
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
From Coq Require Import Arith.PeanoNat. Import Nat.

Require Import lec_08_imp.


  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/Hoare.html
  • https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/Hoare2.html


  • Last time we looked at the IMP programming language which introduced the concept of programming with state.
  • Thus we got a "language" for programming TMs.
  • We then introduced it's small-step (machine-like) and big-step (evaluation) semantics. These different styles of giving semantics: small-step and big-step semantics.
  • We did a formal proof that big-step evaluation was deterministic.
  • Today we will introduce Hoare Logic.
  • Along the way we will see a 3rd style of semantics: axiomatic semantics.
  • Finally we'll show how to verify programs.

Goal for today

  • Introduce Hoare logic, including assertions and compositional rules (assignment, pre/post, skip, seq, if, while).
  • Introduce axiomatic semantics.
  • Show example program verifications with decorated commands.
  • Show how to extract verification conditions in an effort to automate verification.

Hoare Logic

  • Up until now, we've proven properties of entire languages / machines.
  • What if we wanted to prove a property of a single program in a language?
  • This is where *Hoare Logic* comes in. Hoare Logic is a logic that is designed to prove properties of programs.
  • Hoare Logic (and separation logic) is an active area of research.

The Basic Idea 1: Make assertions


   {{P}} c {{Q}}

  • P is a *precondition*, i.e., true before we run c
  • c is a command in IMP or a program/algorithm
  • Q is a *postcondition*, i.e., true after we run c

The Basic Idea 2: Compositional


    {{P}} c1 {{Q}}  {{Q}} c2 {{R}}
   -------------------------------- HoareSeq
          {{P}} c1; c2 {{R}}

  • For every construct in our language, we will have a corresponding set of assertions that we can make about it.
  • In this manner, we can prove properties of programs by following the structure of the program.

So we need to define two things

  • an assertion language
  • structural proof rules


  • First we need to be able to make *assertions* about programs.
  • What could we possibly say about an IMP program?
  • Well IMP programs take states and transform them into states.
  • So perhaps we can make assertions about states.

Definition Assertion := state -> Prop.

Example 1

st X <= st Y
The valued stored at identifer X is less than the value stored at identifier Y.
Definition assn1 : Assertion :=
  fun st => st X <= st Y.

Example 2

st X = 3 \/ st X <= st Y
The valued stored at identifer X is either 3 or the value stored at identifier X is less than the value stored at identifier Y.
Definition assn2 : Assertion :=
  fun st => st X = 3 \/ st X <= st Y.

  • Thus we have a shallow embedding!
  • We could have a deep embedding if we reified the language of propositions for Hoare logic as an AST. But this would be a lot of work.
  • In this case it is simpler to do a shallow embedding.
  • The downside of a shallow embedding is that now we have the power of Prop.

Example 3

st X = 3 -> st Y = 4
If the value stored at X is 3 then the value stored at Y is 4.
Definition assn3 : Assertion :=
  fun st => (fun st => st X = 3) st -> (fun st => st Y = 4) st.

Example 4

st X = 3 <-> st Y = 4
If the value stored at X is 3 iff the value stored at Y is 4.
Definition assn4 : Assertion :=
  fun st => (fun st => st X = 3) st <-> (fun st => st Y = 4) st.

Ignore me, notation for pretty assertions

Side Comment:

  • When working with shallow embeddings, it is useful to have powerful notation mechanisms.
  • In this case, we are going to use notation to make the shallowly-embedded assertion language as close to Coq's original syntax as possible.

