.
   intros t t' t'' E1 E2.
   generalize dependent t''.

   induction E1; intros t'' E2.
   { (* ST_AppAbs *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - inversion H3.
     - exfalso; apply value__normal in H; eauto.
   { (* ST_App1 *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - inversion E1.
     - f_equal; eauto.
     - exfalso; apply value__normal in H1; eauto.
   { (* ST_App2 *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - exfalso; apply value__normal in H3; eauto.
     - exfalso; apply value__normal in H; eauto.
     - f_equal; eauto.
   { (* ST_IfTrue *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - inversion H3.
   { (* ST_IfFalse *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - inversion H3.
   { (* ST_If *)
     inversion E2; subst; clear E2; eauto.
     - inversion E1.
     - inversion E1.
     - f_equal; eauto.

Typing Contexts

Definition context := partial_map ty.
Reserved Notation "Gamma '⊢' t '\in' T" (at level 40,
                                        t custom stlc, T custom stlc at level 0).

Typing Relation

Inductive has_type : context -> tm -> ty -> Prop :=
| T_Var : forall Gamma x T1,
    Gamma x = Some T1 ->
    Gamma x \in T1
| T_Abs : forall Gamma x T1 T2 t1,
    (x |-> T2 ; Gamma) t1 \in T1 ->
    Gamma \x:T2, t1 \in (T2 -> T1)
| T_App : forall T1 T2 Gamma t1 t2,
    Gamma t1 \in (T2 -> T1) ->
    Gamma t2 \in T2 ->
   Gamma t1 t2 \in T1
| T_True : forall Gamma,
    Gamma true \in Bool
| T_False : forall Gamma,
    Gamma false \in Bool
| T_If : forall t1 t2 t3 T1 Gamma,
    Gamma t1 \in Bool ->
    Gamma t2 \in T1 ->
    Gamma t3 \in T1 ->
    Gamma if t1 then t2 else t3 \in T1
where "Gamma '⊢' t '\in' T" := (has_type Gamma t T).
Hint Constructors has_type : core.
Hint Extern 2 (has_type _ (app _ _) _) => eapply T_App; auto : core.
Hint Extern 2 (_ = _) => compute; reflexivity : core.

Proof of preservation recap

  • As a reminder, we needed several lemmas before we could prove preservation: taking a step preserves the type of a term.
  • We needed a weakening lemma and a substitution lemma.


  • We can always make t well-typed in a larger Γ'.
Lemma weakening : forall Gamma Gamma' t T,
  inclusion Gamma Gamma' ->
  Gamma t \in T ->
  Gamma' t \in T.
      By induction on the typing derivation of Γ ⊢ t : T.

  intros Gamma Gamma' t T H Ht.
  generalize dependent Gamma'.
  induction Ht; eauto using inclusion_update.

Corollary weakening_empty : forall Gamma t T,
  empty t \in T ->
  Gamma t \in T.
  intros Gamma t T.
  eapply weakening.


  • Substitution of a closed term preserves typing.
Lemma substitution_preserves_typing :
  forall Gamma x U t v T,
  (x |-> U ; Gamma) t \in T ->
  empty v \in U ->
  Gamma [x:=v]t \in T.
  intros Gamma x U t v T Ht Hv.
  generalize dependent Gamma.
  generalize dependent T.

      By induction on the structure of terms. (Why?)
      The only two cases that are not straightforward are variables and abstraction.

  induction t; intros T Gamma H;
  (* in each case, we'll want to get at the derivation of H *)
    inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl; eauto.
  { (* var *)
    rename s into y.
    destruct (eqb_stringP x y); subst.
    + (* x=y *)
      rewrite update_eq in H2.
      injection H2 as H2; subst.
      apply weakening_empty.
    + (* x<>y *)
      apply T_Var.
      rewrite update_neq in H2; auto.
  { (* abs *)
    rename s into y, t into S.
    destruct (eqb_stringP x y); subst; apply T_Abs.
    + (* x=y *)
      rewrite update_shadow in H5.
    + (* x<>y *)
      apply IHt.
      rewrite update_permute; auto.

Theorem preservation : forall t t' T,
   empty t \in T ->
   t --> t' ->
   empty t' \in T.
  intros t t' T HT.
  generalize dependent t'.
  remember empty as Gamma.


     By induction on the derivation of empty ⊢ t : T.
     The only non-trivial case is the application case.

  induction HT; intros t' HE; subst; inversion HE; subst; eauto; try inversion HT; eauto.
  { (* T_App *)
    inversion HE; subst; eauto.
    + (* ST_AppAbs *)
      eapply substitution_preserves_typing with T2; eauto.
      inversion HT1; subst; eauto.

Strong Normalization of Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus

  • Our goal is to prove strong normalization (SN) of STLC.
  • Informally, this means that every term reduces to a value.

