

  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/Lists.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/Poly.html


  • Last time, we saw that we could define basic data types in Coq including
booleans and natural numbers.
  • These data types are *syntactic* objects that have no *semantics*, i.e.,
meaning associated with them.
  • We had to prove proerties of those data types to show that booleans indeed
behaved liked booleans and naturals behaved like natural numbers.
  • Before we can explore the rich world of mechanized proofs, we will need to
get more comfortable defining complex data types and operations on them.

Goal for today

  • More data types in Coq including product and lists
  • Polymorphism in Coq
  • Higher-order functions in Coq

Pair of natural numbers

Module NatProd.

Inductive natprod: Type :=
| mkNatProd : nat -> nat -> natprod.

Check mkNatProd 0 2.

Check mkNatProd 20 13.

  • We can now make tuples with the *constructor* mkNatProd.
  • We may also refer to mkNatProd as an *introduction* form.
  • How do we compute with natprod? We may need a rule for *eliminating* them.

Definition fst (p: natprod): nat :=
  match p with (* we can pattern match even if there is only 1 case *)
  | mkNatProd n _ => n (* _ means we don't care what it is *)

Check fst.
(* ==> natprod -> nat *)

Compute (fst (mkNatProd 0 1)).

Definition snd (p: natprod): nat :=
  match p with
  | mkNatProd _ n => n

Check snd.
(* ==> natprod -> bool *)

Compute (snd (mkNatProd 0 1)).

  • Like our other inductive data types, we can check that natprod behaves like a product of natural numbers.

Theorem intro_elim1 :
  forall (n m: nat),
    fst (mkNatProd n m) = n.
  intros n.
  intros m.

Theorem intro_elim2 :
  forall (n m: nat),
    snd (mkNatProd n m) = m.

  • Another "natural" oepration to perform on products is to swap their elements.

Definition swap (p: natprod): natprod :=
  match p with
  | mkNatProd n m => mkNatProd m n

  • Like before, we should check that swap indeed has the behavior that we expect it to have.

Theorem swap_works1 :
  forall (p: natprod),
    fst p = snd (swap p).
  intros p.
  destruct p.

  • We should expect a symmetric situation to hold for snd p.
  • But before we do that, let's prove another theorem first.

Theorem swap_swap_idempotent :
  forall (p: natprod),
    swap (swap p) = p.
  intros p.
  destruct p.

  • Let's try to use swap_swap_idempotent to prove the other version of swap_works1.

Theorem swap_works2 :
  forall (p: natprod),
    snd p = fst (swap p).
  intros p.

  (* substitute all reference of fst p with snd (swap p) for any p *)
  rewrite swap_works1.

  (* substitute all references of swap (swap p) with p for any p *)
  rewrite -> swap_swap_idempotent.



  • We defined pairs of natural numbers.
  • This is an example of an inductive type that has only one constructor.
  • We saw an example proof where we use previous theorems to prove the current one.

End NatProd.

  • What is we want an arbitrary number of natural numbers?
  • We accomplish this with list data types.
  • Lists are a fundamental data structure. It can, for example, be used to model an idealized version of computer memory where the address is an integer index and the contents is a natural number. That natural number can be interpreted as encoding some value.

List Types

Module NatList.

Inductive natlist : Type :=
| nil : natlist
| cons : nat -> natlist -> natlist.

Definition ls1 := nil.
Compute ls1.

Definition ls2 := cons 1 nil.
Compute ls2.

(* 2, 1 *)
Definition ls3 := cons 2 (cons 1 nil).
Compute ls3.

(* 1, 2 *)
Definition ls4 := cons 1 (cons 2 nil).
Compute ls4.

  • As with natural numbers, we can define notation that will make it easier to work with lists.

Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l) (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).

Definition ls1' := [].
Compute ls1'.

Definition ls2' := [1].
Compute ls2'.

Definition ls3' := [2; 1]. (* Note that lists are built in reverse. *)
Compute ls3'.

  • We just defined an inductive datatype that we wish to interpret as a list.
  • As before, we need to define operations on that data type and then prove properties of those operations to show that the datatype can be interpreted with the usual semantics.
  • One of the first things we may want to do with lists is to take them apart.
  • The programming langauge for Coq, called Gallina, is a pure functional programming language. That means that every function in Coq must be total like a standard mathematical function.
  • We already run into a problem for getting the first element of a list, i.e., the head of the list.
  • Namely, what do we do for an empty list?
Definition head (default: nat) (ls : natlist): nat :=
  match ls with
  | nil => default (* return a default element for a list *)
  | hd :: tl => hd

Compute head 42 [].
Compute head 42 [1; 2; 3].