Definition Aexp : Type := state -> nat.
Definition assert_of_Prop (P : Prop) : Assertion := fun _ => P.
Definition Aexp_of_nat (n : nat) : Aexp := fun _ => n.
Definition Aexp_of_aexp (a : aexp) : Aexp := fun st => aeval st a.
Coercion assert_of_Prop : Sortclass >-> Assertion.
Coercion Aexp_of_nat : nat >-> Aexp.
Coercion Aexp_of_aexp : aexp >-> Aexp.
Arguments assert_of_Prop /.
Arguments Aexp_of_nat /.
Arguments Aexp_of_aexp /.
Declare Scope assertion_scope.
Bind Scope assertion_scope with Assertion.
Bind Scope assertion_scope with Aexp.
Delimit Scope assertion_scope with assertion.
Notation assert P := (P%assertion : Assertion).
Notation mkAexp a := (a%assertion : Aexp).
Notation "~ P" := (fun st => ~ assert P st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "P /\ Q" := (fun st => assert P st /\ assert Q st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "P \/ Q" := (fun st => assert P st \/ assert Q st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "P -> Q" := (fun st => assert P st -> assert Q st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "P <-> Q" := (fun st => assert P st <-> assert Q st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a = b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st = mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a <> b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st <> mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a <= b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st <= mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a < b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st < mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a >= b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st >= mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a > b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st > mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a + b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st + mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a - b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st - mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.
Notation "a * b" := (fun st => mkAexp a st * mkAexp b st) : assertion_scope.

Lift predicate into assertion language.
Definition ap {X} (f : nat -> X) (x : Aexp) :=
  fun st => f (x st).

Lift 2-arity relation into assertion language.
Definition ap2 {X} (f : nat -> nat -> X) (x : Aexp) (y : Aexp) (st : state) :=
  f (x st) (y st).


  • Here are the previous examples with prettier notation.
  • Note that the quantification over state is implicit now.

Definition assn1' : Assertion :=
  X <= Y.

Definition assn2' : Assertion :=
  X = 3 \/ X <= Y.

Definition assn3' : Assertion :=
  X = 3 -> Y = 4.

Definition assn4' : Assertion :=
  X = 3 <-> Y = 4.

Hoare Triples

Hoare Triples

{{P}} c {{Q}}
  • P is a precondition and is written in our assertion language.
  • c is a command in IMP.
  • Q is a postcondition and is written in our assertion language.

Definition hoare_triple (P : Assertion) (c : com) (Q : Assertion) : Prop :=
  forall st st',
    st =[ c ]=> st' -> (* as a reminder, this is big-step evaluation *)
    P st ->
    Q st'.

  • Some notational support for writing Hoare Triples.
Declare Scope hoare_spec_scope.
Open Scope hoare_spec_scope.
Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" :=
  (hoare_triple P c Q) (at level 90, c custom com at level 99)
  : hoare_spec_scope.

Example 1

{{X = 0}} X := X + 1 {{X = 1}}
  • The command X := X + 1 transforms
  • a state in which X = 0
  • to a state in which X = 1

Definition hex1 : Prop :=
  {{X = 0}} X := X + 1 {{X = 1}}.

Example 2

forall m, {{X = m}} X := X + 1 {{X = m + 1}}
  • The command X := X + 1 transforms
  • a state in which X = m
  • to a state in which X = m + 1
  • Note that m is a Coq variable m and not an IMP variable.
  • This is possible because we have done a shallow embedding!

Definition hex2 : Prop :=
  forall m, {{X = m}} X := X + 1 {{X = m + 1 }}.

  • If Q holds, then it doesn't matter what P is.
Theorem hoare_post_true : forall (P Q : Assertion) (c: com),
  (forall st, Q st) ->
  {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  apply H.

  • If P never holds, then it doesn't matter what Q is.
Theorem hoare_pre_false : forall (P Q : Assertion) (c: com),
  (forall st, ~ (P st)) ->
  {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  specialize (H st).

Compositional Proof Rules

The Basic Idea 2: Compositional


    {{P}} c1 {{Q}}  {{Q}} c2 {{R}}
   -------------------------------- HoareSeq
          {{P}} c1; c2 {{R}}

   ... more rules mirror language constructs


(*** ** Assignment Proof Rules *)

Question: is this rule correct?