Halts or Strong Normalization

Definition halts (t:tm) : Prop :=
  exists t', t -->* t' /\ value t'.

  • Clearly all values should halt.
Lemma value_halts : forall v,
  value v ->
  halts v.
  intros v H.
  unfold halts.
  exists v.
  - apply multi_refl.
  - assumption.

Ordinary Induction Fails

  • SN is not true of many languages such as those with recursion.
  • Nevertheless, it is still useful to study the proof of SN of STLC because all the techniques we've seen so far:
    • induction on terms
    • induction on types
    • induction on operational semantics
    • induction on typing derivation
    will fail.

Why do we need logical relations? Normalization Attempt

Lemma normalization_attempt: forall t T,
  empty t \in T ->
  halts t.
  intros t T Htyp.
  unfold halts.
  remember empty as Gamma.
  induction Htyp; eauto; subst.
    inversion H.

case T = t1 t2
    destruct IHHtyp2; eauto.
    destruct IHHtyp1; eauto.
       Oh no, our inductive hypothesis doesn't seem to be
       strong enough here.

       Can you think of an example?
       (\x. x x) (\x. x x) (call-by-name)

    destruct IHHtyp3; eauto.
    destruct IHHtyp2; eauto.
    destruct IHHtyp1; eauto.
    destruct H.
    destruct H0.
    destruct H1.
       Can use type-soundness here and other similar cases.


What's the fix?

  • To prove SN, we will need to introduce a proof technique called logical relations (technically we'll only need logical predicates).
  • Logical relations are an extremely powerful proof technique.
  • Before we can do introduce them, we will need to take a closer look at free variables and closed terms. As you might have guessed from the proof of preservation, the entire difficulty deals with free variables and closed terms.

Free Variables and Closed Terms

Free Variables

  • We've shown free variables as fix-points before using sets.
  • Here we're using an inductive definition.
  • This is a formalization choice.
  • The advantage of using an inductive definition is that we do not need extra properties of sets.
  • The disadvantage is that we cannot take advantage of computation.

Inductive appears_free_in : string -> tm -> Prop :=
(* pure STLC *)
| afi_var : forall (x : string),
    appears_free_in x <{ x }>
| afi_app1 : forall x t1 t2,
    appears_free_in x t1 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ t1 t2 }>
| afi_app2 : forall x t1 t2,
    appears_free_in x t2 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ t1 t2 }>
| afi_abs : forall x y T11 t12,
    y <> x ->
    appears_free_in x t12 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ \y : T11, t12 }>
(* booleans *)
| afi_test0 : forall x t0 t1 t2,
    appears_free_in x t0 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ if t0 then t1 else t2 }>
| afi_test1 : forall x t0 t1 t2,
    appears_free_in x t1 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ if t0 then t1 else t2 }>
| afi_test2 : forall x t0 t1 t2,
    appears_free_in x t2 ->
    appears_free_in x <{ if t0 then t1 else t2 }>
Hint Constructors appears_free_in : core.

Closed Term

  • A closed term is one with no free variables.
Definition closed (t:tm) : Prop :=
  forall x, ~ appears_free_in x t.

Context Invariance

  • For those variables that are free, we require that the different contexts assign the same types.
Lemma context_invariance : forall Gamma Gamma' t S,
  Gamma t \in S ->
  (forall x, appears_free_in x t -> Gamma x = Gamma' x) ->
  Gamma' t \in S.
  intros Gamma Gamma' t S Htyp HE.
  generalize dependent Gamma'.


      By induction on the derivation of Γ ⊢ t : T.
      The only non-trivial case is the abstraction case.

  induction Htyp; intros; eauto 12.
  { (*
        case t = x (automation fails in this case):
        It suffices to show Γ'(x) = T by T_Var.
        This follows by our assumption HE.

    apply T_Var.
    rewrite <- HE; auto.
  { (*
       case t = \x: T2, t1 :

       It suffices to show Γ', x: T2 ⊢ t1 : T1 by T_Abs.
       By our inductive hypothesis, we can show
       (Γ', x: T2)(x1) = (Γ, x: T2)(x1) whenever x1 is free in t1.
       We proceed by case analysis on whether x = x1.
       Case x = x1:       
         If x = x1, then we need to show that T2 = T2 (by context lookup),
         which reflexively follows.

       Case x != x1:
         If x != x1, then we need to show that Γ'(x1) = Γ(x1).
         By HE, we can equivalently show that x1 is free in \x: T2, t1.
         This follows by definition of free variables for abstraction.

    apply T_Abs.
    apply IHHtyp.
    intros x1 Hafi.
    destruct (eqb_stringP x x1); subst.
    + rewrite update_eq.
      rewrite update_eq.
    + rewrite update_neq; [| assumption].
      rewrite update_neq; [| assumption].
      apply HE.
      apply afi_abs; assumption.

