05 - Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
- https://github.com/coq-community/reglang
- Last time, we ended our brief introduction to Coq.
- In particular, we briefly saw the idea of a small-step semantics, which gave us a way to model the behavior of a "machine".
- Today, we'll look at a very simple machine: a deterministic finite automata (DFA).
- DFA's can't express all computations, which will pave the way for Turing machines (TMs).
Goals for next two lectures
- Today:
- Introduce deterministic finite automata (DFA) as an abstract machine.
- Define the concept of a regular language using DFAs.
- Show that non-regular languages exists via the Pumping Lemma.
- Next time:
- Introduce regular expressions as the "language" corresponding to a DFA.
- Show the equivalence of regular expressions (REs) and DFAs via
non-deterministic finite automata (NDFA).
- Meta-goal: connect paper-pencil intution to the formalism.
- We will be using the ssreflect package (small scale reflection).
- This is a Coq library that gives extra notation + tactics for doing mathematics in Coq.
- ssreflect is used in many serious formal developments (e.g., Feit-Thompson).
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
- Please see: https://ilyasergey.net/util/ssreflect-manual.pdf which contains a good explanation of ssreflect.
- The long and short:
- => moves stuff from goal into context
- : moves stuff from context back into goal
Lemma subnK:
forall (m n: nat),
n <= m ->
m - n + n = m.
move => m n. (* intros m n. *)
move: m. (* generalize m. *)
move: n. (* generalize n. *)
move => m n le_n_m.
move: le_n_m.
(* move: n {2}n (refl_equal n). *)
move: (refl_equal n).
move: {2}n.
move: n.
move => n n0 eq_n_n0 le_n_m.
(* elim: n m le_n_m => |n IHn m => _ | lt_n_m. *)
elim: n m eq_n_n0 le_n_m. (* "induction n" *)
- move => m _.
- move => n IHn m lt_n_m.
Reglang formalization
- We are using the Coq formalization reglang: https://github.com/coq-community/reglang in this lecture.
- Much of the material in this lecture comes from this formalization.
- First we need to add the following path. You will need to change this for yourself.
(* Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
Require Import lib_reglang.
- Not that important ...
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Definition of DFA
- A DFA is a 5-Tuple (Q, \Sigma, \delta, s f) where
- Q is a finite set of DFA states
- \Sigma is an alphabet
- \delta: Q x \Sigma -> Q is a transition function
- s \in Q is a starting state
- F \in {set Q} is a finite set of final states.
- We'll start with a few of pictures of DFAs.
Pictures of DFAs
- A section is a Coq feature that lets us define universally quantified variables that are available throughout the section.
- Our first universally quanitifed variable throughout this section is char which stands for character. A character is a finType.
- finType stands for finite type: https://math-comp.github.io/htmldoc/mathcomp.ssreflect.fintype.html
- word is a list of characters.
- word's are finite.
Print word.
Print seq.
Local Notation word := (word char).
(* https://math-comp.github.io/htmldoc/mathcomp.ssreflect.finset.html *)
Check {set bool}.
Print seq.
Local Notation word := (word char).
(* https://math-comp.github.io/htmldoc/mathcomp.ssreflect.finset.html *)
Check {set bool}.
Record dfa : Type := {
(* Note that alphabet char is implicit in this section. *)
dfa_state :> finType; (* dfa states Q, dfa coerced to dfa_state *)
dfa_s : dfa_state; (* start state s *)
dfa_fin : {set dfa_state}; (* final states F *)
(* transition function \delta: Q x \Sigma -> Q
This is a small-step semantics!
dfa_trans : dfa_state -> char -> dfa_state
(* Note that alphabet char is implicit in this section. *)
dfa_state :> finType; (* dfa states Q, dfa coerced to dfa_state *)
dfa_s : dfa_state; (* start state s *)
dfa_fin : {set dfa_state}; (* final states F *)
(* transition function \delta: Q x \Sigma -> Q
This is a small-step semantics!
dfa_trans : dfa_state -> char -> dfa_state
- A DFA is a simple machine.
- It reads in a word and either accepts the string if it transitions to a final state or rejects the string if it does not.
- The set of words that a DFA accepts is called the language of the DFA.
- We'll define all of this now.
DFA Acceptance
Section DFA_Acceptance.