   ---------------------------- HoareAsgnWrong
    {{ True }} X := a {{ X = a }}




   ---------------------------- hoare_asgn_wrong
    {{True}} X := -X {{ X = -X }}

Actual rule

   --------------------------------- hoare_asgn
    {{ QX |-> a }} X := a {{ Q }}

Wait! That's backwards?

  • Upon first glance, this rule looks backwards.
  • If Q holds and I assign a to X, shouldn't the postcondition be Q with X |-> a?
  • As we saw with HoareAsgnWrong, this can't possibly hold because it doesn't hold when Q = True.
  • So let's reason backwards with what the rule is saying.

Wait! That's backwards?


  --------------------------------- HoareAsgnCorrect
    {{ QX |-> a }} X := a {{ Q }}

  • Q holds after I run X := a
  • And so QX |-> a should hold before I run X := a
  • Let's formalize this in Coq.

Definition assn_sub X a (P:Assertion) : Assertion :=
  fun (st : state) =>
    P (X !-> aeval st a ; st).
Notation "P [ X ⊢> a ]" := (assn_sub X a P)
                             (at level 10, X at next level, a custom com).

Theorem hoare_asgn : forall Q X a,
  {{Q [X ⊢> a]}} X := a {{Q}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  intros Q X a st st' HE HQ.
  inversion HE; subst.
  unfold assn_sub in HQ.

Example assn_sub_example :
  {{(X < 5) [X ⊢> X + 1]}}
    X := X + 1
  {{X < 5}}.
  apply hoare_asgn.

If you insist on a forward rule ...


              st' = (X !-> m ; st)
  --------------------------------------------- HoareAsgnFwd
       {{fun st => P st /\ st X = m}} 
                   X := a
   {{fun st => P st' /\ st X = aeval st' a }}

Theorem hoare_asgn_fwd :
  forall m a P,
  {{fun st => P st /\ st X = m}}
    X := a
  {{fun st => P (X !-> m ; st) /\ st X = aeval (X !-> m ; st) a }}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  destruct H0; subst.
    inversion H; subst.
    rewrite t_update_shadow.

    assert (forall (A: Type) (st: total_map A) X, (X !-> st X; st) = st).
      From Coq Require Import Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
      unfold t_update.
      apply functional_extensionality.
      unfold eqb_string.
      remember (string_dec X x) as Eqb.
      destruct Eqb; subst; auto.
    rewrite H1.
    inversion H; subst.
    rewrite t_update_shadow.
    rewrite t_update_same.
    rewrite t_update_eq.


  • Sometimes, our pre-condition and post-conditions are not in the shape we want them to be.
  • There is a sound way to accomplish this with strengthening pre-conditions and weakening post-conditions.
  • First we need some notation for implication.

Definition assert_implies (P Q : Assertion): Prop :=
  forall st, P st -> Q st.
Notation "P ->> Q" := (assert_implies P Q)
                      (at level 80) : hoare_spec_scope.
Open Scope hoare_spec_scope.

Strengthening pre-conditions

P' c Q P ->> P'
P c Q

Theorem hoare_consequence_pre : forall (P P' Q : Assertion) (c: com),
  {{P'}} c {{Q}} ->
  P ->> P' ->
  {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  intros P P' Q c Hhoare Himp st st' Heval Hpre.
  apply Hhoare with (st := st).
  - assumption.
  - apply Himp.

Weakening post-conditions

P c Q' Q' ->> Q
P c Q

Theorem hoare_consequence_post : forall (P Q Q' : Assertion) (c: com),
  {{P}} c {{Q'}} ->
  Q' ->> Q ->
  {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  intros P Q Q' c Hhoare Himp st st' Heval Hpre.
  apply Himp.
  apply Hhoare with (st := st).
  - assumption.
  - assumption.

Theorem hoare_consequence : forall (P P' Q Q' : Assertion) c,
  {{P'}} c {{Q'}} ->
  P ->> P' ->
  Q' ->> Q ->
  {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  intros P P' Q Q' c Htriple Hpre Hpost.
  apply hoare_consequence_pre with (P' := P').
  - apply hoare_consequence_post with (Q' := Q').
    + assumption.
    + assumption.
  - assumption.