Free in Context

  • For those variables that are free, we need to say that context lookup is successful.
Lemma free_in_context : forall x t T Gamma,
  appears_free_in x t ->
  Gamma t \in T ->
  exists T', Gamma x = Some T'.
  intros x t T Gamma Hafi Htyp.
     By induction on the derivation of Γ ⊢ t : T.
     The only non-trivial case is the abstraction case.

  induction Htyp; inversion Hafi; subst; eauto.
       case t = \x0: T2, t1 :

       By inversion on appears_free_in x t, the only non-trivial case is
       when x0 != x.
       In this case, it suffices to show that there exists some T' such that
       Γ(x) = T'.
       By our inductive hypothesis, we have that there exists some T'
       such that (Γ, x0: T2)(x) = T'.
       Since x0 != x, we have that Γ(x) = T', so we have found such a T'.

    apply IHHtyp in H4; destruct H4 as [T' Hctx].
    exists T'.
    unfold update, t_update in Hctx.
    rewrite false_eqb_string in Hctx; eauto.

  • A term typeable-in an empty context is closed.
Corollary typable_empty__closed :
  forall t T,
    empty t \in T ->
    closed t.
  unfold closed.
  intros x H1.
  destruct (free_in_context _ _ _ _ H1 H) as [T' C].
  discriminate C.

Logical Relations

  • Now that we have defined close terms we can finally define logical relations.
  • We will define the relation R by structural induction on types.

   R_{Bool}(t)     := empty ⊢ t: Bool ∧ ∃v. t -->* v

   R_{T1 -> T2}(t) := empty ⊢ t: T1 -> T2 ∧ ∃v. t ->* v ∧
                      ∀ s. R_{T1}(s) -> R_{T2}(t s)


Fixpoint R (T:ty) (t:tm) : Prop :=
  empty t \in T /\
  halts t /\
    match T with
    | <{ Bool }> =>
    | <{ T1 -> T2 }> =>
        (forall s, R T1 s -> R T2 <{t s}>)



  • Once we have defined the logical relation R, we will prove strong normalization of STLC in two steps.
1. empty ⊢ t: T -> R{T}(t) 2. R{T}(t) -> halts(t)

Step 2

  • It is trivial to show that being in the relation R implies that the term t halts.
  • Indeed, we baked in that t being in R means that it must halt.
  • We show step 2 now.
Lemma R_halts : forall {T} {t},
  R T t ->
  halts t.
  destruct T; unfold R in H; destruct H as [_ [H _]]; assumption.

  • Another easy lemma.
Lemma R_typable_empty : forall {T} {t},
  R T t ->
  empty t \in T.
  destruct T; unfold R in H; destruct H as [H _]; assumption.

Step 1

  • We now turn our attention to proving Step 1.
  • We'll need a series of technical lemmas 1. forwards/backwards reduction preserves R 2. the *fundamental* lemma.

Forwards and Backwards Reduction

  • We first need a lemma that shows that taking a step preserves halting, in both directions.

Lemma step_preserves_halting :
  forall t t',
    (t --> t') ->
    (halts t <-> halts t').
  intros t t' ST.
  unfold halts.
    (* halts t => halts t' *)
    intros [t'' [STM V]].
    destruct STM.
case multi_refl:
      exfalso. apply value__normal in V; eauto.
case multi_step:
This uses step_deterministic!
      rewrite (step_deterministic _ _ _ ST H).
      exists z.
      split; assumption.
    (* halts t' => halts t *)
    intros [t'0 [STM V]].
    exists t'0.
    split; eauto.

Forward Reduction preserves R

Lemma step_preserves_R : forall T t t',
  (t --> t') ->
  R T t ->
  R T t'.
  (* Question: what do we do induction on? *)

 induction T; intros t t' E Rt; unfold R; fold R; unfold R in Rt; fold R in Rt;
               destruct Rt as [typable_empty_t [halts_t RRt]].
      Case T = Bool:

   eapply preservation; eauto.
   apply (step_preserves_halting _ _ E); eauto.
      Case T = T1 -> T2:

   eapply preservation; eauto.
   apply (step_preserves_halting _ _ E); eauto.
   eapply IHT2.
   apply ST_App1.
   apply E.
   apply RRt; auto.

Lemma multistep_preserves_R : forall T t t',
  (t -->* t') ->
  R T t ->
  R T t'.
  intros T t t' STM; induction STM; intros.
    apply IHSTM.
    eapply step_preserves_R.
    apply H.

Backward Reduction preserves R

  • This lemma is admittedly a bit weird!?
  • But we'll need it.