(* Recall this will be coerced to (dfa_state A) when appropriate *)
Variable A : dfa.
Implicit Types (p q: dfa_state A) (x y: word).
- Transitive closure with the transition function.
- Question: how does this compare or contrast with the inductive proposition approach?
Fixpoint delta (p: dfa_state A) (x: word): dfa_state A :=
if x is a :: x' then delta (dfa_trans p a) x' else p.
if x is a :: x' then delta (dfa_trans p a) x' else p.
- Properties of the transitive closure.
Lemma delta_cons (p: dfa_state A) (a: char) (x: word):
delta (dfa_trans p a) x = delta p (a :: x).
by []. (* ssreflect tactic done *)
delta (dfa_trans p a) x = delta p (a :: x).
by []. (* ssreflect tactic done *)
Aside on ssreflect
- // means try by <font size=-2>☐</font>.
- /= means simpl
- //= means simpl; try by <font size=-2>☐</font>.
Lemma delta_cat (p: dfa_state A) (x y: word):
delta p (x ++ y) = delta (delta p x) y.
(* generalize x. generalize p. induction x. *)
elim: x p.
- by [].
- move => a x IH p /=.
by rewrite IH. (* ssreflect for "rewrite IH. by " *)
Lemma delta_cat' (p: dfa_state A) (x y: word):
delta p (x ++ y) = delta (delta p x) y.
(* compactifying the previous proof *)
elim: x p => // a x IH p /=.
by rewrite IH.
DFA Acceptance
- We are now ready to define what it means for a DFA to accept a word.
- The idea:
- run the DFA to consume the entire word
- check if the final state of the DFA is an accepting state.
Definition dfa_accept (p: dfa_state A) (x: word): bool :=
- dfa_fin A: {set (dfa_state A)}
- \in is "set" membership
- recall that dfa_fin is a finite set
delta p x \in dfa_fin A.
accept_nil: If there's nothing left to consume, then we better be at a final state.
accept_cons: If we consume one character, then we should also
accept the DFA after we take that step.
Lemma accept_cons (x: dfa_state A) (a: char) (w: word):
dfa_accept x (a :: w) = dfa_accept (dfa_trans x a) w.
by [].
dfa_accept x (a :: w) = dfa_accept (dfa_trans x a) w.
by [].
Question: can you write down the inference rules for DFA acceptance
as an inductive proposition?
Excercise 1:
- Design a DFA with char {0, 1} that only accepts the word "101".
Exercise 2:
- Design a DFA with char {a, b, c} that accepts any number of a's followed by "bc".
DFA Language
- The language of a DFA is the language of the starting state.
- simpl_pred is a function from word's to bool, i.e., "decidable" predicate.
- pred x | dfa_accept (dfa_s A) x gives the boolean predicate fun x => dfa_accept (dfa_s A) x for a finite set.
Locate pred.
Definition dfa_lang: simpl_pred word :=
[pred x | dfa_accept (dfa_s A) x].
Lemma delta_lang (x: word):
(delta_s x \in dfa_fin A) = (x \in dfa_lang).
by [].
Definition accE := (accept_nil, accept_cons).
Check accE.
End DFA_Acceptance.
Regular Languages
- A regular language is defined to be the set of Languages that are accepted by DFA's.
- We will see next time that this is equivalent to *regular expressions*.
- We can convert the Type to Prop.
- Regular languages satisfy extensionality.
Lemma regular_ext (L1 L2: lang char):
regular L2 ->
L1 =p L2 ->
regular L1.
move => A HA B. (* intros A HA B *)
rewrite /regular. (* unfold regular *)
exists A.
move => w. (* intros w *)
by rewrite B.
regular L2 ->
L1 =p L2 ->
regular L1.
move => A HA B. (* intros A HA B *)
rewrite /regular. (* unfold regular *)
exists A.
move => w. (* intros w *)
by rewrite B.
Print tt.
Definition dfa_void :=
dfa_s := tt;
dfa_trans q a := tt;
dfa_fin := set0
Lemma dfa_void_correct (x: word) :
x \in dfa_lang dfa_void = false.
rewrite -delta_lang /=. (* rewrite <- delta_lang *)
Check inE.
rewrite inE.
by [].