     -------------------- hoare_skip
      {{ P }} skip {{ P }}

Theorem hoare_skip : forall P,
  {{P}} skip {{P}}.
  intros P st st' H HP.
  inversion H; subst.



       {{ P }} c1 {{ Q }}   {{ Q }} c2 {{ R }}
    -------------------------------------------- hoare_seq
               {{ P }} c1; c2 {{ R }}

Theorem hoare_seq : forall P Q R c1 c2,
  {{Q}} c2 {{R}} ->
  {{P}} c1 {{Q}} ->
  {{P}} c1; c2 {{R}}.
  unfold hoare_triple.
  intros P Q R c1 c2 H1 H2 st st' H12 Pre.
  inversion H12; subst.

Example hoare_asgn_ex2 : forall (a:aexp) (n:nat),
  {{a = n}}
    X := a;
  {{X = n}}.
  intros a n.
  eapply hoare_seq.
    (* right part of seq *)
    apply hoare_skip.
    (* left part of seq *)
    eapply hoare_consequence_pre.
    + apply hoare_asgn.
    + unfold assn_sub.
      unfold "->>".
      unfold t_update.
      simpl in *.



       {{ P /\ b }} c1 {{ Q }}   {{ P /\ ~b }} c2 {{ Q }}
    ------------------------------------------------------- hoare_if
               {{ P }} if b { c1 } { c2 } {{ Q }}

Definition bassn b : Assertion :=
  fun st => (beval st b = true).
Coercion bassn : bexp >-> Assertion.
Arguments bassn /.

Lemma bexp_eval_false : forall b st,
  beval st b = false ->
  ~ ((bassn b) st).
Hint Resolve bexp_eval_false : core.

Theorem hoare_if : forall P Q (b:bexp) c1 c2,
  {{ P /\ b }} c1 {{Q}} ->
  {{ P /\ ~ b}} c2 {{Q}} ->
  {{P}} if b then c1 else c2 end {{Q}}.
  intros P Q b c1 c2 HTrue HFalse st st' HE HP.
  inversion HE; subst; eauto.



              {{P /\ b}} c {{P}}
      --------------------------------- hoare_while
      {{P} while b do c end {{P /\ ~b}}


Theorem hoare_while : forall P (b:bexp) c,
  {{P /\ b}} c {{P}} ->
  {{P}} while b do c end {{P /\ ~ b}}.
  intros P b c Hhoare st st' Heval HP.
  (* while b do c appears in the evaluation above the line and so needs to be remembered *)
  remember <{while b do c end}> as original_command eqn:Horig.
  induction Heval; inversion Horig; subst.
    (* while false *)
    (* while true *)

Axiomatic Semantics!

What if we gathered all the rules together?

  • We would get another method to give semantics to programs, i.e., *axiomatic semantics*.
  • This follows from the compositional design of Hoare Logic!


     ---------------------- hoare_skip
      {{ P }} skip {{ P }}

   --------------------------------- hoare_asgn
    {{ QX |-> a }} X := a {{ Q }}

       {{ P }} c1 {{ Q }}   {{ Q }} c2 {{ R }}
    -------------------------------------------- hoare_seq
               {{ P }} c1;c2 {{ R }}

      {{ P /\ b }} c1 {{ Q }}   {{ P /\ ~b }} c2 {{ Q }}
   ------------------------------------------------------- hoare_if
            {{ P }} if b { c1 } { c2 } {{ Q }}

            {{P ∧ b}} c {{P}}
   ---------------------------------- hoare_while
    {{P} while b do c end {{P ∧ ~b}}

      {{P'}} c {{Q}}  P ->> P'
   ----------------------------- pre_strengthen
          {{P}} c {{Q}}

     {{P}} c {{Q'}}    Q' ->> Q
   ------------------------------ post_weaken
         {{P}} c {{Q}}

Example Verifications

Definition swap: com :=
  <{ Z := X;
     X := Y;
     Y := Z }>.

