
Inductive Propositions, Relations, and Curry-Howard


  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/IndProp.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/ProofObjects.html


  • Last time we introduced the language of propositions in Coq. Propositions enable us to express logical claims. These claims could either by True or False
  • We then saw how we could use the proof system in Coq to prove if a proposition was True or False.
  • Finally, we saw that what distinguished a proposition from booleans was the notion of *decidability*. A general proposition does not satisfy law of excluded middle whereas a decidable proposition does. This naturally led us to consider the constructive nature of Coq.
  • Today will be the final part of our crash course into Coq before turning our attention to survey various computational models (machine + language).

Goal for today

  • Introduction to inductively defined propositions
  • Induction and proof trees
  • Arithmetic expression language + operational semantics.
  • Operational semantics for arithmetic expression language.
  • Introduce the Curry-Howard isomorphism.
  • Equality as an inductive type.

(* ================================================================= *)

Even as an Inductively Defined Propositions

  • We already saw that we could define inductive data-types
    Inductive nat : Set :=
    | O: nat
    | S: nat -> nat
  • We also saw two ways to define evenness on natural numbers.
Fixpoint is_evenb (n: nat): bool :=
  match n with
  | O => true
  | S O => false
  | S (S n') => is_evenb n'
Fixpoint is_even (n: nat): Prop :=
  match n with
  | O => True
  | S O => False
  | S (S n') => is_even n'
Definition is_even_ex (n: nat): Prop :=
  exists m: nat, double m = n.
  • Now we'll see how we can use inductive definitions to define evenness.
  • This will be our first example of an inductively defined proposition.
  • SEAR THIS EXAMPLE INTO YOUR MEMORY. We will use this over and over (and over) again.

Inductive ev' : nat -> Prop :=
| ev'_0 : ev' 0
| ev'_SS : forall (n: nat) (H: ev' n), ev' (S (S n)).

  • ev' is an inductive type that takes a nat and returns a prop.
  • ev'_0 is a constructor that returns the proposition ev' 0. We can read this as "I assert that 0 is even".
  • ev'_SS is a constructor that returns the proposition forall (n : nat) (H : ev' n), ev' (S (S n)). We can read this as "Give me a natural number n and a proof that ev' n holds and I'll assert that ev' (S (S n)) holds."
  • Here's another way to write it.

Inductive ev : nat -> Prop :=
| ev_0 : ev 0
(* different syntax for same concept *)
| ev_SS (n : nat) (H : ev n) : ev (S (S n)).

  • Question: why can't we write the following similar to list?
Fail Inductive wrong_ev (n : nat) : Prop :=
| wrong_ev_0 : wrong_ev 0
| wrong_ev_SS (H: wrong_ev n) : wrong_ev (S (S n)).

  • Writing (n: nat) makes it a *global parameter* which means that the argument to wrong_ev has to be the same in all cases.
  • Writing nat -> prop makes it an *index* which means that the argument to wrong_ev can vary in each case. This notion of an index will be important for talking about dependent types.
  • Question: why did we not write ev_SS: nat -> ev n -> ev (S (S n))?

Fail Inductive wrong_ev' : nat -> Prop :=
| wrong_ev'_0: wrong_ev' 0
| wrong_ev'_SS : nat -> wrong_ev' n -> wrong_ev' (S (S n)).

  • Recall that "A -> B" is shorthand for forall _: A, B.
  • In this case, we need the number "n".
  • This is an example of a dependent type, and we will discuss this more when we talk about the Curry-Howard isomorphism.

Theorem ev_4:
  ev 4.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply ev_0. (* Question: forwards or backwards reasoning? *)

Theorem ev_plus4 :
  forall (n: nat), ev n -> ev (4 + n).
  intros n.
  intros Hn.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply Hn.

Paper-Pencil Inference Rules

  • What's the mental model for the proofs above?
  • Let's take a detour to paper-pencil *inference rules*, i.e., how we would do this without a proof assistant.

Inductively defined sets

  We can define _inductively defined sets_ as follows:


                         (empty premise)
      ---------------    (name of rule)
          a \in S        (conclusion)

    This axiom asserts that the element a is always in the set S.