Lemma regular0:
regular (fun _ : word => False).
exists (dfa_void) => x.
by rewrite dfa_void_correct.
regular (fun _ : word => False).
exists (dfa_void) => x.
by rewrite dfa_void_correct.
Operations on DFAs
- Build complement automata.
- Build boolean combinations of DFA (&& and ||).
- Design a DFA that accepts an even number of 1's.
- Design a DFA that accepts an odd number of 0's.
Complement automaton
- How will we build a complement automaton?
- That is, we need to build an automaton that accepts the complement of the words accepted by the original language.
Locate "~:".
Definition dfa_compl: dfa :=
dfa_s := dfa_s A1;
dfa_fin := ~: (dfa_fin A1);
dfa_trans := (@dfa_trans A1)
Definition dfa_compl: dfa :=
dfa_s := dfa_s A1;
dfa_fin := ~: (dfa_fin A1);
dfa_trans := (@dfa_trans A1)
Lemma dfa_compl_correct (w: word):
w \in dfa_lang dfa_compl = (w \notin dfa_lang A1).
rewrite /dfa_lang. (* unfold dfa_lang *)
rewrite !inE. (* repeat (rewrite inE) *)
rewrite /dfa_compl. (* unfold dfa_compl *)
rewrite /=. (* simpl *)
rewrite /dfa_accept. (* unfold dfa_accept *)
rewrite !inE. (* repeat (rewrite inE) *)
by []. (* trivial *)
w \in dfa_lang dfa_compl = (w \notin dfa_lang A1).
rewrite /dfa_lang. (* unfold dfa_lang *)
rewrite !inE. (* repeat (rewrite inE) *)
rewrite /dfa_compl. (* unfold dfa_compl *)
rewrite /=. (* simpl *)
rewrite /dfa_accept. (* unfold dfa_accept *)
rewrite !inE. (* repeat (rewrite inE) *)
by []. (* trivial *)
Definition dfa_op: dfa :=
dfa_s := (dfa_s A1, dfa_s A2);
dfa_fin := [set q | op (q.1 \in dfa_fin A1) (q.2 \in dfa_fin A2)];
dfa_trans := fun (x: dfa_state A1 * dfa_state A2) (a: char) => (dfa_trans x.1 a, dfa_trans x.2 a)
dfa_s := (dfa_s A1, dfa_s A2);
dfa_fin := [set q | op (q.1 \in dfa_fin A1) (q.2 \in dfa_fin A2)];
dfa_trans := fun (x: dfa_state A1 * dfa_state A2) (a: char) => (dfa_trans x.1 a, dfa_trans x.2 a)
Lemma dfa_op_correct (w: word):
w \in dfa_lang dfa_op = op (w \in dfa_lang A1) (w \in dfa_lang A2).
rewrite !inE. (* rewrite inE as many times as we can *)
rewrite {2}/dfa_op /=. (* unfold 2nd occurrence of dfa_op and simplify *)
(* elim: w (dfa_s A1) (dfa_s A2) => | a w IHw x y; by rewrite !accE ?inE /=. *)
elim: w (dfa_s A1) (dfa_s A2).
Locate accE.
Check accE.
- move => x y /=.
rewrite !accE inE.
by [].
- move => a w IHw x y.
rewrite !accE /=.
by [].
End DFAOps.
Lemma regular_inter (L1 L2 : lang char):
regular L1 ->
regular L2 ->
regular (fun x => L1 x /\ L2 x).
move => [A1 acc_L1].
move => [A2 acc_L2].
rewrite /regular.
(* Interesting step: what are we doing here? *)
exists (dfa_op andb A1 A2) => x.
(* Using reflection here! *)
Locate rwP.
Check rwP.
Locate andP.
Check rwP.
by rewrite dfa_op_correct acc_L1 acc_L2 (rwP andP).
regular L1 ->
regular L2 ->
regular (fun x => L1 x /\ L2 x).
move => [A1 acc_L1].
move => [A2 acc_L2].
rewrite /regular.
(* Interesting step: what are we doing here? *)
exists (dfa_op andb A1 A2) => x.
(* Using reflection here! *)
Locate rwP.
Check rwP.
Locate andP.
Check rwP.
by rewrite dfa_op_correct acc_L1 acc_L2 (rwP andP).