Goal: Swap is correct

   {{X <= Y}}
      Z := X;
      X := Y;
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Step 1

      Z := X;
      X := Y;
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Step 2

      Z := X;   
      X := Y;
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z}}
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Step 3

      Z := X;   
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z /\ X = Y}}
      X := Y;
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z}}
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Step 4

   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z /\ X = Y /\ Z = X}}
      Z := X;   
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z /\ X = Y}}
      X := Y;
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z}}
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Step 5

   {{X <= Y}}
      Z := X;   
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z /\ X = Y}}
      X := Y;
   {{Y <= X /\ Y = Z}}
      Y := Z 
   {{Y <= X}}

Theorem swap_is_correct :
  {{X <= Y}}
  {{Y <= X}}.
  unfold swap.
  eapply hoare_seq.
    eapply hoare_seq.
    apply hoare_asgn.
    apply hoare_asgn.
    unfold assn_sub.
    unfold hoare_triple.
    inversion H; subst; auto.

Swapping is correct 2


       X := X + Y;
       Y := X - Y;
       X := X - Y

Step 1

       X := X + Y;
       Y := X - Y;
       X := X - Y
     {{ X = n /\ Y = m }}

Step 2

       X := X + Y;
       Y := X - Y;
     {{ X - Y = n /\ Y = m }}       (assn_sub)
       X := X - Y
     {{ X = n /\ Y = m }}

Step 3

       X := X + Y;
     {{ X - (X - Y) = n /\ X - Y = m }}   (assn_sub)
       Y := X - Y;
     {{ X - Y = n /\ Y = m }}
       X := X - Y
     {{ X = n /\ Y = m }}

Step 4

     {{ (X + Y) - ((X + Y) - Y) = n /\ (X + Y) - Y = m }}  (assn_sub)
       X := X + Y;
     {{ X - (X - Y) = n /\ X - Y = m }}
       Y := X - Y;
     {{ X - Y = n /\ Y = m }}
       X := X - Y
     {{ X = n /\ Y = m }}

Step 5

     {{ X = m /\ Y = n }} ->>                                (weaken)
     {{ (X + Y) - ((X + Y) - Y) = n /\ (X + Y) - Y = m }}
       X := X + Y;
     {{ X - (X - Y) = n /\ X - Y = m }}
       Y := X - Y;
     {{ X - Y = n /\ Y = m }}
       X := X - Y
     {{ X = n /\ Y = m }}

Definition swap': com :=
  <{ X := X + Y;
     Y := X - Y;
     X := X - Y }>.

Theorem swap_is_correct' :
  {{X <= Y}}
  {{Y <= X}}.

Reduce to zero is correct

  • We now try to verify programs with a while loop, which requires us to identify a **loop invariant**.
  • This is pretty tricky to do in general.
  • This mirrors the trickiness of figuring out what to perform induction on.
  • Luckily for us, this first example is quite easy to do.


       while ~(X = 0) do
         X := X - 1

Step 1

       while ~(X = 0) do
         X := X - 1
     {{ X = 0 }}

Step 2

       while ~(X = 0) do
         X := X - 1
     {{ True ∧ ~(X <> 0) }} ->>   (weaken)
     {{ X = 0 }}

Step 3

       while ~(X = 0) do
         X := X - 1
       {{ True }}
     {{ True ∧ ~(X <> 0) }} ->>   (weaken)
     {{ X = 0 }}

Step 4

       while ~(X = 0) do
       {{ True /\ X <> 0 }} ->>
       {{ True }}
         X := X - 1
       {{ True }}
     {{ True ∧ ~(X <> 0) }} ->>   (weaken)
     {{ X = 0 }}


Definition reduce_to_zero' : com :=
  <{ while ~(X = 0) do
       X := X - 1
       end }>.