Lemma step_preserves_R' : forall T t t',
  empty t \in T ->
  (t --> t') ->
  R T t' ->
  R T t.
  induction T; intros t t' HTyp E Rt; unfold R; fold R; unfold R in Rt; fold R in Rt;
     destruct Rt as [typable_empty_t [halts_t RRt]].
  { (*
       Case T = bool:

    repeat split; auto.
    apply (step_preserves_halting _ _ E); eauto.
       Case T = T1 -> T2:

    repeat split; auto.
    + apply (step_preserves_halting _ _ E); eauto.
    + intros.
      eapply IHT2; eauto.
      eapply T_App; eauto.
      eapply R_typable_empty; eauto.

Lemma multistep_preserves_R' : forall T t t',
  empty t \in T ->
  (t -->* t') ->
  R T t' ->
  R T t.
  intros T t t' HT STM.
  induction STM; intros.
       Case multi_refl:

       Case multi_step:

    eapply step_preserves_R'.
    apply H.
    apply IHSTM.
    eapply preservation; eauto.

Step 1, First Attempt

  • We might be tempted now to prove step 1 directly.
  • But we'll see that we get stuck in the lambda abstraction case.
Lemma step_1_try : forall T t,
  empty t \in T ->
  R T t.
  intros T t H.
  remember empty as Gamma.
  induction H; subst.
    inversion H.
    (* Oh no, stuck here! *)
    apply IHhas_type1; auto.
    unfold R.
    repeat split; eauto.
    unfold halts.
    exists <{ true }>.
    split; eauto.

The Fundamental Lemma

  • Like our proof of preservation, we need a stronger lemma that talks about arbitrary contexts.
  • In particular, we need to show that
    Fundamental Lemma: Γ ⊢ t: T -> γ ⊧ Γ -> R{T}(γ(t))
    1. The environment γ maps variables to terms. 2. γ ⊧ Γ means that the environment γ and the context Γ contain the same variables at the appropriate types. 3. γ(t) is notation for substitute all of the free-variables in t with the terms in γ.
  • As you might have guessed, we need to show a lot of lemmas about multi-substitutions now.


Environments γ

  • We will model environment's γ as lists of pairs.
Definition env := list (string * tm).


  • We will now need to define multi-substitution.

Fixpoint msubst (ss:env) (t:tm) : tm :=
  match ss with
  | nil => t
  | ((x,s)::ss') => msubst ss' <{ [x:=s]t }>

Contexts Γ

  • We will model type contexts Γ as lists of pairs.
  • Previously we used the functional dictionary.
  • Here we use this so that we can match the structure of our environments.

Definition tass := list (string * ty).

Fixpoint mupdate (Gamma : context) (xts : tass) :=
  match xts with
  | nil => Gamma
  | ((x,v)::xts') => update (mupdate Gamma xts') x v

Some Generic Functions on List Environments

Fixpoint lookup {X:Set} (k : string) (l : list (string * X)) : option X :=
  match l with
    | nil => None
  | (j,x) :: l' =>
      if eqb_string j k then Some x else lookup k l'

Lemma mupdate_lookup : forall (c : tass) (x:string),
  lookup x c = (mupdate empty c) x.
  induction c; intros.
  destruct a.
  unfold lookup, mupdate, update, t_update.
  destruct (eqb_string s x); auto.

Fixpoint drop {X:Set} (n:string) (nxs:list (string * X)) : list (string * X) :=
  match nxs with
  | nil => nil
  | ((n',x)::nxs') =>
      if eqb_string n' n
      then drop n nxs'
      else (n',x)::(drop n nxs')

Lemma mupdate_drop : forall (c: tass) Gamma x x',
  mupdate Gamma (drop x c) x'
    = if eqb_string x x' then Gamma x' else mupdate Gamma c x'.
  induction c; intros.
  - destruct (eqb_stringP x x'); auto.
  - destruct a. simpl.
    destruct (eqb_stringP s x).
    + subst. rewrite IHc.
      unfold update, t_update. destruct (eqb_stringP x x'); auto.
    + simpl. unfold update, t_update. destruct (eqb_stringP s x'); auto.
      subst. rewrite false_eqb_string; congruence.

A Series of Substitution Lemmas

  • Substitution of variables might feel like an intuitive concept, but it is the heart of logic + programming.
  • All the properties of capture-avoid substitution need to be proved.
  • All the issues with proofs of meta-theoretic properties either work or break due to variables.
  • Substitution of a variable that is not free is idempotent.
x := t't = t whenever x ∉ fv(t)
Lemma vacuous_substitution : forall t x,
  ~ appears_free_in x t ->
 forall t', <{ [x:=t']t }> = t.