    (Inference Rule)

      a_1 \in S .... a_n \in S   (premise)
     --------------------------  (name of rule)
              a \in S            (conclusion)

    This inference rule asserts that if we can show that a_1 \in S, a_n \in S,
    then we can show that a \in S.


Example 1: Natural Numbers

    Suppose we are trying to define the set of natural numbers nat.


      --------------- O
        O \in nat    

    (Inference rule)

         n \in nat      
    ------------------ S
        S n \in nat       


Print nat.

Example 2: Lists


    Suppose we are trying to define the set of lists of type X.


      --------------- nil
       {} \in list(X)

    (Inference rule)

     x \in X   ls \in list(X) 
    ------------------------- cons
        {x, ls} \in list(X)

Print list.

Example 3: Even


      --------------- ev_O
          O \in ev

    (Inference rule)
          n \in ev      
    ------------------ ev_SS
      S (S (n)) \in ev  


Print ev.
(* notice we have Prop now! *)

Theorem ev_4': ev 4.
  apply (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)).

Proof trees


            ------ ev_0
             ev O
       ----------------- ev_SS
         ev (S (S (O)))
    ------------------------ ev_SS
      ev (S (S (S (S O))))


  • Question: why is this a tree?
  • Answer: eventually we may have rules that require multiple premises to be satisfied, in which case we will eventually get a tree out.
  • We will see an example of this later on.

Working with Inductive Propositions

Inversion on evidence

Theorem ev_inversion :
  forall (n: nat),
    ev n ->
    (n = 0) \/ (exists n', n = S (S n') /\ ev n').
  intros n E.

  (* Just like destruct on natural numbers or lists. *)
  destruct E.

  - (* E = ev_0 *)
  - (* E = ev_SS n *)
    exists n.
    apply E.

  • Theorems of this form are called inversion lemmas.
  • Intuitively, it is saying that if we build a proof of ev n, it must be constructed with informat either either from the premises of ev_O or ev_SS.
  • What properties of inductive types does this remind you of?

Theorem evSS_ev :
  forall (n: nat),
    ev (S (S n)) -> ev n.
  intros n E.
  inversion E. (* tactic inversion applies the inversion lemma and
                  removes trivial cases. For example, we know we cannot
                  be in the ev_O case. Why? *)

  apply H0.

Induction on evidence

  • Recall that all inductive types have an induction principle.
  • The same is true of inductive propositions.

Print ev_ind.

  • We'll need some definitions from our previous lecture.
  • You can run coqc lec_03_proof.v to compile the previous lecture.
  • Now we can use it.
Require Import lec_03_proof.
Print lec_03_proof.

Lemma ev_even_ex :
  forall (n: nat),
    ev n -> is_even_ex n.
  intros n E.

  (* We are performing induction on the evidence! *)
  induction E as [|n' E' IH].

  - (* E = ev_0 *)
    unfold is_even_ex.
    exists 0.
  - (* E = ev_SS n' E' with IH : Even E' *)
    unfold is_even_ex in IH.
    destruct IH as [k Hk].
    unfold is_even_ex.
    exists (S k). simpl.
    rewrite Hk.

Picture of Proof

  • Let's go back to the proof tree view.
  • What happens after we do induction on ev?

          -------------- ev_O or ev_SS
               ev n
       exists k, double k = n

    Case ev_O:

          -------------- ev_O
               ev O
       exists k, double k = O

    Case ev_SS:
     ------    -----------------------
      ev n'    exists m, double m = n'
    ----------------------------------- IH
       exists k, double k = S (S n')


Inductive Relations

  • In the same way that we could define

Inductive le : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
  | le_n (n : nat) : le n n
  | le_S (n m : nat) (H : le n m) : le n (S m).

Notation "n <= m" := (le n m).

Theorem test_le1 :
  3 <= 3.
  apply le_n.

Proof tree view


    ----------- le_n
       3 <= 3

Theorem test_le2 :
  3 <= 6.
  apply le_S.
  apply le_S.
  apply le_S.
  apply le_n.