Theorem reduce_to_zero_correct' :
  {{X = 0}}.
  unfold reduce_to_zero'.
  (* First we need to transform the postcondition so
     that hoare_while will apply. *)

  eapply hoare_consequence_post.
  - apply hoare_while.
    + (* Loop body preserves invariant *)
      (* Need to massage precondition before hoare_asgn applies *)
      eapply hoare_consequence_pre.
      * apply hoare_asgn.
      * (* Proving trivial implication (2) ->> (3) *)
        unfold assn_sub.
        unfold "->>".
        exact I.
  - (* Invariant and negated guard imply postcondition *)
    intros st [Inv GuardFalse].
    unfold bassn in GuardFalse.
    simpl in GuardFalse.
    rewrite not_true_iff_false in GuardFalse.
    rewrite negb_false_iff in GuardFalse.
    Check eqb_eq.
    apply eqb_eq in GuardFalse.
    apply GuardFalse.

More complex loop invariants


    {{ X = m /\ Y = n }}
      while ~(X = 0) do
        Y := Y - 1;
        X := X - 1
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 1

      while ~(X = 0) do
        Y := Y - 1;
        X := X - 1
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>     (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 2

      while ~(X = 0) do
        Y := Y - 1;
        X := X - 1
        {{ INV }}                        (while)
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 3

      while ~(X = 0) do
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 }}             (assn)
        X := X - 1
        {{ INV }}                        (while)
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 4

      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}  (assn)
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 }}             (assn)
        X := X - 1
        {{ INV }}                        (while)
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 5

      {{ INV }}                          (while)
      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ INV /\ X ~= 0 }} ->>          (while + weaken)
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}  (assn)
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 }}             (assn)
        X := X - 1
        {{ INV }}                        (while)
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Step 6

    {{ X = m /\ Y = n }} ->>             (pre)
    {{ INV }}                            (while)
      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ INV /\ X ~= 0 }} ->>          (while + weaken)
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}  (assn)
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ INV X ⊢> X-1 }}             (assn)
        X := X - 1
        {{ INV }}                        (while)
    {{ INV /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (weaken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Guess 1

    INV = True

    {{ X = m /\ Y = n }} ->>             
    {{ True }}                           
      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ True /\ X ~= 0 }} ->>          
        {{ True X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}  
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ True X ⊢> X-1 }}             
        X := X - 1
        {{ True }}                        
    {{ True /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          (broken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Guess 2

    INV = Y = n - m

    {{ X = m /\ Y = n }} ->>                   (broken)
    {{ Y = n - m }}                            
      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ Y = n - m /\ X ~= 0 }} ->>          (broken)
        {{ Y = n - m X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ Y = n - m X ⊢> X-1 }}             
        X := X - 1
        {{ Y = n - m }}                        
    {{ Y = n - m /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Guess 3

    INV = Y - X = n - m

    {{ X = m /\ Y = n }} ->>             
    {{  Y - X = n - m }}                           
      while ~(X = 0) do
        {{ Y - X = n - m /\ X ~= 0 }} ->>          
        {{ Y - X = n - m X ⊢> X-1 Y ⊢> Y-1 }}  
        Y := Y - 1;
        {{ Y - X = n - m X ⊢> X-1 }}             
        X := X - 1
        {{ Y - X = n - m }}                        
    {{ Y - X = n - m /\ ~ (X ~= 0) }} ->>          
    {{ Y = n - m }}


Definition slow_subtract : com :=
  <{ while ~(X = 0) do
      X := X - 1;
      Y := Y - 1
     end }>.

Theorem slow_subtract_correct:
  forall m n,
  {{ X = m /\ Y = n }}
  {{ Y = n - m }}.
  (* Exercise! *)

Decorated Commands

  • In working out the verification of individual programs, we found it useful to decorate every intermediate command with an assertion.
  • If we want to make this explict in Coq, we can define in inductive type that formalizes this idea: a **decorated command**.