     Note that even though appears_free_in is inductively defined,
     it is negated so we cannot perform induction on it.
     By induction on the structure of terms!

  induction t; intros; simpl.
  { (* case t = x: *)
    destruct (eqb_stringP x s); subst; auto.
    unfold not in H.
    apply H.
  { (* case t = t1 t2: *)
    assert (~ appears_free_in x <{ t1 }> ) by eauto.
    assert (~ appears_free_in x <{ t2 }> ) by eauto.
    eapply IHt1 in H0; eauto.
    eapply IHt2 in H1; eauto.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite H0.
  { (* case t = \x: T, t: *)
    destruct (eqb_stringP x s); subst; auto.
    rewrite IHt; eauto.
  { (* case t = true: *)
  { (* case t = false: *)
  { (* case t = if t1 then t2 else t3 *)
    assert (~ appears_free_in x <{ t1 }> ) as H1 by eauto.
    assert (~ appears_free_in x <{ t2 }> ) as H2 by eauto.
    assert (~ appears_free_in x <{ t3 }> ) as H3 by eauto.
    eapply IHt1 in H1; eauto.
    eapply IHt2 in H2; eauto.
    eapply IHt3 in H3; eauto.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite H2.
    rewrite H3.

    - Substitution is always idempotent on a closed term.

Lemma subst_closed: forall t,
  closed t ->
  forall x t', <{ [x:=t']t }> = t.
  apply vacuous_substitution.
  apply H.

    - Substitution of a closed term for a variable eliminates
      all mentions of that variable.

Lemma subst_not_afi : forall t x v,
  closed v ->
  ~ appears_free_in x <{ [x:=v]t }>.

     By induction on the structure of terms.

  unfold closed, not.
  induction t; intros x v P A; simpl in A.
    (* case t = x: *)
     destruct (eqb_stringP x s); eauto.
     inversion A; subst. auto.
    (* case t = t1 t2: *)
    inversion A; subst; eauto.
    (* case t = \x: T, t *)
     destruct (eqb_stringP x s); eauto.
     + inversion A; subst; eauto.
     + inversion A; subst; eauto.
    (* case t = true: *)
    inversion A.
  { (* case t = false: *)
    inversion A.
    (* case t = if t1 then t2 else t3 *)
    inversion A; subst; eauto.

  • Once we substitute away a variable with a closed term, we substitution with that variable is idempotent.
Lemma duplicate_subst : forall t' x t v,
  closed v ->
  <{ [x:=t]([x:=v]t') }> = <{ [x:=v]t' }>.
  eapply vacuous_substitution.
  apply subst_not_afi.

  • We can commute the order of substitution if the variables we are substituting away are distinct.
Lemma swap_subst : forall t x x1 v v1,
  x <> x1 ->
  closed v ->
  closed v1 ->
  <{ [x1:=v1]([x:=v]t) }> = <{ [x:=v]([x1:=v1]t) }>.

      By induction on the structure of terms.

 induction t; intros; simpl.
  { (* case t = x: *)
    destruct (eqb_stringP x s); destruct (eqb_stringP x1 s).
    + subst.
      exfalso; eauto.
    + subst.
      rewrite <- eqb_string_refl.
      apply subst_closed; eauto.
    + subst.
      rewrite <- eqb_string_refl.
      rewrite subst_closed; eauto.
    + simpl.
      rewrite false_eqb_string; eauto.
      rewrite false_eqb_string; eauto.
  { (* case t = t1 t2: *)
    rewrite IHt1; eauto.
    rewrite IHt2; eauto.
  { (* case t = \x: T, t *)
    destruct (eqb_stringP x s); destruct (eqb_stringP x1 s); subst.
    + contradiction.
    + simpl.
      rewrite <- eqb_string_refl.
      destruct (eqb_stringP x1 s); auto; try contradiction.
    + simpl.
      rewrite <- eqb_string_refl.
      destruct (eqb_stringP x s); auto; try contradiction.
    + simpl.
      destruct (eqb_stringP x s); auto; try contradiction.
      destruct (eqb_stringP x1 s); auto; try contradiction.
      assert (x1 <> x) by auto.
      rewrite IHt; eauto.
  { (* case t = true *)
  { (* case t = false *)
  { (* case t = if t1 then t2 else t3 *)
    rewrite IHt1; eauto.
    rewrite IHt2; eauto.
    rewrite IHt3; eauto.

A Series of Multi-Substitution Lemmas

  • Similar to the lecture on type inference, we'll need to extend lemmas on substitutions to multi-substitutions.
  • Multi-substitutions in a closed term are idempotent, i.e.,
    γ(t) = t whenever t is closed.
Lemma msubst_closed:
  forall t, closed t ->
  forall ss, msubst ss t = t.
  induction ss.
  destruct a.
  rewrite subst_closed; assumption.

Closed Environments


       closed_env empty

        closed t   closed_env ρ
       closed_env (ρ, x: t)

Fixpoint closed_env (env:env) :=
  match env with
  | nil => True
  | (x,t)::env' => closed t /\ closed_env env'

Substitution Commutes?