Definition tail (ls : natlist): natlist :=
  match ls with
  | nil => nil
  | hd :: tl => tl

Compute tail [].
Compute tail [1; 2; 3].

  • Some other operations we may want to perform on lists include getting its length and appending lists.

Fixpoint length' (ls: natlist): nat :=
  match ls with
  | nil => 0
  | cons _ tl => 1 + (length' tl)

  • We can also pattern match on our notation.

Print Nat.add.

Fixpoint length (ls: natlist) : nat :=
  match ls with
  | nil => 0
  | _ :: tl => 1 + (length tl) (* Question: what if we wrote S (length tl)? *)
                               (* Question: what if we wrote length tl + 1? *)

Fixpoint append (ls1 ls2: natlist): natlist :=
  match ls1 with
  | nil => ls2
  | hd :: tl => hd :: (append tl ls2)

  • Some helpful notation for appending lists.
Notation "x ++ y" := (append x y) (right associativity, at level 60).

Compute [1] ++ [].
Compute [1; 2] ++ [3; 4].
Compute [1; 2; 3] ++ [4].

  • It's time to prove some theorems!
  • Let's start with tail.

Check pred.
Print Nat.pred.

Theorem tl_length_pred :
  forall ls: natlist,
    pred (length ls) = length (tail ls).
  intros ls.
  destruct ls as [| hd tl].
  - (* ls = nil *)
  - (* ls = cons hd tl *)

  • What if we used - instead of pred?

Theorem tl_length_minus1 :
  forall ls: natlist,
    length ls - 1 = length (tail ls).
  intros ls.
  destruct ls as [| hd tl].
  - (* ls = nil *)
  - (* ls = cons hd tl *)

    Require Import Coq.Arith.Minus.
    Check minus_n_O.

    (* reflexivity no longer works! we need to use a theorem
       from the standard library. *)

    rewrite <- minus_n_O.

  • Formal proofs are finicky ...
  • On one hand, we used pred. On the other hand, we used - 1.
  • Semantically they are equivalent. But all the proof assistant sees is a bunch of syntax.
  • The cost of rigour is extremely high!
  • natlist is an example of recursive data structures.
  • append is a recursive function that operates on lists.
  • How do we prove stuff about list append?

Theorem append_associative' :
  forall ls1 ls2 ls3: natlist,
    (ls1 ++ ls2) ++ ls3 = ls1 ++ (ls2 ++ ls3).
  intros ls1 ls2 ls3.
  destruct ls1.
  - simpl.
  - simpl.
    (* Oh no, reflexivity does not work! *)

  • While induction on natural numbers may be familiar, induction on lists may be less familiar.
  • Recall that every inductive type in Coq comes with an induction principle.
  • Let's recall the natural number induction principal first.

Check nat_ind.
  forall P : nat -> Prop,                for any proposition P on natural numbers
  P 0 ->                                 if P holds on 0
  (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) ->    and if P (n + 1) holds assuming P n holds for any n
  forall n : nat, P n                    then we can conclude that P n holds for any n.

  • Now let's look at the induction principal for lists.
  • Notice how similar it is to the one for natural numbers.

Check natlist_ind.
  forall P : natlist -> Prop,            for any proposition P on natlist
  P   ->                               if P holds on the empty list
  (forall (n : nat) (n0 : natlist),      and if P (n :: ls) holds assuming P ls holds
    P n0 -> P (n :: n0)) ->                for any list ls
  forall n : natlist, P n                then we can conclude that P ls holds for any ls.

  • Let's compare and contrast the proof for + associative and append associative.

Theorem plus_associative :
  forall n1 n2 n3: nat,
    (n1 + n2) + n3 = n1 + (n2 + n3).
  intros n1 n2 n3.
  induction n1.
  - (* base case: n1 = 0 *)
  - (* inductive case: n1 = S n1 *)
    rewrite IHn1.

Theorem append_associative :
  forall ls1 ls2 ls3: natlist,
    (ls1 ++ ls2) ++ ls3 = ls1 ++ (ls2 ++ ls3).
  intros ls1 ls2 ls3.
  induction ls1.
  - (* base case: ls1 =  *)
  - (* inductive case: ls1 = n :: ls5 *)
    (* We now have an inductive hypothesis IHls1 *)
    rewrite IHls1.

  • It's the "same" proof!
  • Something to think about: how are naturals and lists related?

Fixpoint reverse (ls: natlist): natlist :=
  match ls with
  | nil => nil
  | hd :: tl => reverse tl ++ [hd]

Theorem rev_length_attempt :
  forall ls: natlist,
    length (reverse ls) = length ls.
  induction ls.
  - (* ls = nil *)
  - (* ls = cons *)
    (* We're stuck! We need a lemma. *)

  • Sometimes when we prove a theorem, we need a Lemma.
  • We need something about append and length.
  • It's best to come up with the most general theorem statement possible.