Proof tree view


    ----------- le_n
      3 <= 3
    ----------- le_S
      3 <= 4
    ----------- le_S
      3 <= 5
    ----------- le_S
      3 <= 6

Theorem test_le3 :
  (2 <= 1) -> 2 + 2 = 5.
  intros H.
  inversion H.
  inversion H2.

Proof tree view


          ----------- (contradiction, neither le_n nor le_S apply, so we can't build this)
            2 <= 0
          ----------- le_S
            2 <= 1
    ----------------------- intros
      2 <= 1 -> 2 + 2 = 5


Arithmetic Expression Language

  • Let's define a grammar for a small arithmetic language.
  • You may think of this as a simple calculator language.

Inductive exp : Set :=
| nat_exp: nat -> exp
| plus_exp: exp -> exp -> exp
| times_exp: exp -> exp -> exp.

Print exp_ind.

Inference rule view


    ----------- nat_exp
     n \in exp

     e1 \in exp  e2 \in exp
    ------------------------ plus_exp
         e1 + e2 \in exp

     e1 \in \exp e2 \in exp
    ------------------------ times_exp
        e1 * e2 \in exp


  • Right now it's just a bunch of syntax.
  • What about its semantics?
  • Let's define it as an inductive relation!

Inductive exp_step : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| plus_reduce :
  forall (n1 n2: nat),
    exp_step (plus_exp (nat_exp n1) (nat_exp n2)) (nat_exp (n1 + n2))
| plus_reduce_left :
  forall (e1 e2: exp),
    forall (e1': exp), exp_step e1 e1' ->
                       exp_step (plus_exp e1 e2) (plus_exp e1' e2)
| plus_reduce_right :
  forall (n: nat) (e2: exp),
    forall (e2': exp), exp_step e2 e2' ->
                       exp_step (plus_exp (nat_exp n) e2) (plus_exp (nat_exp n) e2')
| times_reduce :
  forall (n1 n2: nat),
    exp_step (times_exp (nat_exp n1) (nat_exp n2)) (nat_exp (n1 * n2))
| times_reduce_left :
  forall (e1 e2: exp),
    forall (e1': exp), exp_step e1 e1' ->
                       exp_step (times_exp e1 e2) (times_exp e1' e2)
| times_reduce_right :
  forall (n: nat) (e2: exp),
    forall (e2': exp), exp_step e2 e2' ->
                       exp_step (times_exp (nat_exp n) e2) (times_exp (nat_exp n) e2').

Print exp_step_ind.

Inference rule view


    ---------------------- plus_reduce
     "n1 + n2" -> n1 + n2

            e1 -> e1'
    ------------------------ plus_reduce_left
     "e1 + e2" -> "e1' + e2"

            e2 -> e2'
    ------------------------ plus_reduce_right
      "n + e2" -> "n + e2'"

    ---------------------- times_reduce
      "n1 * n2" -> n1 * n2

            e1 -> e1'
    ------------------------ times_reduce_left
     "e1 * e2" -> "e1' * e2"

            e2 -> e2'
    ------------------------ times_reduce_right
       "n * e2" -> "n * e2'"


  • Our first property of the step relation is progress: either we reduce to a natural number or there is a step that we can take.
  • We will prove this by induction on the structure of the expression exp.

Theorem exp_progress:
  forall (e: exp),
  (exists (n: nat), e = nat_exp n) \/ exists e', exp_step e e'.
  induction e.
  { (* nat_exp *)
    exists n.
  { (* plus_exp *)
    destruct IHe1.
    destruct IHe2.
    - right.
      destruct H.
      destruct H0.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite H0.
      exists (nat_exp (x + x0)).
      apply plus_reduce.
    - right.
      destruct H.
      destruct H0.
      rewrite H.
      exists (plus_exp (nat_exp x) x0).
      apply plus_reduce_right.
      apply H0.
    - destruct H.
      destruct IHe2.
      destruct H0.
      exists (plus_exp x e2).
      apply plus_reduce_left.
      apply H.
      destruct H0.
      exists (plus_exp x e2).
      apply plus_reduce_left.
      apply H.
    destruct IHe1.
    destruct IHe2.
    - right.
      destruct H.
      destruct H0.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite H0.
      exists (nat_exp (x * x0)).
      apply times_reduce.
    - right.
      destruct H.
      destruct H0.
      rewrite H.
      exists (times_exp (nat_exp x) x0).
      apply times_reduce_right.
      apply H0.
    - destruct H.
      destruct IHe2.
      destruct H0.
      exists (times_exp x e2).
      apply times_reduce_left.
      apply H.
      destruct H0.
      exists (times_exp x e2).
      apply times_reduce_left.
      apply H.