     γ(x := vt) = x := v((γ\x)(t)) whenever v and γ are closed.

     (γ\x) means remove x from γ.

Lemma subst_msubst: forall env x v t,
 closed v ->
 closed_env env ->
 msubst env <{ [x:=v]t }> = <{ [x:=v] { msubst (drop x env) t } }> .
  induction env0; intros; auto.
  destruct a.
  inversion H0.
  destruct (eqb_stringP s x).
  - subst. rewrite duplicate_subst; auto.
  - simpl. rewrite swap_subst; eauto.


Linking Concrete Environments with Contexts

  • Similar to how we needed a store typing to connect the types at locations with a concrete store, we'll need *instantiations* to connect concrete environments with typing contexts.

γ ⊧ Γ

  • We define instantiations inductively now.

   ------------------ V_nil
      empty ⊧ empty

      value v   γ ⊧ Γ   v ∈ R_{T}(v)
   ----------------------------------- V_cons
            γ, x: v ⊧ Γ, x: T


Inductive instantiation : tass -> env -> Prop :=
| V_nil :
  instantiation nil nil
| V_cons : forall x T v c e,
  value v ->
  R T v ->
  instantiation c e ->
  instantiation ((x,T)::c) ((x,v)::e).



   (γ, x: v) ⊧ (Γ, x: T) ->
   γ ⊧ Γ
   We'll need this in lambda abstraction case.


Lemma instantiation_drop : forall c env,
  instantiation c env ->
  forall x, instantiation (drop x c) (drop x env).
  intros c e V.
  induction V.
    intros. simpl. constructor.
    intros. unfold drop.
    destruct (eqb_string x x0); auto.
    constructor; eauto.

Domains Match

  • If γ ⊧ Γ then every variable in Γ corresponds to a value in γ.
Lemma instantiation_domains_match: forall {c} {e},
  instantiation c e ->
  forall {x} {T},
    lookup x c = Some T ->
    exists t, lookup x e = Some t.
  intros c e V. induction V; intros x0 T0 C.
  inversion C.
  simpl in *.
  destruct (eqb_string x x0); eauto.

  • If γ ⊧ Γ then γ is a closed environment.
  • This makes sense: every value bound in γ satisfies R{T} at the appropriate type, so it should be closed.
Lemma instantiation_env_closed : forall c e,
  instantiation c e ->
  closed_env e.
  intros c e V; induction V; intros.
    unfold closed_env.
    fold closed_env.
    split; [|assumption].
    eapply typable_empty__closed.
    eapply R_typable_empty; eauto.

  • If γ ⊧ Γ then the domains of Γ and γ and every value in γ is in R{T} at the appropriate type T.
  • This is a combination of instantiation_domain_closed and instantiation_env_closed.
Lemma instantiation_R : forall c e,
  instantiation c e ->
  forall x t T,
    lookup x c = Some T ->
    lookup x e = Some t ->
    R T t.
  intros c e V. induction V; intros x' t' T' G E.
    inversion G.
    unfold lookup in *.
    destruct (eqb_string x x').
    + inversion G; inversion E; subst; eauto.
    + eauto.

Preservation of Types under Substitution

  • If γ ⊧ Γ and Γ ⊢ t: S then Γ ⊢ γ(t): S.
  • As we we might expect, it uses the lemma we used for preservation: that substitution preserves typing.
Lemma msubst_preserves_typing : forall c e,
  instantiation c e ->
  forall Gamma t S, (mupdate Gamma c) t \in S ->
    Gamma { (msubst e t) } \in S.
  induction 1; intros.
    simpl in H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H2. simpl.
    apply IHinstantiation.
    eapply substitution_preserves_typing; eauto.
    apply (R_typable_empty H0).

Back to the Fundamental Lemma

Reminder of the proof strategy of strong-normalization of STLC. 1. empty ⊢ t: T -> R{T}(t) 2. R{T}(t) -> halts(t)
  • 2 was easy because we baked in the condition into R{T}.
  • We got stuck on 1, which is we needed to prove a stronger statement called the *Fundamental Lemma*:
    Γ ⊢ t: T -> γ ⊧ Γ -> R{T}(γ(t))
  • 1 is a consequence of the Fundamental Lemma.
  • To prove the Fundamental Lemma, we will need several congruence lemmas that look very similar to the ones we used for showing normalization of a language without functions.
  • You don't get something for nothing! We are proving something stronger and so we should expect that we also need to prove something similar as well.

Familiar congruence lemmas

Lemma multistep_App2 : forall v t t',
  value v ->
  (t -->* t') ->
  <{ v t }> -->* <{ v t' }>.
  intros v t t' V STM.
  induction STM; eauto.