Lemma app_length :
  forall ls1 ls2 : natlist,
    length (ls1 ++ ls2) = (length ls1) + (length ls2).
  intros ls1 ls2.
  induction ls1.
  - (* ls1 = nil *)
  - (* ls1 = cons *)
    rewrite -> IHls1.

Theorem rev_length :
  forall ls: natlist,
    length (reverse ls) = length ls.
  induction ls.
  - (* ls = nil *)
  - (* ls = cons *)
    rewrite -> app_length.
    Require Import Coq.Arith.Plus.
    rewrite plus_comm. (* Using a "lemma" from another library *)
    rewrite IHls.

End NatList.


  • In our definition of head, we had to supply a default value.
  • We had to do this because Coq forces all functions to be total like in mathematics.
  • What if we want partial functions which are important in computation? We might get a partial function because of computational side-effects: errors, non-terminiation, etc.

Module NatOption.
  Import NatList.

  Print head.

  Inductive natoption : Type :=
  | Some (n : nat)
  | None.

  Definition head' (ls: natlist): natoption :=
    match ls with
    | [] => None
    | hd :: _ => Some hd

  Compute head' [].

  Compute head' [1; 2; 3].

End NatOption.


  • Up until now, we've just worked with products of naturals and lists of naturals.
  • In general, we can make products of naturals and integers. Or lists of rational numbers.
  • In other words, we'd like our data structures to hold any type T.
  • This is called *polymorphism*.

Module PolyList.

Inductive list (X: Type) : Type :=
| nil : list X
| cons : X -> list X -> list X.

Check list.
   ==> list: Type -> Type
   Notice how list is no longer Type but Type -> Type.
   In other words, we need to supply a Type.

Definition ls1 := nil.
Compute ls1.

Definition ls1' := nil nat.
Compute ls1'.

  • Compare ls1 and ls1'.
  • What's the difference in type?

Definition ls2 := cons nat 1 (nil nat).
Compute ls2.

Definition ls3 := cons nat 2 (cons nat 1 (nil nat)).
Compute ls3.

  • Our functions on lists now need this extra type argument as well.

Print NatList.length.

Fixpoint length (X: Type) (ls: list X) : nat :=
  match ls with
  | nil _ => 0
  | cons _ _ tl => 1 + length X tl

  • And so do our theorems ...

Theorem length_cons:
  forall (X: Type) (ls: list X) (x: X),
    length X (cons X x ls) = 1 + length X ls.
  induction ls.
  - simpl.
  - simpl.
    reflexivity. (* It's ok not to use the induction hypothesis! *)
                  (* This means we could have used destruct instead. *)

End PolyList.

Implicit Arguments

  • Benefit of polymorphism is that it lets us write really general data types.
  • Downside of polymorphism is that we have all these extra type arguments floating around.
  • Enter implicit arguments.

  Inductive list {X: Type} : Type :=
  | nil : list
  | cons : X -> list -> list.

  Check list_ind.

  • Notice that everything is the same.
  • We will just end up having extra syntactic support.

  Set Printing All.

  (* We can use the @ symbol to manually give the arguments *)
  Definition ls1 := @nil nat.
  Compute ls1.

  (* But Coq can infer it when the data type in the list can be inferred from context. *)
  Definition ls2 := cons 1 nil.
  Compute ls2.

  Definition ls3 := cons 2 (cons 1 nil).
  Compute ls3.

  • Rewriting the length function from before with implicit arguments.
  • Notice how many type arguments go away.

  Fixpoint length {X: Type} (ls: @list X) : nat :=
  match ls with
  | nil => 0
  | cons _ tl => 1 + length tl

  Unset Printing All.

  • This also works for Theorems.

  Theorem length_cons:
  forall (X: Type) (ls: @list X) (x: X),
    length (cons x ls) = 1 + length ls.
    destruct ls.
    - simpl.
    - simpl.

End ImplicitPolyList.

  • Of course, the Coq standard library has lists and theorems on lists.
  • Note that what we formalized is different.
Print list.
Check list.

Polymorphic Product Types

Module PolyProd.

  • We can of course quantify over multiple generic types.
  • We'll show an example with products.

  Inductive prod (X Y: Type): Type :=
  | pair : X -> Y -> prod X Y. (* compare with previous definition *)

Let's make the arguments implicit
  Arguments pair {X} {Y}.

  Print pair.
  Check pair.

  Check pair 0 true.
  (* ==> prod nat bool *)

  • Still can give the implicit arguments explicitly.
  Check @pair nat bool 0 true.

  • Notation still works.
  Notation "( x , y )" := (pair x y).