Lemma regularU (L1 L2 : lang char) :
regular L1 ->
regular L2 ->
regular (fun x => L1 x \/ L2 x).
move => [A1 acc_L1].
move => [A2 acc_L2].
rewrite /regular.
(* Intereseting step here: witness union with orb *)
exists (dfa_op orb A1 A2) => x.
by rewrite dfa_op_correct acc_L1 acc_L2 (rwP orP).
regular L1 ->
regular L2 ->
regular (fun x => L1 x \/ L2 x).
move => [A1 acc_L1].
move => [A2 acc_L2].
rewrite /regular.
(* Intereseting step here: witness union with orb *)
exists (dfa_op orb A1 A2) => x.
by rewrite dfa_op_correct acc_L1 acc_L2 (rwP orP).
- It may be unsatisfactory to see these proofs go through especially if we want a concrete DFA machine that witnesses that thes properties hold.
- Let's spend some time building such DFAs.
- Hint: the proofs should give you a hint as to what to do!
- Exercises
- Design a DFA that accepts an even number of 1's and an odd number of 0's.
- Design a DFA that accepts an even number of 1's or an odd number of 0's.
- Design a DFA that accepts an even number of 1's or an odd number of 0's, but not both.
Countable union of regular languages is regular.
- exists2 x, P x & Q x says that there is an x that satisfies P and Q.
Lemma regular_bigU (T: eqType) (L: T -> lang char) (s : seq T):
(forall (a: T), a \in s -> regular (L a)) ->
regular (fun (x: word) => exists2 a, a \in s & L a x).
elim: s. (* induction s *)
- move => _.
Locate regular_ext.
apply: regular_ext regular0 _. (* refine (regular_ext regular0 _). *)
split => //=.
move => IHcontra.
elim: IHcontra.
by [].
- move => a s IH.
Locate forall_consT.
Check forall_consT.
move => /forall_consT [H1 H2].
pose L' := (fun x => L a x \/ (fun x : word => exists2 a : T, a \in s & L a x) x).
apply: (regular_ext (L2 := L')); first by apply: regularU => //; exact: IH.
move => x.
rewrite /L'.
Locate exists_cons.
Check exists_cons.
exact: exists_cons.
End FA.
(forall (a: T), a \in s -> regular (L a)) ->
regular (fun (x: word) => exists2 a, a \in s & L a x).
elim: s. (* induction s *)
- move => _.
Locate regular_ext.
apply: regular_ext regular0 _. (* refine (regular_ext regular0 _). *)
split => //=.
move => IHcontra.
elim: IHcontra.
by [].
- move => a s IH.
Locate forall_consT.
Check forall_consT.
move => /forall_consT [H1 H2].
pose L' := (fun x => L a x \/ (fun x : word => exists2 a : T, a \in s & L a x) x).
apply: (regular_ext (L2 := L')); first by apply: regularU => //; exact: IH.
move => x.
rewrite /L'.
Locate exists_cons.
Check exists_cons.
exact: exists_cons.
End FA.
Non-regular Langauges?
- You might guess that there are non-regular languages.
- In other words, there are languages that a DFA cannot recognize.
- Attempt to construct a DFA that matches at least 3 1's or informally argue why it is not possible (see board).
- Attempt to construct a DFA that matches n 0's followed by n 1's or argue informally why it is not possible for any n (impossible).
- Attempt to construct a DFA that matches n 0's followed 1 followed by n 0's or argue informally why it is not possible (impossible).
- Attempt to construct a DFA that matches the same number of 01's followed by 10's or argue informally why it is not possible.
Hypothesis (a b : char) (Hab : a != b).
Local Set Default Proof Using "Hab".
Definition Lab (w: seq char) :=
exists n, w = nseq n a ++ nseq n b.
Pigeon-Hole Principal (PHP):
- Deceptively simple.
- Counting arguments are used a lot in computability proofs.
Claim: The language a^n b^n is not regular.
Suppose for the sake of contradiction that the language a^nb^n is regular.
Thus there is a DFA A that accepts a^nb^n for any n.
Fix n = |A| + 1.
Define a function f: {0..n} -> Q where f(x) = the state of the dfa after
x a's have been matched.
Then, by the PHP, we have that f(x) = f(y) for some numbers x != y.