Inductive dcom : Type :=
| DCSkip (Q : Assertion)
  (* skip {{ Q }} *)
| DCSeq (d1 d2 : dcom)
  (* d1 ; d2 *)
| DCAsgn (X : string) (a : aexp) (Q : Assertion)
  (* X := a {{ Q }} *)
| DCIf (b : bexp) (P1 : Assertion) (d1 : dcom)
       (P2 : Assertion) (d2 : dcom) (Q : Assertion)
  (* if b then {{ P1 }} d1 else {{ P2 }} d2 end {{ Q }} *)
| DCWhile (b : bexp) (P : Assertion) (d : dcom) (Q : Assertion)
  (* while b do {{ P }} d end {{ Q }} *)
| DCPre (P : Assertion) (d : dcom)
  (* ->> {{ P }} d *)
| DCPost (d : dcom) (Q : Assertion).
         (* d ->> {{ Q }} *)

Inductive decorated : Type :=
  | Decorated : Assertion -> dcom -> decorated.

Ignore me, notation

Declare Scope dcom_scope.
Notation "'skip' {{ P }}"
      := (DCSkip P)
      (in custom com at level 0, P constr) : dcom_scope.
Notation "l ':=' a {{ P }}"
      := (DCAsgn l a P)
      (in custom com at level 0, l constr at level 0,
          a custom com at level 85, P constr, no associativity) : dcom_scope.
Notation "'while' b 'do' {{ Pbody }} d 'end' {{ Ppost }}"
      := (DCWhile b Pbody d Ppost)
           (in custom com at level 89, b custom com at level 99,
           Pbody constr, Ppost constr) : dcom_scope.
Notation "'if' b 'then' {{ P }} d 'else' {{ P' }} d' 'end' {{ Q }}"
      := (DCIf b P d P' d' Q)
           (in custom com at level 89, b custom com at level 99,
               P constr, P' constr, Q constr) : dcom_scope.
Notation "'->>' {{ P }} d"
      := (DCPre P d)
      (in custom com at level 12, right associativity, P constr) : dcom_scope.
Notation "d '->>' {{ P }}"
      := (DCPost d P)
      (in custom com at level 10, right associativity, P constr) : dcom_scope.
Notation " d ; d' "
      := (DCSeq d d')
      (in custom com at level 90, right associativity) : dcom_scope.
Notation "{{ P }} d"
      := (Decorated P d)
      (in custom com at level 91, P constr) : dcom_scope.
Open Scope dcom_scope.

Extracting Verification Conditions

  • Intuitively, we should just be able to erase the decorations without changing the meaning of the program.
  • We can write a function that gets rid of all the decorations.

Fixpoint erase (d : dcom) : com :=
  match d with
  | DCSkip _ => CSkip
  | DCSeq d1 d2 => CSeq (erase d1) (erase d2)
  | DCAsgn X a _ => CAsgn X a
  | DCIf b _ d1 _ d2 _ => CIf b (erase d1) (erase d2)
  | DCWhile b _ d _ => CWhile b (erase d)
  | DCPre _ d => erase d
  | DCPost d _ => erase d

Definition erase_dec (dec : decorated) : com :=
  match dec with
  | Decorated P d => erase d

  • Here is the previous reduce to 0 example.
  • We have decorated it with all the intermediate propositions and shown that erasing the decorations gets us back the original program.

Example dec_while : decorated :=
  {{ True }}
  while ~(X = 0)
    {{ True /\ (~ X = 0) }}
    X := X - 1
    {{ True }}
  {{ True /\ X = 0}} ->>
  {{ X = 0 }} }>.

Example extract_while_ex :
  erase_dec dec_while = <{while ~ X = 0 do X := X - 1 end}>.
  unfold dec_while.

  • We also be able to obtain the post-condition and pre-condition of the entire program.