  Check (false, 20).
  (* ==> prod nat bool *)

  Check (true, nat).
  (* ==> prod nat Type *)

  Definition fst {X Y: Type} (p: prod X Y): X :=
    match p with
    | pair x y => x

  Check fst.

  Definition snd {X Y: Type} (p: prod X Y): Y :=
    match p with
    | pair x y => y

  Theorem surjective_pairing :
    forall (X Y: Type) (p : prod X Y),
      p = (fst p, snd p).
    intros X Y p.
    destruct p as [x y].

End PolyProd.

Higher-Order Functions in Coq

  • We'll now introduce the concept of a higher-order function.
  • This might also be called first-class function.
  • And is related to *anonymous function*.
  • In my opinion, this is one of the most important abstractions ever developed.
  • You may be wondering why we talked about products and polymorphism before we talk about a special kind of function. These concepts will appear when we talk about higher-order functions.
  • Before we get to higher-order functions, it's helpful to introduce the idea of an anonymous function first.

  Definition idNat (x: nat): nat :=

  Check idNat.

  Compute idNat 1.
  Compute idNat 2.

  • That was a lot of work to define an identity function.
  • In particular, we had to come up with a name for the function.
  • An anonymous function provides a way to write a function without giving it a name.

  Check (fun x: nat => x). (* idNat as an anonymous function *)
  Check (fun x: nat => x) 1.
  Check (fun x: nat => x) 2.

  • We can give an anonymous function a name by assigning it one.
  • If your language enables you to assign a function to a variable, then your language supports first-class or higher-order functions.
  • Note how the types change.
  Definition idNat' : nat -> nat :=
    fun x: nat => x.

  Check idNat'.
  Compute idNat' 1.
  Compute idNat' 2.

  • Wait ... can we make an anonymous function a body of another anonymous function?

  Check fun x: nat => (fun y: nat => y).
  Compute (fun x: nat => fun y: nat => y) 1.
  Compute (fun x: nat => fun y: nat => y) 1 2.

  Definition whatAmI : nat -> (nat -> nat) :=
    fun x: nat => fun y: nat => y.

  Definition whatAmI1 : nat -> nat :=
    whatAmI 1.

  Definition whatAmI2 : nat :=
    whatAmI1 2.

  Compute whatAmI.
  Compute whatAmI1.
  Compute whatAmI2.

  • And we can keep going for any natural n.
  • We have just arrived at higher-order functions.
  • Does whatAmI look familiar?
  • It's exactly snd for nat prod!
  • Higher-order functions or lambdas are extremely powerful. They can be used to formulate any computation. We have just stumbled upon what is called a Church encoding for pairs.
  • Let's add the polymorphism back in.

  Definition churchPair {X Y P: Type}: X -> Y -> (X -> Y -> P) -> P :=
    fun x => fun y => fun p => p x y.

  Definition churchFst {X Y: Type} : ((X -> Y -> X) -> X) -> X :=
    fun p: (X -> Y -> X) -> X => p (fun x: X => fun y: Y => x).

  Definition churchSnd {X Y: Type} : ((X -> Y -> Y) -> Y) -> Y:=
    fun p: (X -> Y -> Y) -> Y => p (fun x: X => fun y: Y => y).

  Check churchFst (churchPair 1 true).
  Compute churchFst (churchPair 1 true).
  Compute churchSnd (churchPair 1 true).

  • There is a deeper relation between higher-order functions and products.

  Locate "*".

  Definition curry {X Y Z: Type} (f: X * Y -> Z): X -> (Y -> Z) :=
    fun (x: X) => fun (y: Y) => f (x, y).

  Definition uncurry {X Y Z: Type} (f: X -> Y -> Z): X * Y -> Z :=
    fun p => f (fst p) (snd p).

  Theorem curry_uncurry :
    forall (X Y Z: Type),
    forall f: X -> Y -> Z,
      curry (uncurry f) = f.
    unfold curry. (* unfold tactic tells Coq to "unfold" the definition
                       in the context *)

    unfold uncurry.
    change (fun x y => f x y) with f.

  • Useful higher-order functions on lists.

  Fixpoint filter {X: Type} (predicate: X -> bool) (ls: list X) : list X :=
    match ls with
    | nil => nil
    | cons h t =>
        if predicate h
        then cons h (filter predicate t)
        else filter predicate t

  Fixpoint map {X Y: Type} (f: X -> Y) (ls: list X): list Y :=
    match ls with
    | nil => nil
    | cons hd tl => cons (f hd) (map f tl)

End HigherOrderFunctions.


  • We covered more data types in Coq including product, lists, and natural numbers.
  • We covered polymorphism in Coq.
  • We covered higher-order functions in Coq.