By construction, the DFA accepts a^xb^x, which means it accepts the
string b^x from state f(x).
Since f(x) = f(y), the DFA also accepts a^yb^x, a contradiction.
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
p is the state of the DFA we are in after x 0's and y 0's have been matched
thus q matches x 0's and y 0's
r matches b^x by construction
thus this DFA matches both a^xb^x and a^yb^x
Suppose for the sake of contradiction that the language a^nb^n is regular.
Thus there is a DFA A that accepts a^nb^n for any n.
Fix n = |A| + 1.
Define a function f: {0..n} -> Q where f(x) = the state of the dfa after
x a's have been matched.
Then, by the PHP, we have that f(x) = f(y) for some numbers x != y.
By construction, the DFA accepts a^xb^x, which means it accepts the
string b^x from state f(x).
Since f(x) = f(y), the DFA also accepts a^yb^x, a contradiction.
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
p is the state of the DFA we are in after x 0's and y 0's have been matched
thus q matches x 0's and y 0's
r matches b^x by construction
thus this DFA matches both a^xb^x and a^yb^x
This proof does not exactly follow the proof above.
But it contains a similar idea.
Definition residual (L: lang char) (x: seq char): seq char -> Prop :=
fun (y: seq char) => L (x ++ y).
Lemma residualP (f : nat -> word char) (L : lang char) :
(forall (n1 n2: nat), residual L (f n1) =p residual L (f n2) -> n1 = n2) ->
~ inhabited (regular L).
move => f_spec [[A E]].
pose f' (n : 'I_#|A|.+1) := delta_s A (f n).
(* suff: injective f' by move/card_leq_inj ; rewrite card_ord ltnn. *)
suff: injective f'.
- Print card_leq_inj.
move /card_leq_inj.
rewrite card_ord ltnn.
by [].
move => [n1 H1] [n2 H2].
rewrite /f' /delta_s /= => H.
apply/eqP; change (n1 == n2); apply/eqP.
apply: f_spec => w.
rewrite /residual.
rewrite !E.
rewrite !inE.
rewrite /dfa_accept.
rewrite !delta_cat.
by rewrite H.
Lemma countL (n1 n2: nat):
count (pred1 a) (nseq n1 a ++ nseq n2 b) = n1.
by rewrite count_cat !count_nseq /= eqxx eq_sym (negbTE Hab) mul1n mul0n addn0.
Lemma countR (n1 n2: nat):
count (pred1 b) (nseq n1 a ++ nseq n2 b) = n2.
by rewrite count_cat !count_nseq /= (negbTE Hab) eqxx //= mul1n mul0n.
Lemma Lab_eq (n1 n2: nat):
Lab (nseq n1 a ++ nseq n2 b) ->
n1 = n2.
move => [n H].
by rewrite -[n1](countL _ n2) -{2}[n2](countR n1 n2) H countL countR.
Lemma Lab_not_regular:
~ inhabited (regular Lab).
pose f n := nseq n a.
apply: (@residualP f) => n1 n2.
move/(_ (nseq n2 b)) => H.
apply: Lab_eq.
apply H.
by exists n2.
End NonRegular.
Pumping Lemma
- Is there a more generic way to construct a counter example?
- Yes: this is given by the pumping lemma for regular languages.
Definition rep (T : eqType) (s : seq T) (n: nat) : seq T :=
iter n (cat s) [::].
Variable char : finType.
iter n (cat s) [::].
Variable char : finType.
- What is this lemma intuitively saying?
- If I land at the same dfa state after matching x, then I can match any number of repititions of x.
Lemma delta_rep (A : dfa char) (p : A) (x: seq char) (i: nat) :
delta p x = p ->
delta p (rep x i) = p.
elim: i => //=.
move => i IH H.
rewrite delta_cat.
rewrite H.
rewrite IH //.
Locate "/\".
Check nilp.
1. x ++ y ++ z is recognized by a DFA A
2. |A| < |y|
Then there exists words u, v, w s.t.