  • You might have noticed that we could have given alternative semantics.
  • In particular, why bother with an inductive proposition at all?
  • Here's a sneak peak.

Fixpoint eval_exp (e: exp) : option exp :=
  match e with
  | nat_exp n => Some (nat_exp n)
  | plus_exp e1 e2 =>
      match eval_exp e1, eval_exp e2 with
      | Some (nat_exp n1), Some (nat_exp n2) => Some (nat_exp (n1 + n2))
      | _, _ => None
  | times_exp e1 e2 =>
      match eval_exp e1, eval_exp e2 with
      | Some (nat_exp n1), Some (nat_exp n2) => Some (nat_exp (n1 * n2))
      | _, _ => None

  • We might be interested in proving that such semantics are equivalent.
  • We'll save this for some other time.

The Curry Howard Correspondence

The analogy:

propositions ~ types proofs ~ data values
In other words, "proving a theorem is the same as constructing a term of the appropriate type".

Print ev_4.

  • A proof script is a more high-level way to build up a term of that type.

Theorem ev_4'' : ev 4.
  Show Proof.
  apply ev_SS.
  Show Proof.
  apply ev_SS.
  Show Proof.
  apply ev_0.
  Show Proof.

Forall/-> and functions

Theorem ev_plus4' :
  forall n,
    ev n -> ev (4 + n).
  intros n H.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply ev_SS.
  apply H.

Definition ev_plus4'': forall (n: nat), ev n -> ev (4 + n) :=
  fun (n : nat) => fun (H : ev n) =>
    ev_SS (S (S n)) (ev_SS n H).

Conjunction and products

Print prod.

Theorem proj1' :
  forall P Q,
    P /\ Q -> P.
  intros P Q HPQ.
  destruct HPQ as [HP HQ].
  apply HP.
  Show Proof.

Print conj.

Definition proj1'': forall P Q, P /\ Q -> P :=
  fun (P Q: Prop) =>fun (HPQ: P /\ Q) =>
    match HPQ with
    | conj HP _ => HP

Disjunction and sums

Theorem inj_l' : forall (P Q : Prop), P -> P \/ Q.
  intros P Q HP. left. apply HP.
  Show Proof.

Definition inj_l : forall (P Q : Prop), P -> P \/ Q :=
  fun P Q HP => or_introl HP.


Print ex_intro.

Check ex (fun n => ev n) : Prop.

Definition some_nat_is_even : exists n, ev n :=
  ex_intro ev 4 (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)).


Print True.

Fact p_implies_true : forall P, P -> True.
  apply I.
  Show Proof.

Definition p_implies_true': forall P, P -> True :=
  fun (P: Type) => fun (_ : P) => I.

Print False.

Fail Definition contra : False :=
  0 = 1.

Definition false_implies_zero_eq_one: False -> 0 = 1 :=
  fun contra => match contra with end.


Locate "=".

Print eq.

Lemma four: 2 + 2 = 1 + 3.
  apply eq_refl.
  Show Proof.

Print four.

  • We might wonder if Coq's definition of equality is too restrictive.
  • It turns out that it is (logically) equvialent to Leibniz equality.

Lemma equality_implies_leibniz_equality : forall (X : Type) (x y: X),
  x = y -> forall P: X -> Prop, P x -> P y.
  rewrite <- H.

Lemma leibniz_equality_implies_equality : forall (X : Type) (x y: X),
  (forall P: X -> Prop, P x -> P y) -> x = y.

  (* This part is the interesting bit of the proof *)
  specialize (H (fun z => x = z)).

  simpl in H.
  apply H.


  • We saw inductively defined propositions, induction, and proof trees.
  • We introduced an arithmetic expression language and operational semantics.
  • We saw the Curry-Howard isomorphism and equality as an inductive type.