Fixpoint post (d : dcom) : Assertion :=
  match d with
  | DCSkip P => P
  | DCSeq _ d2 => post d2
  | DCAsgn _ _ Q => Q
  | DCIf _ _ _ _ _ Q => Q
  | DCWhile _ _ _ Q => Q
  | DCPre _ d => post d
  | DCPost _ Q => Q

Definition pre_dec (dec : decorated) : Assertion :=
  match dec with
  | Decorated P d => P

Definition post_dec (dec : decorated) : Assertion :=
  match dec with
  | Decorated P d => post d

Example pre_dec_while : pre_dec dec_while = True.

Example post_dec_while : post_dec dec_while = (X = 0)%assertion.

Definition dec_correct (dec : decorated) :=
  {{pre_dec dec}} erase_dec dec {{post_dec dec}}.

Example dec_while_triple_correct :
  dec_correct dec_while
 = {{ True }}
   while ~(X = 0) do X := X - 1 end
   {{ X = 0 }}.

Verification Conditions

  • Now for the real reason why we want decorated programs.
  • We can use our compositional proof-rules to construct an entire predicate that must be true of our entire program, the **verification conditions**.
  • This will enable us to automate proving properties of our programs.

Open Scope assertion_scope.
Open Scope hoare_spec_scope.

Fixpoint verification_conditions (P : Assertion) (d : dcom) : Prop :=
  match d with
  | DCSkip Q =>
      (P ->> Q)
  | DCSeq d1 d2 =>
      verification_conditions P d1
      /\ verification_conditions (post d1) d2
  | DCAsgn X a Q =>
      (P ->> Q [X ⊢> a])
  | DCIf b P1 d1 P2 d2 Q =>
      ((P /\ b) ->> P1)%assertion
      /\ ((P /\ ~ b) ->> P2)%assertion
      /\ (post d1 ->> Q) /\ (post d2 ->> Q)
      /\ verification_conditions P1 d1
      /\ verification_conditions P2 d2
  | DCWhile b Pbody d Ppost =>
      (* post d is the loop invariant and the initial
         precondition *)

      (P ->> post d)
      /\ ((post d /\ b) ->> Pbody)%assertion
      /\ ((post d /\ ~ b) ->> Ppost)%assertion
      /\ verification_conditions Pbody d
  | DCPre P' d =>
      (P ->> P') /\ verification_conditions P' d
  | DCPost d Q =>
      verification_conditions P d /\ (post d ->> Q)

Theorem verification_correct : forall d P,
  verification_conditions P d ->
  {{P}} erase d {{post d}}.
  (* Why can we do induction on d? Compositional proof rules! *)
  induction d; intros; simpl in *.
  { (* Skip *)
    eapply hoare_consequence_pre.
      + apply hoare_skip.
      + assumption.
    (* Seq *)
    destruct H as [H1 H2].
    eapply hoare_seq.
      + apply IHd2. apply H2.
      + apply IHd1. apply H1.
  { (* Asgn *)
    eapply hoare_consequence_pre.
      + apply hoare_asgn.
      + assumption.
  { (* If *)
    destruct H as [HPre1 [HPre2 [Hd1 [Hd2 [HThen HElse] ] ] ] ].
    apply IHd1 in HThen. clear IHd1.
    apply IHd2 in HElse. clear IHd2.
    apply hoare_if.
      + eapply hoare_consequence; eauto.
      + eapply hoare_consequence; eauto.
  { (* While *)
    destruct H as [Hpre [Hbody1 [Hpost1 Hd] ] ].
    eapply hoare_consequence; eauto.
    apply hoare_while.
    eapply hoare_consequence_pre; eauto.
  { (* Pre *)
    destruct H as [HP Hd].
    eapply hoare_consequence_pre; eauto.
  { (* Post *)
    destruct H as [Hd HQ].
    eapply hoare_consequence_post; eauto.


  • We saw Hoare logic, including assertions and compositional rules (assignment, pre/post, skip, seq, if, while).
  • This gave us a third style of semantics: axiomatic semantics.
  • We saw example verifications of single programs.
  • Finally we saw how to extract verification conditions.