1. |v| > 0
2. y = u ++ v ++ w
3. x ++ u ++ v^* ++ w ++ y is recogized by A
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
q matches x ++ u
p matches v
r matches w ++ y
^ |
| |
| v
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
q matches x ++ u
p <-> p' matches v by PHP, and therefore, can match any number of v
r matches w ++ y
Lemma pump_dfa (A: dfa char) (x y z: seq char) :
x ++ y ++ z \in dfa_lang A ->
#|A| < size y ->
exists u v w,
[/\ ~~ nilp v, y = u ++ v ++ w & forall i, (x ++ u ++ rep v i ++ w ++ z) \in dfa_lang A].
rewrite -delta_lang.
move => H1 H2.
(* I'_n gives the set {0, ..., n}. *)
Locate "''I_' _'".
(fun i: {0, ..., |y|} => delta (delta_s A x) (take i y)) is not injective.
have /injectivePn:
~~ injectiveb (fun i : 'I_(size y) => delta (delta_s A x) (take i y)).
apply: contraL H2.
move => /injectiveP.
move => /card_leq_inj.
rewrite leqNgt.
rewrite card_ord.
by [].
f_{ij} contains the claim that we have two different strings that
get us to the same DFA state.
move => [i] [j] ij fij.
wlog {ij} ij : i j fij / i < j.
rewrite neq_ltn in ij.
case/orP : ij => ij W; exact: W _ ij.
(* y = u ++ v ++ w
= take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y *)
exists (take i y).
exists (sub i j y).
exists (drop j y).
split => [||k].
(* ~~ nilp v *)
apply: contraL ij.
rewrite /nilp.
rewrite size_take.
rewrite size_drop.
rewrite ltn_sub2r //.
rewrite subn_eq0.
rewrite leqNgt.
by [].
(* y = take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y *)
rewrite catA.
rewrite -takeD.
rewrite subnKC //.
- rewrite cat_take_drop //.
- rewrite ltnW //.
(* x ++ take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y ++ z \in dfa_lang A *)
rewrite inE.
rewrite /dfa_accept.
rewrite !delta_cat.
(* This is where we get the "cycle". *)
rewrite delta_rep.
- rewrite fij. (* *)
rewrite -!delta_cat.
rewrite !catA.
rewrite -[(x ++ _) ++ _]catA.
rewrite cat_take_drop.
rewrite -!catA.
by [].
rewrite -delta_cat.
rewrite -takeD.
rewrite subnKC //.
exact: ltnW.
Lemma pumping (L : word char -> Prop) :
(forall k, exists x y z, k <= size y /\ L (x ++ y ++ z) /\
(forall u v w, y = u ++ v ++ w -> ~~ nilp v ->
exists i, L (x ++ u ++ rep v i ++ w ++ z) -> False))
-> ~ inhabited (regular L).
move => H.
move => [[A LA]].
move/(_ #|A|.+1) : H => [x] [y] [z] [size_y [/LA Lxyz]].
(* Interesting step: witness using the DFA *)
move: (pump_dfa Lxyz size_y) => [u] [v] [w] [Hn Hy Hv] /(_ u v w Hy Hn).
move => [i].
exact /LA.
Lemma cat_nseq_eq n1 n2 (a : char) :
nseq n1 a ++ nseq n2 a = nseq (n1+n2) a.
elim: n1 => [|n1 IHn1] //=.
by rewrite -cat1s IHn1.
delta p x = p ->
delta p (rep x i) = p.
elim: i => //=.
move => i IH H.
rewrite delta_cat.
rewrite H.
rewrite IH //.
Locate "/\".
Check nilp.
1. x ++ y ++ z is recognized by a DFA A
2. |A| < |y|
Then there exists words u, v, w s.t.
1. |v| > 0
2. y = u ++ v ++ w
3. x ++ u ++ v^* ++ w ++ y is recogized by A
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
q matches x ++ u
p matches v
r matches w ++ y
^ |
| |
| v
---- ---- ----
|q |-> | p| -> |r |
---- ---- ----
q matches x ++ u
p <-> p' matches v by PHP, and therefore, can match any number of v
r matches w ++ y
Lemma pump_dfa (A: dfa char) (x y z: seq char) :
x ++ y ++ z \in dfa_lang A ->
#|A| < size y ->
exists u v w,
[/\ ~~ nilp v, y = u ++ v ++ w & forall i, (x ++ u ++ rep v i ++ w ++ z) \in dfa_lang A].
rewrite -delta_lang.
move => H1 H2.