Lemma multistep_IfTrue : forall t2 t2' t3,
  t2 -->* t2' ->
  <{ if true then t2 else t3 }> -->* <{ t2' }>.
  intros t2 t2' t3 STM.
  induction STM; eauto.

Lemma multistep_IfFalse : forall t2 t3 t3',
  t3 -->* t3' ->
  <{ if false then t2 else t3 }> -->* <{ t3' }>.
  intros t2 t2' t3 STM.
  induction STM; eauto.

A series of msubst lemmas per constructor

  • When proving normalization of the arithmetic language, we did not have functions and variables.
  • Hence, we did not need these substitution lemmas below.
  • We now get to use all the work that we did on substitutions and instantiations.
γ(x) = γx when x is in γ = x otherwise
Lemma msubst_var: forall ss x,
 closed_env ss ->
   msubst ss (tm_var x) =
   match lookup x ss with
   | Some t => t
   | None => tm_var x
  induction ss; intros; auto.
  destruct a.
  destruct (eqb_string s x).
  apply msubst_closed.
  inversion H; auto.
  apply IHss.
  inversion H; auto.

(* γ(\x: T, t) = \x: T, (γ\x)(t) *)
Lemma msubst_abs: forall ss x T t,
  msubst ss <{ \ x : T, t }> = <{ \x : T, {msubst (drop x ss) t} }>.
  induction ss; intros; auto.
  destruct a.
  destruct (eqb_string s x); simpl; auto.

(* γ(t1 t2) = γ(t1) γ(t2) *)
Lemma msubst_app : forall ss t1 t2,
  msubst ss <{ t1 t2 }> = <{ {msubst ss t1} ({msubst ss t2}) }>.
 induction ss; intros; auto.
 destruct a.
 rewrite <- IHss.

(* γ(true) = true *)
Lemma msubst_true: forall ss,
  msubst ss <{ true }> = <{ true }>.
  induction ss; intros; auto.
  destruct a.

(* γ(false) = false *)
Lemma msubst_false: forall ss,
  msubst ss <{ false }> = <{ false }>.
  induction ss; intros; auto.
  destruct a.

(* γ(if t1 then t2 else t3) = if γ(t1) then γ(t2) else γ(t3) *)
Lemma msubst_if: forall ss t1 t2 t3,
  msubst ss <{ if t1 then t2 else t3 }> = <{ if {msubst ss t1} then {msubst ss t2} else {msubst ss t3} }>.
  induction ss; intros; auto.
  destruct a.
  rewrite IHss.

The Fundamental Lemma

    Γ ⊢ t: T -> γ ⊧ Γ -> R_{T}(γ(t))

Lemma msubst_R : forall c env t T,
  (mupdate empty c) t \in T ->
  instantiation c env ->
  R T (msubst env t).
  intros c env0 t T HT V.
  generalize dependent env0.
  (* We need to generalize the hypothesis a bit before setting up the induction. *)
  remember (mupdate empty c) as Gamma.
  assert (forall x, Gamma x = lookup x c). {
    intros. rewrite HeqGamma. rewrite mupdate_lookup. auto.
  clear HeqGamma.
  generalize dependent c.

  (* By induction on the Typing Derivation *)
  induction HT; intros.
    (*          Γ(x) = T
       case  --------------- T_Var
                Γ ⊢ x: T

       We need to show R_{T}(γ(x)).
       Equivalently, we need to show 
       1. empty ⊢ γ(x) : T
       2. halts γ(x).

       Since γ ⊧ Γ, we have that γ(x) satisfies R_{T}(x) by instantiation_R.
       Thus this proves 1 and 2.

    rewrite H0 in H.
    destruct (instantiation_domains_match V H) as [t P].
    eapply instantiation_R; eauto.
    rewrite msubst_var.
    + rewrite P. auto.
    + eapply instantiation_env_closed; eauto.
    (*           Γ, x: T2 ⊢ t1 : T1
       case  --------------------------- T_Abs
              Γ ⊢ \x: T2, t1: T2 -> T1

       We need to show R_{T2 -> T1}(γ(\x: T2, t1)).
       Equivalently we need to show R_{T2 -> T1}(\x: T2, (γ\x)(t1)).

    rewrite msubst_abs.

        First we show an intermediate fact:

        empty ⊢ \x : T2, (γ\x)(t1) : T2 -> T1

        This follows by all the properties of γ we have established before.

    assert (WT : empty \x : T2, {msubst (drop x env0) t1 } \in (T2 -> T1) ).
    { eapply T_Abs.
      eapply msubst_preserves_typing.
        eapply instantiation_drop; eauto.
      eapply context_invariance.
        apply HT.
      unfold update, t_update. rewrite mupdate_drop. destruct (eqb_stringP x x0).
      + auto.
      + rewrite H.
        clear - c n. induction c.
        simpl. rewrite false_eqb_string; auto.
        simpl. destruct a. unfold update, t_update.
        destruct (eqb_string s x0); auto.