(* I'_n gives the set {0, ..., n}. *)
Locate "''I_' _'".
(fun i: {0, ..., |y|} => delta (delta_s A x) (take i y)) is not injective.
have /injectivePn:
~~ injectiveb (fun i : 'I_(size y) => delta (delta_s A x) (take i y)).
apply: contraL H2.
move => /injectiveP.
move => /card_leq_inj.
rewrite leqNgt.
rewrite card_ord.
by [].
f_{ij} contains the claim that we have two different strings that
get us to the same DFA state.
move => [i] [j] ij fij.
wlog {ij} ij : i j fij / i < j.
rewrite neq_ltn in ij.
case/orP : ij => ij W; exact: W _ ij.
(* y = u ++ v ++ w
= take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y *)
exists (take i y).
exists (sub i j y).
exists (drop j y).
split => [||k].
(* ~~ nilp v *)
apply: contraL ij.
rewrite /nilp.
rewrite size_take.
rewrite size_drop.
rewrite ltn_sub2r //.
rewrite subn_eq0.
rewrite leqNgt.
by [].
(* y = take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y *)
rewrite catA.
rewrite -takeD.
rewrite subnKC //.
- rewrite cat_take_drop //.
- rewrite ltnW //.
(* x ++ take i y ++ sub i j y ++ drop j y ++ z \in dfa_lang A *)
rewrite inE.
rewrite /dfa_accept.
rewrite !delta_cat.
(* This is where we get the "cycle". *)
rewrite delta_rep.
- rewrite fij. (* *)
rewrite -!delta_cat.
rewrite !catA.
rewrite -[(x ++ _) ++ _]catA.
rewrite cat_take_drop.
rewrite -!catA.
by [].
rewrite -delta_cat.
rewrite -takeD.
rewrite subnKC //.
exact: ltnW.
Lemma pumping (L : word char -> Prop) :
(forall k, exists x y z, k <= size y /\ L (x ++ y ++ z) /\
(forall u v w, y = u ++ v ++ w -> ~~ nilp v ->
exists i, L (x ++ u ++ rep v i ++ w ++ z) -> False))
-> ~ inhabited (regular L).
move => H.
move => [[A LA]].
move/(_ #|A|.+1) : H => [x] [y] [z] [size_y [/LA Lxyz]].
(* Interesting step: witness using the DFA *)
move: (pump_dfa Lxyz size_y) => [u] [v] [w] [Hn Hy Hv] /(_ u v w Hy Hn).
move => [i].
exact /LA.
Lemma cat_nseq_eq n1 n2 (a : char) :
nseq n1 a ++ nseq n2 a = nseq (n1+n2) a.
elim: n1 => [|n1 IHn1] //=.
by rewrite -cat1s IHn1.
Example pump_Lab (a b : char) : a != b -> ~ inhabited (regular (Lab a b)).
move => neq.
apply: pumping => k.
exists [::].
exists (nseq k a).
exists (nseq k b).
repeat split.
- (* k <= size (nseq k a) *)
by rewrite size_nseq.
- (* Lab a b (:: ++ nseq k a ++ nseq k b) *)
by exists k.
- (* forall u v w : seq char,
nseq k a = u ++ v ++ w ->
~~ nilp v ->
exists i : nat, Lab a b (:: ++ u ++ rep v i ++ w ++ nseq k b)
-> False *)
move => u [|c v] w // /eqP e _.
exists 0 => /= H.
have Hk: k = size (u ++ (c::v) ++ w) by rewrite -[k](@size_nseq _ _ a) (eqP e).
rewrite Hk !size_cat -!cat_nseq_eq !eqseq_cat ?size_nseq // in e.
case/and3P : e => [/eqP Hu /eqP Hv /eqP Hw].
rewrite -Hu -Hw catA cat_nseq_eq in H.
move/(Lab_eq neq) : H.
move/eqP. by rewrite Hk !size_cat eqn_add2l -{1}[size w]add0n eqn_add2r.
End Pumping.
- We introduceed deterministic finite automata (DFA) as an abstract machine.
- In particular, we saw that the DFA transition function was a small-step semantics.
- We saw that DFAs recognize regular languages and that non-regular languages exists via the pumping lemma.