       We equivalently show 
       1. empty ⊢ \x: T2, (γ\x)(t1) : T2 -> T1
       2. halts (\x: T2, (γ\x)(t1))
       3. R_{T2}(s) -> R_{T1}((\x: T2, (γ\x)(t1)) s) for any s.

    unfold R. fold R. split.
         This follows by the intermediate fact.

         A lambda is a value and values halt.

      apply value_halts.
      apply v_abs.
         All the hard work we put into setting up the logical relation
         comes down to making the proof work in item 3.


          We have that R_{T2}(s) so we know that there is some value v that
          s -->* v.
          By forward reduction, we have that R_{T2}(v).

      destruct (R_halts H0) as [v [P Q]].
      pose proof (multistep_preserves_R _ _ _ P H0).

         We now need to show that R_{T1}(\x: T2, (γ\x)(t1)).
         This holds by backward reduction!

      apply multistep_preserves_R' with (msubst ((x,v)::env0) t1).
        eapply T_App. eauto.
        apply R_typable_empty; auto.
        eapply multi_trans.
        eapply multistep_App2; eauto.
        eapply multi_R.
        rewrite subst_msubst.
        eapply ST_AppAbs; eauto.
        eapply typable_empty__closed.
        apply (R_typable_empty H1).
        eapply instantiation_env_closed; eauto.
      eapply (IHHT ((x,T2)::c)).
      intros. unfold update, t_update, lookup.
      destruct (eqb_string x x0); auto.
      constructor; auto.
    (*         Γ ⊢ t1 : T2 -> T1    Γ ⊢ t2 : T2
       case  ------------------------------------ T_App
                      Γ ⊢ t1 t2: T1

       We need to show R_{T1}(γ(t1 t2)).

       By msubst_app, we can equivalently show R_{T1}(γ(t1) γ(t2))
       This follows by our induction hypothesis.
       Note: this is where we got stuck last time!
       This case is now trivially solved by our inductive hypthesis.
       All the "pain" was transferred to the lambda case.

    rewrite msubst_app.
    destruct (IHHT1 c H env0 V) as [_ [_ P1]].
    pose proof (IHHT2 c H env0 V) as P2.
    fold R in P1. auto.
       case  ------------------- T_True
               Γ ⊢ true : Bool

       We need to show R_{Bool}(γ(true)).
       Equivalently, we need to show 
       1. empty ⊢ γ(true) : Bool
       2. halts γ(true).

    repeat split; auto.
    + (*
         Item 1 follows because γ substitution preserves typing.

      eapply msubst_preserves_typing; eauto.
    + (*
         Item 2 follows because γ(true) = true is a value and values halt.

      apply value_halts.
      rewrite msubst_true.
       case  -------------------- T_False
               Γ ⊢ false : Bool

       We need to show R_{Bool}(γ(false)).
       Equivalently, we need to show 
       1. empty ⊢ γ(false) : Bool
       2. halts γ(false).       

    repeat split; auto.
    + (*
         Item 1 follows because γ substitution preserves typing.

      eapply msubst_preserves_typing; eauto.
    + (*
         Item 2 follows because γ(false) = false is a value and values halt.

      apply value_halts.
      rewrite msubst_false.
     (*         Γ ⊢ t1 : Bool   Γ ⊢ t2 : T   Γ ⊢ t3 : T   
       case  -------------------------------------------- T_If
                    Γ ⊢ if t1 then t2 else t3 : T

    rewrite msubst_if.
    (* Exercise *)

Finally Strong Normalization

Putting the pieces together 1. empty ⊢ t: T -> R{T}(t) 2. R{T}(t) -> halts(t)

Theorem normalization :
  forall t T,
    empty t \in T ->
    halts t.
  replace t with (msubst nil t) by reflexivity.
  apply (@R_halts T).
  apply (msubst_R nil); eauto.
  eapply V_nil.

Type-Safety Using Logical Relations



  VBool := {true, false}
  VT1 -> T2 := { \x:T1, t | ∀ v ∈ VT1x := vt ∈ VT2 }


Print normal_form.

Logical Relation

  ET := { t | ∀ t', t -->* t' /\ normal_form(t) -> t' ∈ VT }



  safe(t) := ∀ t', t -->* t' -> value t' \/ ∃ t''. t' --> t''

Proof Setup


   1. empty ⊢ t: T -> t ∈ ET
   2. t ∈ ET -> safe(t)

   Γ ⊢ t: T -> γ ⊧ Γ -> γ(t) ∈ E_{T}


  • We introduced the idea of logical relations, a powerful proof technique that can be used to obtain a stronger induction hypothesis.
  • We saw how this technique can be used to show that STLC is strongly normalizing, i.e., that every well-typed STLC term terminates.